Dispatcher: job description of dispatcher

The profession of a dispatcher from its very appearance has been considered very important and in demand. The types of dispatchers, as well as their functions and rights will be discussed in this article.

What is a dispatcher?

The job description contains the following definition of the employee in question: a dispatcher is a person who is primarily involved in the management and regulation of the production process. This includes transportation management, work in emergency services, at the airport, in a taxi, etc. The dispatcher does not have to have a university degree. It will be enough to have only a little work experience and secondary vocational education. It is also worth noting that the employee in question must possess a number of certain qualities and character traits. These include, for example, good memory, stress tolerance, goodwill, performance, etc. The dispatcher should also have good diction, competent speech and organizational skills. It is also worth noting that the profession in question is suitable mainly for women. Salary depends on the place of work.

Does the manager have a career opportunity? The job description contains only a note about the possibility of retraining in related professions.

Production Manager Responsibilities

As mentioned above, there are many varieties of dispatchers. However, it is worth considering only representatives of the most important areas.

job manager
For example, you can take a normal production environment. At any large enterprise there is a whole department of operators and dispatchers. What exactly do they do? Here is what the job description of the production manager prescribes:

  • control over all necessary documentation;
  • transfer of information to accounting (in accordance with established standards);
  • keeping a magazine on launching necessary products into production;
  • work with documents for the purchase of goods;
  • inventory taking;
  • work on receiving orders.

Above were listed the main functions that should be endowed with the dispatcher. The job description, however, consolidates a slightly more complete list of responsibilities.

On the rights and responsibilities of the dispatcher in the workplace

Any officially employed person is vested with certain rights. No exception is such a professional as a dispatcher.

job description of a traffic controller
The job description of this employee secures the following provisions and points:

  • the right to dismiss or temporarily suspend persons who are not fulfilling their functions, are intoxicated, commit offenses;
  • the right to propose to management ideas that can positively affect the operation of the enterprise;
  • the right to petition superiors in relation to certain employees (for encouragement, punishment, removal).

And what is the dispatcher responsible for? This is what the same work instruction prescribes:

  • violation of the terms of work;
  • poor performance of their work functions;
  • failure to comply with requirements or orders of superiors;
  • commission of offenses, etc.

Above was mentioned only a small part of those moments for which the dispatcher is obliged to bear responsibility.

Senior dispatcher: who is this?

A senior dispatcher is a professional who manages the headquarters of operators or dispatchers with qualifications below.

housing manager job description
Naturally, such a person must possess a wide range of knowledge and a large number of functions. Here is what the job description of the senior dispatcher contains about the necessary knowledge of the employee:

  • legislative, regulatory acts and documents, basic methodological and production materials;
  • production technology;
  • basics of organization of production;
  • all necessary product range;
  • methods of planning and organizing processes;
  • all relevant standards and much more that a senior dispatcher must know.

And what about the duties of a representative of the profession in question?

Senior Manager Functions

As mentioned above, the senior (or main) dispatcher has a very large number of responsibilities.

job description of a senior dispatcher
It’s possible to tell about all, therefore it’s worth highlighting only the most basic functions. These include:

  • work on the organization of efficient production and production;
  • implementation of methodological management of all available operator and dispatch services;
  • organization of optimal conditions for raising the level of qualification of employees;
  • ensuring safe and relatively comfortable work at the headquarters of dispatchers;
  • timely control over the progress of production;
  • ensuring the timely receipt of all necessary documentation;
  • summarizing the work at headquarters, providing them to superiors and much more.

Housing Manager Responsibilities

Housing and utilities also can not do without the professional work of the dispatcher. What functions does the representative of the profession in question perform in this area?

job description of the transport dispatcher
Here is what the job description of the housing and communal services manager writes about this:

  • exercising control over the housing and communal services departments, supplying them with all the necessary materials (inventory, documentation, programs);
  • regulation of housing and communal services with the help of calendar programs, production plans, shift tasks;
  • work to ensure organizational capacity, ensuring rhythmic and uninterrupted movement in the workplace;
  • control over compliance with standards in the areas and in departments (we are talking about transport lots, production dates, etc.);
  • taking measures to identify violations and eliminate them;
  • control over the efficient use of all vehicles available in the housing and communal services;
  • management of the operator department.

Thus, the job description of the housing and communal services manager most accurately and voluminously prescribes all the necessary functions of the employee in question.

Responsibilities of the traffic controller

Another specialist that should be considered is a traffic controller.

production manager job description
As a rule, such employees are located in taxi offices, in municipal transport organizations, in various private firms, etc. What about the responsibilities of this kind of specialists? Here is what the job description of the vehicle dispatcher prescribes:

  • receipt and registration of forms and waybills, their completion and execution;
  • execution of all necessary documentation for every day;
  • verification of documentation;
  • control over speedometers, recording all the necessary data for reports;
  • documentation of fuel consumption, transfer of such papers to accounting;
  • submission of statements to superiors and accounting.

All the main functions that are prescribed by the job description of the transport dispatcher were mentioned above. Depending on the place where the representative of the profession in question works, the number of duties may vary slightly.

On the rights and responsibilities of the traffic controller

What rights does an employee assign to a job description of a traffic controller?

job description dispatcher transport department
Here are just the most basic points:

  • require drivers to undergo pre-trip medical examinations in a timely manner;
  • report to the authorities about all violations detected at the workplace;
  • offer bosses plans, ideas for improving work at the enterprise;
  • get acquainted with all the necessary documentation, one way or another relating to the work of the dispatcher;
  • Request similar documentation from superiors.

The responsibility of the specialists in question does not practically differ from the responsibility of any other employees. So, the job description of the transport department dispatcher prescribes that a person is obliged to bear responsibility for offenses at the workplace and for failure to comply with the requirements of superiors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33200/

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