"Selencin Shampoo": reviews, composition and recommendations for use

The main goal of hair cosmetics manufacturers is to take care of each hair. Professionals who work in French laboratories create the highly effective ingredients Seveov ™ and Anageline®. They combined traditional hair care and restoration products with innovative solutions and got the long-sought formula. Very popular today is the "Selenzin" line. Shampoo, reviews of which make it possible to verify its effectiveness, can be used in combination with folk remedies.

selencin shampoo reviews

Concept against hair loss

The company has developed the perfect method that prevents hair loss. It combines the restorative properties of a cosmetic program with the healing effect of individual components. The unique means of the Selencin series help to quickly restore the condition of the hair and restore its health and brilliance.

What's the secret?

Many people think about what is the secret of Selencin preparations? Customer reviews indicate that the main nuance is a systematic approach. It is he who allows you to stop hair loss. Therefore, now diffuse alopecia is not a sentence. Thanks to the special ingredients you can return a thick and shiny hair.

The main stages of exposure

Care consists of four stages. To extend the longevity of each hair, patented components are used. Their use is recommended not only during treatment, but also after it, to consolidate the result.

  • Cleansing. To do this, wash your hair by applying Selencin Shampoo to your hair. Reviews about him are favorable, many people have kept their hair thanks to this tool.
  • Recovery. At this stage, Hair Therapy balm is used.
  • Amplification effect. An intensive mask of the same series and a firming lotion will help with this.
    selencin shampoo doctors reviews
  • Growth stimulation. At the end of the procedure, apply Active Pro Spray Lotion to your hair.

Active substances

The effectiveness of Selencin preparations is explained by the presence of the active substances Anageline® and Seveov ™, which were developed by leading manufacturers of cosmetic ingredients. They are tested and patented.

Anageline® is made from white sweet lupine. It improves microcirculation, provides cells with oxygen, nourishes the roots and has a beneficial effect on the life cycle of each hair. The ingredient is part of Selencin. Shampoo, reviews of which say that it strengthens the rods and improves the condition of the scalp, helps to effectively combat baldness.

selencin hair shampoo reviews

Another active element that has been successfully used in drugs is Seveov ™. It is obtained from the tubers of the Peruvian poppy plant. It is grown in Peru, on alpine plantations. This component was developed recently, but it has been proven that it stimulates hair growth, protects the bulbs from adverse factors, and fills the hair with health. People who use Selencin shampoo for hair leave positive reviews. They assure that the result is noticeable after the first applications.

What components are included?

The production of the cosmetic line is carried out from high quality raw materials. Saturated plant components are obtained due to critical extraction; they do not contain impurities and solvents.

  • Caffeine is used as a growth stimulant. It is a fairly powerful antioxidant and helps ensure that nutrients get to the bulbs. Therefore, experts advise using "Selenzin Shampoo", reviews of which indicate that it prolongs the phase of hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  • Biotin acts on the deeper layers, restores hair and fights against split ends.
  • To protect the hair from external factors and stimulate the production of collagen, vitamin A was added. Due to this, the hair remains shiny and has a healthy appearance. Vitamin E softens the hairs and moisturizes them, protects them from drying out and brittleness.
  • selencin customer reviews
    Panthenol, or provitamin B5, is necessary in order to restore elasticity and a healthy glow. Thanks to him, hair does not suffer from exposure to adverse factors.
  • Useful properties of nettles have long been known, so manufacturers have added it to the composition. It prevents brittleness, strengthens hair and stimulates their growth.
  • Peppermint refreshes and tones, helps to relax the scalp and normalize the nutrition of bulbs.
  • Burdock has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes that occur in the follicle. Due to this, the keratin layer is updated and strengthened.
  • Hop extract not only nourishes the hair, restores its structure, prevents hair loss and gives a healthy look, but also regulates the fat balance of the scalp.
  • Due to the fact that manufacturers included pepper extract in the composition, blood flows to the bulbs, which stimulates hair growth and accelerates their growth.

There is no doubt about the benefits that Selenzin Shampoo brings. Reviews of doctors testify that this drug is effective and recommended for use.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33204/

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