Technical sports: types, characteristics and application

Russia is a sports power. Every year, new platforms for people who seek to play sports, improve their skills and keep themselves in good shape. For example, to play football, you need to have a ball and a goal. To play tennis - a racket and a special area. In basketball - a ball and a ring into which to throw it, and so on.

But there are sports that require specially designated places for training, certain uniforms and equipment. Such species are called technical.

In this article we will analyze in detail what the concept of a technical sport means, what kinds of it are, where it is used. Consider the development prospects in our country.

The concept of technical sports

There are many definitions of this concept, but among them all there is one very accurate. It will help you briefly understand what the term means.

Technical sports are those that are related to the management of technical sports equipment, the design and construction of sports models. In general, these are sports competitions that use the technical component in their segment.

For example, an archer. He does not do without a quiver and arrows inside him, as well as a bow. Or a shooter, without an air rifle, his sport is meaningless.

Understood the concept of technical sports. We will analyze where and to which sport this concept can be applied. Consider carefully some of them.

Sports and technical sports

Let's start with one of the most common types familiar to us - motor sports, or, in other words, motor sports.

Motorsport: motorcycles

It requires a very large investment. This is one of the most expensive sports at the moment. It is divided into several categories: race cars, motocross and rally. Despite the inaccessibility of this species, every year it is gaining momentum.


As a separate species, it began to develop in the middle of the XIX-early XX centuries. This is a very dangerous and extreme sport that requires some skill and knowledge of special skills. The speed of the paraglider is 20-70 km / h. The advantage of this device is that it does not require much space in case of emergency landing. More than a century has passed since the first primitive paraglider, and current paragliders can cover distances of thousands of kilometers, while being in the air for a whole day.



The first person who dared to take this rather risky act was the Frenchman Andre-Jacques Garnerin. In 1797, he made his first jump from 700 meters on a tethered parachute of his own design. The first woman to conquer this sport was the sister of Andre-Jacques Elizabeth. With the beginning of the XIX century, parachuting became popular around the world. Without it, not a single military parades and shows were held. June 26, 1930 in the USSR is considered to be the day of the creation of parachuting.

Helicopter sport

Helicopter sport

The first helicopter competitions in the USSR date back to 1958. Since 1959, it has been included in the compulsory program and the Unified All-Union Classification. Of course, without special practice and preparation, it is not recommended to perform any studies with this air transport.

Water motor sport

Water motor sport

The first mention of this sport dates back to the beginning of the XX century in American and Australian sources. But he gained his popularity after the First World War. The exact date of the founding of this sport is considered to be 1922. The year of creation of the International Union of water-motor sports. Today it is very popular among residents of the coastal areas of our country. Every year there are sailing competitions, which attract a huge number of observers and fans.

Airplane sport

Airplane sport

As you know, most of the discoveries related to the sky belong to the French. It was they who at the beginning of the 20th century decided to start promoting competitive flights over Paris. The result of which was the International Aviation Federation, created in 1905. In our country, this sport did not find a response, and only half a century later, in 1959, the USSR Aviation Sports Federation was formed.

These were the most unusual technical sports that are only gaining popularity in the Russian Federation.

Technical base in athletics competitions


Few of us thought, but when we watch athletics competitions, we do not attach importance to the fact that elements of technology are present in the very types of competition programs. What technical sports in athletics are present?

In total, they are divided into three types:

  • horizontal jumps (triple jump and long jump);
  • vertical jumps (pole vault and high jump);
  • throwing (spears, disc, hammer and shot put).

From the names it is not difficult to guess where and in which of these species the use of separate equipment is used. It is worth saying that these are one of the few technical types that are part of the Olympic Games.

It is time to talk about applied technical sports.

Mental Sports

Engineers have always competed who will quickly assemble one or another model or build one or another object. Over time, it gained official significance and is now characterized as separate sports.

There are three most popular applied sports:

  • Ship-model - takes its origins from the beginning of the XX century. At this time in Europe there was a trend to exhibit desktop models of their ships. Since 1963, the Unified All-Union Commission included this sport in its sports classification, and a year later the All-Union Federation of Ship-Model Sports was created.
  • Aircraft model - takes its roots in the late XIX-early XX centuries. According to historical references, the first models were built before 1917. But he was able to establish himself as a separate sport and earn a place in the sports classification only in 1926. Later, the International Aviation Federation established technical requirements and rules for organizing competitions. Since 1953, sport falls into the Unified Sports Register of the USSR and becomes a legitimate sporting activity.
  • Self-made - began its existence in the European expanses from the 1940s, but appeared on the territory of the USSR already in 1956. Like ship modeling, in 1963 it was included in the All-Union classification, and on the initiative of the government, a special body was created - the USSR Federation of Automobile Sports, which directed and controlled this sport.

If you look closely, every day we come across something similar. In the Russian Federation, every year there is an intensive development of technical sports. Since gradually they begin to exist in the programs of the Olympic Games.


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