Exercises for the sacral spine. Physiotherapy

For pain, inflammation of bone tissue, osteochondrosis, damage to cartilage or curvature in the sacral spine, a set of exercises of therapeutic gymnastics should be performed. Such physical education is significantly different from the usual aerobics, weightlifting and athletics. If you do the exercises incorrectly - instead of benefit, you can harm your health.

Causes of discomfort in the sacrum

Aching, dull pains are provoked by the following pathologies:

  • sciatica of the lumbar;
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • kidney disease
  • pinched nerve between the vertebrae;
  • cartilage problems.

If the pain is acute and sudden in nature, the following pathologies are possible:

  • exacerbation of chronic osteochondrosis;
  • hernia of the lumbosacral spine;
  • cartilage inflammation.

The cause of pain in the sacrum in women in some cases may be premenstrual syndrome. In this case, discomfort is also felt in the lower abdomen.

Inflammation in the kidneys is another common cause of pain in the sacrum in women and men. At the same time, problems with urination are also observed. In this case, exercise therapy can aggravate the patient's condition.

pain in the chest

The basic principles of performing therapeutic exercises

Exercises for the sacral spine should be performed following the following rules:

  • All movements are smooth and light, jerking, jumping, and sharp lunges are prohibited.
  • Stretching should be carried out as slowly as possible and not bring pain.
  • If you have thirst, you should not limit yourself to drinking pure water during training.
  • The optimal meal time is two hours before the exercises and about three hours after.
  • Before starting exercises for the sacral spine, a warm-up should be performed, after - a hitch.
  • Monitor breathing and do not hold air in the lungs, try to breathe in diaphragmically, and exhale in the chest.
stretching in exercise therapy

Warm up before doing exercises

Sample execution algorithm.

  1. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. The back is straight, the head is located exactly in the middle relative to the body. Take a deep breath, stand on your toes, reach for the sky.
  2. Exhale, lower your arms as low as possible, trying to reach your feet with your fingertips.
  3. Tilts left and right - perform as carefully as possible. If pain occurs when performing inclines, then they should be abandoned.
  4. Rotations of the head allow you to stretch your neck.
  5. Rotating the pelvis clockwise, and then counterclockwise, allows you to stretch and stretch the lumbosacral spine.


This exercise allows you to safely pump the muscles of the upper body with pain in the sacral spine.

Men can perform push-ups from the floor, touching it only with their fingertips and foot. The average amount is ten to fifteen times. The total number of approaches is three to four.

Women, as a rule, do not have proper physical training. They can perform push-ups against the wall, vertically. Or kneeling.


Frog Exercise

This is an effective and popular exercise therapy exercise. With a hernia of the lumbosacral spine, it allows you to reduce the intensity of pain and stretch the spine slightly.

Starting position: to get on all fours. Extend your knees as wide as possible, try to fall on them. Execution is highly dependent on the flexibility of the hip joints. If you can’t spread your legs wide apart - it doesn’t matter, you must perform at the distance that is available. It is necessary to raise and lower the pelvis - this is the exercise for the lower back at home.

The total number of repetitions is not less than ten and not more than twenty. If the exercise provokes the occurrence of sharp pain in the lower back, sacrum or tailbone - you should delete it from the program.

If the mobility of the hip joints and lumbar does not allow you to perform the exercise - you should try to gradually perform it, every day increasing the depth of the legs by several millimeters. Exercise therapy for hernia of the lumbosacral spine implies a standard level of flexibility, and should be developed.

frog exercise

Exercise "Birch"

Came to us from hatha yoga. "Birch" is familiar to everyone since school days. When properly performed, it contributes to the outflow of blood from the lower body. This relieves pain in diseases of the lumbosacral spine. In the position of the static exercise "Birch" can be up to one minute. If the level of physical fitness is low - you can limit yourself to five seconds.

The starting position of the exercise is lying on your back. The shoulder blades, head, lower back are pressed to the surface. It is necessary to tear straight legs off the floor, and without bending them at the knees, lift above the head, then tear off the lower back from the floor and stretch the “string” straight, holding the body on the shoulder blades, you can hold yourself with your hands and lean on your elbows. The more vertical the body will be, the better. Find in this position should be at least five seconds, but not more than one minute.

"Birch" is one of the best exercises for the lower back at home. If you perform it daily, then you can achieve remission and for a long time forget about the pain and discomfort in the sacral region. An exception is if the disease is started to the extent that medical intervention is necessary. For example, with a hernia or osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, exercises can be powerless - manual therapy is necessary.

birch exercise

Lunges forward and backward

This exercise allows you to pump the muscles of the legs, while not overloading the lower back. Do not use a barbell, dumbbell or other equipment. The lunging style is athletics. Ten lunges should be performed with one foot forward, then back. Repeat the same with the other leg.

Safety rule: do not make sharp jerks and make sure that the knee of the leading leg does not extend beyond the toe. It is very important. Otherwise, joint injuries are possible.

Butterfly Exercise

It allows you to stretch the lumbosacral spine, reduces the intensity of pain in this area. With daily performance, it can relieve pain for many years.

Get on all fours. Knees to try to set as far apart as possible, as in the exercise "Frog". Only in this case you should not move the pelvis vertically. it is necessary to lower as low as possible to the floor with the whole body, while the pelvic area remains raised above the floor. This position allows you to stretch the area of ​​the sacrum and tailbone as much as possible. After a few seconds, return to the starting position and repeat everything again. Every time try to cuddle lower and lower.

This is one of the best exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine. The optimal number of repetitions is six to seven times. Perform should be smooth, measured, monitor breathing and prevent sudden movements.

frog exercise

Hitch after performing a set of therapeutic exercises

After doing the gymnastics, you can do swings with arms and legs. It is also good to carry out the standard program of easy stretching exercise therapy.

  1. Sitting on the buttocks, stretch straight legs and try to reach the heels with your fingertips. Slow swaying forward in this position will help to stretch the spinal column.
  2. Lying on your back, throw your legs behind your head as far as possible (perfectly stretches the entire spinal column).
  3. Clasp your hands into the castle and try to get them as far behind your back as possible.
  4. Spread the legs to the maximum width from each other and try to reach the left foot with the left hand and vice versa.
  5. Try to reach the left shoulder with the lobe of the left ear and vice versa. This will stretch the sections of the cervical spine.
  6. Lying on your stomach, stand up on your hands and bend your back. This will stretch the thoracic spine and muscle tissue around it.
the importance of stretching for problems with the sacrum

Prohibited Exercise List

The following weightlifting exercises are dangerous for the sacral spine:

  • deadlift;
  • Romanian craving
  • cravings in an inclination to a stomach;
  • block traction for the head;
  • squats with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • lunges with a barbell or dumbbells.

You should be as cautious as possible to even perform exercises that do not imply burdens. It is forbidden to lift more than three kilograms for diseases of the sacral spine.

For exercises, it is worth playing a role, first of all, of a medical sense. It is impossible to pump up muscles with chronic diseases of the spine. When working with inventory, pain will certainly aggravate. Many young people with a hernia and osteochondrosis want to acquire beautiful muscles, but with such diagnoses, only therapeutic exercises for the lower back can be performed. Exercise machines and performing serious exercises can cause injuries and bring the matter to the operating table.

what exercises are forbidden for problems with the sacrum

Features of exercise therapy for hernia

A hernia of the lumbar spine is a protrusion of a deformed intervertebral disc into the cavity of the spinal canal. As a result, there is pressure on the spinal nerves. As a result, the patient is in severe pain and discomfort. He becomes inoperative.

A hernia of the lumbar spine is the most dangerous type of intervertebral hernia. The loin is a part of the body that is loaded in both standing and sitting. Therefore, patients with a sacral hernia need to lie as much as possible. Even exercise involves lying on the floor.

Performing hernia exercises depends on the degree of damage. Be sure to consult with an orthopedist and surgeon about the advisability of performing any kind of gymnastics. In some cases, with a lumbosacral hernia, only surgery can help.

gymnastics with hernia and osteochondrosis of the lower back

Features of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a lesion of cartilage between the vertebrae. It is dangerous because it can not only cause pain, but also cause a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region is a real panacea. With regular exercise of therapeutic exercises, the manifestations of osteochondrosis can be forgotten for a long time. Also, with this diagnosis, you can engage in swimming, callanetics, Pilates. Forbidden are those sports that involve weight lifting, sudden movements. Jumping, running, competitive sports with increased injuries are also prohibited.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33209/

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