Village Milk Company: reviews

It’s rare for anyone on the menu to have milk or milk products in one form or another. The number of manufacturers of these products is growing from year to year, the consumer choice is great, but one aspect remains relevant - quality. To assess it to the average person, numerous studies are offered, inspections are carried out at enterprises. The results are then published in the media, but questions still remain. Neither contests nor checks provide an accurate picture of the product. For most consumers, the “voice of the people” is an important source in the selection and evaluation of quality - reviews. Products "Village milk" is in demand, manufactured in a wide range, and consumer ratings remain consistently positive.

From creation to the present day

In 1931, the Asinovsky Butter Factory was opened in the Novosibirsk Region. In 1946, it was renamed “Asinovsky City Dairy Plant”, it was located in its former place, but the region changed its name and began to be called Tomsk. In the period 2004-2013, the enterprise was part of the Siberian Agrarian Group holding. In 2010, reconstruction was carried out, as a result of which all production facilities were transferred to Seversk.

For the new plant, advanced pasteurization-cooling equipment was installed, which allows preserving all the qualities of milk and its derivatives during processing. The packaging of the final product took place in a sealed package Flowpack. Since 2011, Village Milk has been packaged using a PET line. The packaging process has a full cycle from packaging to capping and labeling of finished goods.

rustic milk


Today, the Village Milk company produces 6 thousand bottles of milk per day; production capacities are designed to process 110 tons of raw milk per day. The company focuses on the regional consumer, meeting his needs and expanding the product line. In 2015, another update was carried out and the Italian production line for the production of soft cheeses (mozzarella, ricotta) was launched. Also, cottage cheese began to be produced at the enterprise; capacities for its production were delivered from Poland.

The company "Village Milk" is by far the largest milk processing company in the Tomsk region, owns advanced technologies and the latest equipment, which are not widely represented in the Siberian region. The dairy products of the enterprise occupy more than half of the consumer market in its segment.

rustic milk Seversk


It is no coincidence that Village Milk LLC is a regional leader in the industry. The company produces more than 50 types of products:

  • Drinking pasteurized milk in an assortment of 1.5% to 6% fat. It is packed in all types of containers: plastic bag, cardboard box, glass, jug. Volume from 0.5 to 1 liter.
  • Baked milk. The fat content of the product is 4%, packaging from 0.5 to 0.93 liters. Packaging - cardboard boxes (purpak), pet bottle.
  • Ryazhenka. Packing in 0.5 liters (purpak), fat content - 4%.
  • Kefir is produced with fat content from 0.1% to 2.5%. Packing: purp, pet, plastic bag. Volume from 0.5 to 1 liter.
  • Sour cream is produced with a fat content of 10% to 25%. Volume: from 0.35 ml to 5 kg. Packing: plastic cup, bucket.
  • Cottage cheese. It is made for every taste with fat content from 1.8% (non-fat) to 9%. Volume: from 200 gr. up to 1 kg. Packed in plastic containers, flow pack, film.
  • Drinking bio-yogurt. Available in four flavors, with additives. Volume - 450 ml, fat content - 2.5%, packaging - purp.
  • The bio-yogurt is thick. So far, only 2 flavors have been produced: strawberries, peaches. Packaging - a plastic cup with a volume of 180 to 350 g., The fat content of the product is 2.5%.
  • Peasant butter. Packing from 180 gr. up to 10 kg. Packaging - foil, plastic container, box. Fat content - 72.5%.
  • Adyghe cheese. One of the most useful products of the company "Village milk". Cheese is produced in portions weighing 300 g., Is compacted using the shrink procedure, packaged in a film, and the fat content is 45%.
  • Brynza. Available in two forms. With heat shrinkage: weight-300 gr., Fat content - 45%, packaging - film. In brine: packaging - a plastic container, weight - 300 g, nominal cheese weight - 200 g., Fat content 45%.
  • Soft mozzarella cheese is available in weight from 100 g to 125 g, packaging - a plastic cup, container, film (for pizza). Fat content - 45%.

Closed loop and responsibility

The company "Village Milk" (Seversk) seeks to process the feedstock as quickly as possible so as not to lose the freshness of the product. The basic principle of the process: "from cows to the table." The company has its own farm, which contains a livestock of cows, and milk is also taken from farms. The further cycle of production of sour-milk products, pasteurization and packaging are carried out on the lines of the enterprise.

The main processes take place during the night shift, and the finished product is delivered in the morning to points of sale. The company covers about 1,500 points of sale, among which there are both network giants and small shops located within walking distance from the place of residence.

rustic milk reviews

New: Northern Mozzarella

Italian cheeses are not only a tribute to the fashion of Mediterranean cuisine, but also a desire to adhere to a healthy diet. Soft cheeses, so beloved and sung by Italians, were also in demand in Russia. The introduced restrictions on the supply of foreign products allow the domestic producer to adequately fill the gap and answer the challenges of consumer demand, and the Village Milk company did not stand aside. Mozzarella, ricotta are already being delivered to the shelves of Tomsk stores.

The production of soft cheese varieties began in June 2015, when Italian equipment was mounted. Only 28 grams (one ball of cheese) contains seven grams of animal protein, four and a half grams of fat and only one gram of carbohydrates. Cheese is produced in the form of sticks, convenient for snacking at any time, as well as in the form of balls packed in a convenient container.

rustic milk Tomsk

New: Italian Ricotta

The company "Village milk" (Seversk) produces another type of Italian cheese - ricotta. This product is prepared from whey and is useful for the following indicators: improves vision, contains vitamins A, E, group B, positively affects the functioning of the central nervous system. The dairy has production facilities that allow it to produce 2 tons of ricotta per month. To date, the production of cheese has been arranged with an extended shelf life of up to seven days.

ooo village milk


The company periodically opens jobs for which there is a selection of employees. Jobs "Village milk" in Seversk, for people without work experience are open as loaders, drivers, washers, packers, etc. Also, jobs are periodically opened for merchandisers, masters of certain production areas, and engineering staff is required.

open country milk jobs in Seversk

Milk Reviews

Milk from TM "Village milk" received only positive feedback from customers. All consumers who left their CVs about this product agreed that a short shelf life (5 days) is an indicator of the naturalness of the product and its proper packaging. Buyers noted that the taste of natural milk is felt, on the walls of the glass where the product was poured, there are no grains of undissolved dry concentrate, which proves the natural origin of milk.

It is with pleasure, without fear, taken for feeding young children, recommended to relatives and friends. Of the minuses, many buyers noted that sometimes they can’t buy it - it quickly ends on store shelves. The product perfectly showed its qualities both in the form of drinking milk, and as an ingredient for baking, cereals, cocktails and as the basis for homemade yogurt.

Reviews: dairy products

The company "Village Milk" (Seversk) received from consumers positive reviews of dairy products manufactured at the enterprise. Sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir left no one indifferent. And if in most cases opinions are divided on consumer goods , the products of this enterprise are only recognized by customers. They note the budget cost and excellent quality of the natural product.

Some consumers gave themselves the trouble to ask their friends working at the village milk factory about hygiene, the quality of the raw materials delivered and the production processes. The answers received proved that the quality of the products is based on honesty towards the product, the consumer and concern for their reputation at every stage. Positive reviews about sour cream tell us about its normal consistency, the absence of grains, not too long shelf life and a pleasant taste.

Ryazhenka from TM "Village milk" was also liked by lovers of this type of dairy products. The reviews indicate a natural color, a dense, but not too thick consistency, the taste of a natural product without flavors and additives.

Kefir from this manufacturer also has ratings with a plus sign and sincere appreciation of customers. Many of them have become regular supporters of the products of the manufacturer "Village milk". Experienced consumers often read the composition of the product, in the case of this brand, no one has found references to preservatives, sweeteners and other tricks to “improve” the natural product. Almost all consumers note that it is problematic to purchase products from the Tomsk Dairy - it is sold only in a few retail outlets.

rustic milk

Reviews: cottage cheese

The company "Village milk" (Tomsk) produces ordinary and grained cottage cheese. According to the company, grained varieties are not in great demand, but the usual product diverges from the shelves almost instantly. Consumer reviews are full of positive ratings for product followers. They talk about great taste, uniformity, naturalness. As an experiment, some customers tested for the presence of starch in a product. To do this, she applied a few drops of iodine to a piece of mass, the color of iodine has not changed, which means that there are no additives (if there is starch, the iodine turns blue).

Those who follow the figure and acquire low-fat cottage cheese often complain about the overly sour taste of the product. Curd of the brand “Village milk” does not acidify, it tastes good and looks. Consumers have only one point - they have to spend time searching.

ooo rustic milk Seversk

Reviews: Mozzarella

When they announced the appearance of Russian mozzarella on the market, many reacted with distrust to the experiment. But, having tasted the product, even skeptics remained satisfied with the taste of cheese from TM "Village milk". Consumer reviews about this cheese show positive ratings. Those who could compare the Italian product and the domestic one found small, but not significant, taste differences. The difference is connected with the peculiarities of the milk from which the cheese is prepared, yet the north of Russia is very different in climate from the hot sunny Italy.

The consistency, taste, and fusibility of cheese were liked by adults and children. Packaging "Mozzarella Cheese for Pizza" is recognized by customers as a convenient form of supply of goods - it’s good to store, you can cut it nicely for snacks, and, since the shelf life is short, it does not lie on the shelves of the refrigerator. The cost of goods was also a pleasant surprise for many compared to imported cheeses. Of the minuses - it quickly ends and you can not buy everywhere.


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