Is the horse-drawn cart a relic of the past?

Animal-drawn transport has long been massively not used for the transport of goods and passengers. Although in rural areas, in regions with poor roads without hard surface, it can still be found. The horse-drawn cart is also used in the private sector and for on-farm transportation on farms, in organizing field work, and in logging.

Separately, it is possible to single out the organization of horse-drawn transportation of passengers along tourist routes within the city. The development of this area of ​​business requires settlement, as accidents involving such vehicles are increasingly occurring, and the current regulatory framework has long been outdated.

Horse-drawn cart

Animal Wagon: Definition

This type of transport involves the use of animals as draft force. It can provide both freight and passenger transportation. The name defines a short leather loop (tug), which shafts (wooden guiding carts) on both sides are connected with an arc and harness.

This design provides the necessary rigidity to the vehicle. In a variant of a cart without protruding towers, the tow is longer. They are called stitches and are attached directly to the trailer. This design does not provide coupling stiffness. The inertia trailer can continue coasting when stopped, and therefore must be equipped with a brake.

In most cases, horse-drawn carts are assumed to be horse drawn, although other animals can also be used as draft vehicles.

Horse cart


The cart, depending on the design, can have one or two axles. In winter, in places with stable snow cover, wheel carts are replaced by sledges. You can harness one animal, a couple, a three. In some cases, train movement occurs when several such pairs follow each other, being in series connection. In this case, the first animals are leading, they are controlled, and the rest follow.

Depending on the design of the body, there are: carts, carriages, two-wheeled carts (two-wheeled cart), prams. In the form of a body: phaetons, convertibles, vans. By purpose, among them freight and for passenger traffic can be determined: tourist, ceremonial or ceremonial, hearse.


Despite the fact that horse-drawn carts are the most common among horse-drawn vehicles, they also use deer, dogs, mules, donkeys, oxen and buffaloes as draft tax. Such vehicles move slowly, on the road car drivers have to overtake them. In this regard, animal-drawn animals can pose a potential danger due to an unpredictable reaction to changes in the situation (loud signal, abrupt or dangerous maneuver when overtaking, on-off driving of large vehicles, dazzling headlights at night).

In the plans of the developers of new standards for horse-drawn vehicles, they also outline the requirements for the content of “draft power”. The provisions prohibiting animal beating and other torture exceeding the permissible impact upon management and capable of causing harm to them should be regulated.

Horse cart

Horse-drawn Wagon: Management

As a road user, any vehicle must be registered with registration. The horse-drawn carriage is equipped with a plate with an account number located on the rear of the body. The norm provides for the presence of a parking brake or stops to prevent spontaneous movement in areas with a steep slope.

The driver must control the animals while in the wagon or keeping them under the reins. The transported overall cargo must be designated, in the dark, additionally illuminated. Animals tied to the cart can be placed on the right side (closer to the curb). Galloping in settlements is prohibited, as well as movement on an improved surface, if there is a dirt road nearby.

two-wheeled wagon

Compliance with the rules

You can drive on public roads using this type of transport (if there is no sign prohibiting it) along the right-most lane or roadside without causing inconvenience to pedestrians. To turn or turn, associated with the exit on the opposite side of the movement, there are special signals (hand or whip), which the driver must give before the maneuver.

The horse carriage is not equipped with light indicators, but reflectors of the established pattern must be present on the body. Horse-drawn vehicles can be controlled by people from the age of 14 who know the rules of the road. And although at the moment you do not need to get a driver’s license, liability for violation of traffic rules is provided.

Legislators plan to increase it several times to reduce the likelihood of people managing this type of transport without proper training and especially when intoxicated. There is a need to distinguish among violators both the driver of the horse-drawn vehicle (driver) and the owner, if employment is intended.


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