How to create your blog for free: step by step instructions. Top Blogging Platforms

How to create your blog for free? Step-by-step instructions can be found on each site, but it’s sometimes difficult to figure out what really works, and what points you can’t even take into account. Our article contains the most reliable information, so read and apply in practice.

What is a blog?

Page creation

Before searching for step-by-step instructions on how to create your blog for free, you need to understand why it is more profitable to start it, rather than an information site.

Let's start with the concept. A blog is a place in which a person can freely express his feelings, thoughts, talk about achievements in any form convenient for him. It could be:

  1. Text entries. From the very beginning, this was the only way to express yourself, but even with the development of technology and blogs, the text is still the most popular.
  2. Images. With the help of pictures you can very accurately convey all the important points.
  3. Video and audio recordings. Beautiful videos and music can interest as many people as possible.

The ancestor of the blog was an ordinary personal diary, where people wrote down events from their lives or shared their experiences. Over time, such online diaries have become a way of earning money, and it is not surprising that this has spread to the masses.

Why do you need to blog?

You can just read the step-by-step instructions on how to create your blog for free and do it, but it's better to understand the reasons and highlight your own.

So, for what reasons do people start blogging?

  1. Advertising. A blog can belong not only to a person, but also to some company. In this situation, the page will be united by one theme in order to attract potential buyers.
  2. News. The page is a good platform for journalists. Often people are interested in news from various fields, especially since the latest posts are displayed at the very top of the page.
  3. Personal thoughts. This approach is already considered traditional, because its main advantage has become the ability to share your own reasoning on a topic, and you can do this anonymously.
  4. Additional, and even basic earnings. Popular bloggers make good money on advertising. For this reason, many people start accounts, trying to attract as many people as possible.

What is the difference between a blog and a site?

Listing platforms

We can simply write step-by-step instructions on how to create your blog for free, but our goal is to help readers understand all the subtleties. Therefore, before creating a page, you must clearly understand the differences between the site and this web resource.

There are a lot of information sites now, and on various topics. There are those that talk about different areas, and there are ones intended for a narrow audience. As a rule, all web portals are similar to each other, and it is often not important for the average user where he will receive the information. This means that sites do not have regular readers.

A blog is considered a platform with regular followers who are interested in watching a person or learning something new. Its popularity depends entirely on whether people like the content or not.

An important difference is that with any number of blogs, everyone can find their audience. After all, people communicate in completely different ways, and someone may be hooked by the manner of communication, although the information is the same.

The site also has its advantages, for example, it is easier to sell if this type of activity is boring. Blogging is more difficult, although it all depends on the topic and the number of followers.

Choose a topic

How to create your own blog on the Internet? Before answering this question, you need to decide on the topic. It is the topic that plays a decisive role in the event that a person wants to make money on it.

To find the right idea, you need to remember several factors:

  1. The topic should be of interest to the author. Only in this case you get high-quality content.
  2. Demand. Nevertheless, do not forget about the demand, because the unpopular spheres will not allow you to make money on it.
  3. Efficiency in terms of using contextual advertising. The point is that the scope of the blog should overlap with the theme of advertising. For example, it will be strange if a beauty blogger advertises exotic condiments, and a person who supports bodypositive advertises means for hair removal or weight loss.
  4. The interest of advertising for direct advertisers. To make money through advertising, you must have a quality blog. This is due to the fact that the advertiser will rather cooperate with a person who is able to advertise the product unobtrusively than with the blogger who acts directly and aggressively.
  5. The presence and sufficient number of affiliate programs.

Before you create your blog on the Internet, we recommend that you deal with each of the items in more detail.

The author’s interest in the topic

This point is fundamental if only because only an inspired person can attract public interest. If you are good at something or have worked in some area, then why not start a blog?

Even more interesting, if a person leads him and he understands what is interesting to him. Both he and the audience see how the author grows and develops. It has long been proven that people are easier to perceive those who are willing to learn something and are not afraid to show failures.


Topic Definition

It doesn’t matter how you create a blog: on your own or with the help of the site builder, the main thing is that your topic resonates with people. The relevance of the topic can be traced to several sites:


On these pages there is a rating of topics that are of most interest to users. The list is divided into categories that allow you to find information much faster. For example, you want to share recipes or blog about cooking. On the site, select a specific category, and before you open a list of blogs and sites that occupy leading positions. After reading or browsing popular pages, you can understand what manner catches people and what is not enough on the Internet.

To understand how much people are interested in the topic, just look at the daily traffic to the page. You can also use the service. To do this:

  1. Enter a phrase or word that relates to your subject in the search box.
  2. See how many times other users tried to find the phrase.

It is important that there are at least several dozen attempts, only then can we talk about some kind of popularity.

Using contextual advertising

We repeat that it doesn’t matter, with the help of the site builder a blog was created or independently, it is much more important to correctly determine its content.

Contextual advertising has long gained popularity, so modern bloggers always look back at it. To check the effectiveness you need to use online services. One of the most popular is

After the site has opened, you need to go to the "Tools" section and select "Search Keywords".

By the way, in order to be able to use the resource, you must first register a mailbox in Google.

But we were distracted. In the search line, enter the subject of the blog or the words associated with the selected niche. After that, by clicking on the "Get Options" button, you will scroll to the bottom of the monitor. You can see the cost of one user click on advertising. This is done in the Recommended Bid section. Having these data, a person will be able to calculate the amount that will be credited to the account in cases when followers click on the ad.

It is important to understand that the contextual advertising service should be connected only when at least three hundred people visit your page per day. In other words, you should not first look for how to make a blog on Instagram, and after creating immediately connect contextual advertising. First you need to recruit more subscribers and reach as many people as possible.

As a rule, bloggers get a third of advertising, but there are services that offer much less. In this case, do not exchange high-quality content for 10-12%. Better to look for another topic.

Interest in the topic of direct advertisers

How to make a blog on Instagram, we will teach later, but for now consider this point. After the blog gains popularity or at least has regular subscribers, offers for advertising will begin. Moreover, advertisers may be other bloggers, companies or online stores. For a fee, you will need to place an advertising post on your page. For this reason, you need to think in advance whether the topic is interesting to such advertisers. As we said above, a sports blogger will be able to advertise food or sports equipment.

Partnership programs

Content Thinking

All the best blogging platforms work with affiliate programs. What it is? A blogger posts information on some services, products, products on his page and receives a percentage if the product was purchased using this service. You can find such programs in several ways:

  1. Analyze the pages of indirect and direct competitors. This will help you understand what exactly people are promoting on their blogs.
  2. View profile directory. There is a site, where you can find out about all relevant affiliate programs. There are also new directories that perform the same functions.

After you look through all the offers, you will understand how realistic it is to find an affiliate program.

Now you know everything about the topics for creating a blog, and therefore go directly to the instructions.

Where is it more convenient to start a blog?

It all depends on whether a person is ready to spend money on creating a blog or not. Under the free option to create you need to understand that a person chooses one of all the services presented on the World Wide Web. To create a blog, it is enough to register and you can fill it with content.

The paid option provides for the purchase of hosting and the creation of your own website. In this case, you can use existing management systems or create new ones.

Each of the programs for creating a blog has both advantages and disadvantages. We will not list them all, but will divide them into two groups: free platforms and paid ones.

Pros and cons of free platforms

If there are ideas for creating a blog, but there is no money to buy it, then you can use free services. They have their advantages:

  1. Easy to use. There is no need to understand the intricacies of the blog, it is enough to regularly add posts.
  2. A lot of neighbors. What does it mean? Popular bloggers have millions of followers, among whom you can probably find those who share your interests.
  3. Speed. To create a blog, you need to spend a maximum of 15 minutes.

Sounds tempting, isn't it? But this method has significant disadvantages, namely:

  1. Restriction of functions. The means of expressing ideas and thoughts are clearly defined, and one cannot go beyond this framework.
  2. No sole ownership. A ban on advertising may apply on the platform, and then the essence of the blog is lost if the goal was to earn money. The owners of the platform can add their own advertising, with which you will disagree, but you will have to put up with it.

Pros and cons of paid platforms

Daily work

A service for creating a blog may be paid. In this case, a person makes a purchase and acquires the following advantages:

  1. No functionality limitations. The owner himself determines what will be on the blog and what will not.
  2. Profitability. Paid services allow you to place any advertisement in any quantity.

This option also has disadvantages:

  1. The need for knowledge of the structure of the blog. The owner will not be able to simply create posts, they will have to dig deeper.
  2. You will have to pay for hosting and domain name.

Everyone chooses what he needs to create a blog for him personally, and therefore there will be no working tips, only a statement of the facts.

Create a blog

The most popular of the free platforms are Blogger and

Let’s figure out how to create a blog on the last site. First you need to download the platform itself to the computer. To do this, you need to download the distribution kit from the official website of the service.

By the way, before you make your blog on the Internet, you have to understand the administrative panel. Only after you study all the features of the site, create a good design for the blog and understand the settings, you can upload it to the network.

The first step is to put the site on a local service. To do this, you must install the Denwer software. The program does not take up much space, and installation does not cause any difficulties. To install, you need to go to the website of the same name and download the installation file.

An important point! You need PHP version 5.3 and only it. The main thing is to correctly enter the email address before downloading.

When the platform is downloaded to the computer, you need to install it. Now we proceed to the direct development of the site. After creating the configuration file, click on the “Run Installation” button. Have to fill in a certain number of lines:

  1. The title of the site. It is with this phrase that your blog will begin, because it will be visible to all users on the page. Usually the title reflects the theme of the site.
  2. Username. Here you can let go of your imagination or not suffer and use the standard nickname admin.
  3. Password. It needs to be invented and confirmed. Approach this responsibly, because it will be a shame if someone misappropriates your source of income. By the way, passwords are needed everywhere, even if you are looking for how to make a blog on YouTube. So be prepared for this.
  4. Post office. You must enter a valid email address. In which case, all notifications will be sent there, there you can change the password.
  5. Privacy. As a rule, this section should not be climbed so as not to interfere with the promotion of the site.

If all the lines are filled, then it's time to click on the "Install WordPress" button. Site setup is completed, congratulations!

Not all site owners have good memory, and therefore it will be useful to write down your password and username somewhere. You can even make several copies, but they should not be accessible to strangers.

Template change

Hard work

How to create a personal blog, we have already figured out, now we will talk about changing the template on the above platform. If you want to revitalize your site and change it, look for samples on well-known resources. It will be even more reliable to use official themes from the platform.

Free Blogs Ranking

Creating a blog for free from scratch is easy. It is important to choose the right service. If earlier individual blog sites were popular, now people have switched to social networks. Yes, don’t be surprised, in the same “Instagram” you can sit not just killing time, but making money. Consider the most popular platforms:

  1. Instagram. This social network continues to gain momentum. Popular bloggers do anything, and people like it. Instagrams make good money, despite the fact that by its very nature, IG is a microblog.
  2. YouTube. Here, subscribers are recruited using interesting videos. You have probably seen more than once that an unremarkable video is gaining millions of views? This is the essence of "YouTube" - it does not matter who you are or what you are, most importantly, how interesting you can provide information.
  3. "Livejournal". Domestic service that has elements of a social network. Thus, the capabilities of users become wider.
  4. Twitter At its core, it is a microblog in which the message length is very limited. But even so, Twitter continues to evolve. The service is popular with the English-speaking population of the planet, although in Russia it began to gain momentum.


How to create your own blog and make money? Above we touched on this point, but it was vague. Now we outline the situation thesis, so it will be more clear to the reader.

How to make hobby bring income? All you need is:

  1. Contact the AdSense service. The service is provided by Google, and its essence lies in the fact that the service places ads on the blog pages for which the site owner receives a percentage.
  2. Affiliate program. Simply put, this is the sale of services or products of other users. As a rule, remuneration is agreed in advance and its owner receives it only if the sales were carried out through a blog. You probably saw these posts with promotional codes at the end. Here they are an example of an affiliate program.
  3. Advertisers. Bloggers are often approached for advertising. Typically, these are representatives of those products or areas that the site owner promotes. Naturally, advertising in any form costs money.
  4. Selling ad space. In this case, there are two options: to find the advertiser himself and offer services for advertising or create a section on the page that focuses on this issue. Of course, in the latter all terms and conditions of remuneration should be spelled out.
  5. Money Transfer Button. What it is? The case when a blogger asks to support users financially, provided that they like the content. There are a lot of services of this kind, but the idea itself seems dubious.
  6. Online earnings. No, this is not about network companies and campaigning for them. You can make it easier - to take your hobby or work to the Internet. For example, to make souvenirs, in this case the blog will act as an online store. True, in order to do this, you must first gain weight in the online community.


Passion and income

As you can see, in order to earn money, it is enough to work a little. Of course, the work of a blogger does not consist of endless advertising and naming of goods. The owner of the page should be able to interest people, interesting to tell, and if necessary to take beautiful pictures.

The same "Instagram" is popular because people want to see a beautiful life, even ordinary people. A blogger must cling to an audience with something, otherwise success will not be seen. Not all users can express themselves beautifully, but, nevertheless, they have millions of subscribers and, accordingly, good money.

In general, with the Internet it's hard to guess. Some tuned beauty will not cause public interest, and an ordinary accountant from Voronezh will collect many followers. This once again proves that people are interested in the inner world and the way of conveying information. Users feel false, so a blogger with a million subscribers, but only with ads inside the site, will quickly lose its position.

I would like to advise you to always remain yourself, even in the pursuit of money. No matter how trite it may sound, but life confirms that it is always better to be, not to seem, and then everything will be fine. Good luck on such a difficult way of blogging!


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