Crimean cognac: prices, reviews, names

In our difficult time, finding a good Crimean cognac is not so simple. But still, if you managed to get a bottle of this drink, then you have a chance to enjoy its amazing taste and aroma. The famous alcoholic products of this peninsula are famous all over the world. They have long gained popularity thanks to the unique cooking technology and fidelity to traditions. It is not only excellent taste. Crimean cognac combines constant quality and beautiful design. It can even be presented as a gift on special occasions.

A bit of history

In Crimea, they began to produce cognac only in 1965. It was then that 1000 dal of the drink was released. Until that moment, the plants of the peninsula were exclusively engaged in winemaking. The first Crimean cognac was called "Koktebel". These were the first, but quite confident attempts to compete with well-known French manufacturers. Crimean cognac "Koktebel" was immediately noted at the All-Union Conference. Every year the quality of the drink only improved. Gradually, the plant began to produce another brand of cognac called “Crimea”. Since then, the products of Crimean manufacturers have firmly won their place not only in the domestic, but also in the world market.

Crimean cognac

Production technology

Naturally, the source of production technology is the stage of grape cultivation. On the Crimean peninsula there are all conditions, both climatic and soil, for growing the best varieties of this plant. Grape bushes are planted at intervals of three meters. The most popular varieties of this region are “rkaceteli”, “aligote”, “gift of magrach”. Warm climate and long autumn allow harvesting at the end of October. At this point, the berries finally ripen and gain the maximum degree of maturity. Juice squeezed from grapes is left to ferment for three weeks, without added sugar. Then the obtained dry wine is subjected to distillation and get brandy alcohol. It is distilled twice and poured into oak barrels. It is in them that the famous Crimean cognac is born. As a result of many years of storage, oxygen gets into the barrel through the pores of the tree, which is saturated with the aroma of oak. Cognac gets a beautiful color after 8 months of storage. But only after 4-5 years it will acquire its unique taste.

Crimean cognacs price


After aging in oak barrels, cognac is mixed with sugar syrup, that is, a blend is made. Further cognac is left to ripen for at least another month. The number of stars on the finished product means the period of exposure in years. Cognac of the highest quality can withstand at least 6-10 years. During this period, only the best batches are constantly selected. The abbreviation KV on the bottle means that the drink has been aged for 6 years. KVVK - cognac only the highest quality (8-10 years). KS is a marking of an old drink with 10-12 year aging. And finally, a very old cognac will be marked with the letters OS. Its exposure is 13-25 years. So, for example, cognac "Koktebel" is designated by the letters KV, and "Crimea" - KS.

Terms of use

Crimean cognacs, the price of which varies from budget to high, is a great taste and aroma. This noble drink must be able to properly serve and drink. For cognac, ball-shaped glasses having a low leg are considered ideal. They fill only a quarter of the volume. The use of cognac does not require haste. To begin with, the glass is warmed with palms so that it reveals its taste and aroma. Cognac must be sniffed with caution so that the body is accustomed to the smell of alcohol. From the first time you will not be able to fully feel the whole bouquet. Then drink the drink, in very shallow sips. The throat should get used to the taste.

Cognac Crimean reserve
Only in this way can you fully experience the aftertaste. This drink does not require snacks, but you can serve sandwiches with caviar, olives, good quality cheese and lemon sprinkled with sugar to brandy. Also, expensive chocolate and a good dessert will be appropriate. But all this is just a small addition. Good brandy is self-sufficient.

"Crimean reserve"

Cognac "Crimean reserve" is made from the best grapes of the Riesling variety. This is a real gift for lovers of this drink. Hand-picked grapes are processed in compliance with all technological subtleties. Then the cognac is aged in oak barrels for at least 3-5 years. As a result, the drink acquires a beautiful color from light gold to amber-copper. There is no need to talk about the aroma of the Crimean Reserve cognac. These are rich fruity notes with noble shades of oak. The taste of the drink is soft, perfectly combined with the overall bouquet and has a light honey finish. Cognac has always been delivered to the tables of the country's top leadership in Soviet times. But even now the quality of the “Crimean reserve” remains at its best. The cost of a 500 ml bottle is about 600 rubles. Those who had the opportunity to try this drink, note its mild taste, good bouquet and strict design, which gives brandy solidity.


“Kutuzov” is an old Crimean cognac and, perhaps, the most famous. It belongs to the category of drinks with an aging of at least 25 years. During this time, it acquires the fullness of taste and aroma that a real cognac should have. Oak barrels of a certain age give their note, giving the drink refined shades. Kutuzov has a magnificent golden dark brown color. It looks perfect in a wide cognac glass.

Crimean cognac Koktebel
The drink has a complex rich bouquet. These are vanilla-chocolate shades with notes of dried fruits and ether. The taste is full, soft, with pronounced tones. Kutuzov is a drink worthy of kings. By the way, this cognac was recognized as the best in comparison with the famous "Napoleon". When it was created, the goals were set to achieve the highest quality and gain an advantage over a well-known brand. The name of the drink was given accordingly. This brandy of 25-year aging costs about 10,000 rubles. The price is rather big, but judging by the recalls, it's worth it. Especially enthusiastic comments are left by women who liked this drink for its mild taste and pleasant aftertaste.


This brandy was named in honor of the manufacturer. Crimean cognacs in Moscow are presented in several versions. It all depends on the exposure time and technology. Distinguish "Koktebel" having 3, 4 and 5 stars. These are affordable spirits made only from high quality alcohol. They are aged in barrels from 3 to 5 years. Cognac has a light floral aroma and harmonious taste with vanilla tones. Vintage drinks have an exposure of 5 to 10 years. Koktebel KV is a noble drink prepared using a special technology. After blending it is kept in barrels for about a year. Koktebel KS is an older drink that is aged in special barrels, whose age is at least 11 years.

Crimean cognacs in Moscow
As a result, it acquires a harmonious taste and aroma with morocco notes and a pleasant aftertaste. "Koktebel-Rarity" is a cognac with a 15-year aging. It has a pronounced vanilla-chocolate flavor with light tones of dried fruits. And finally, the oldest representative of this family is Koktebel with a 30-year exposure. It is made from high-quality alcohols in no less high-quality oak barrels. Cognac has a dark brown color with noble golden hues. Vanilla-chocolate bouquet goes well with notes of ether and dried fruits. The price of Koktebel cognac depends on quality and aging and varies from 700 to 12,000 rubles per bottle. Experts note the excellent quality of the drink, which does not depend on its cost.


"Crimea" is one of the oldest brands of cognac, which were produced on the peninsula. It was launched into production after Koktebel. Since then, the quality of the drink has always remained at its best and meets all the requirements. This cognac belongs to the category of COP. The alcohol used for production is aged 10-12 years in special oak barrels.

old Crimean cognac

During this time, “Crimea” acquires amazing properties, for which lovers and connoisseurs of cognac appreciate it. The bouquet has a vanilla-chocolate shade and a harmonious finish. The price, which is about 500-600 rubles, meets the quality. There is also a vintage “Crimea”, which is additionally kept in barrels for another three years. It has a golden color, a magnificent bouquet and a mild taste with a coffee aftertaste. This cognac is valued for its high quality and affordable price, which is also confirmed by consumer reviews.


"Sevastopol" KS is a Crimean selected cognac, the price of which varies within 1,500 rubles. It is produced by Simferopol Wine and Vodka Factory. Production technology is a long-standing tradition that remains unchanged, as well as product quality.

Crimean selected cognac price
Cognac is made only of the highest quality alcohol. It is aged in oak barrels for at least 10 years. The drink has a magnificent dark amber color. A spicy aroma with hints of chocolate and spices and hints of vanilla for many years allows him to remain among the leaders in the market. The taste of cognac is striking - soft and balanced. Choose only high-quality alcoholic beverages and remember that their excessive use is harmful to health.


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