Vitaly Gurkov: biography, fights, photos, personal life

Thai boxing, despite its name, has long been a sport that is practiced not only directly in Thailand, but also in many other countries of the world. To a simple layman it will seem somewhat strange, but this martial art has gained immense popularity and has many champions in such a European country as Belarus. It was in this state that the person was born and lives, who will be discussed in this article. His name is Vitaly Gurkov.

Some facts about the fighter

The Belarusian champion was born on March 27, 1985. Place of birth is the capital - the city of Minsk. The growth of the athlete is 186 centimeters. He began his career in the ring on January 18, 2001. Performs to this day. Officially recognized as the best Muay Thai fighter in Eastern Europe.

vitaly gurkov

K1 World Max 2010 Tournament

Vitaly Gurkov in October 2010 spoke in Korea. The draw for the Belarusian turned out to be extremely unsuccessful, because in the first round he fell on one of the favorites of the competition - Giorgio Petrosyan (the current champion at that time). However, the Slavic athlete did not face the dirt and put up worthy resistance to the Italian, losing only on points.

According to Vitaly himself, he did not pass training camps specifically for this tournament. Before traveling to Korea, he participated in five battles with real professionals in Thailand and realized that this was a completely different direction than K1.

Vitaly Gurkov biography

About glory and fame

To the question of journalists "How do you feel about having a manager with a fighter?" Vitaly Gurkov replied that the presence of such an assistant is extremely necessary. The athlete also pointed out the fact that he personally does not like this situation, but the system of professional sports in Muay Thai is designed in such a way that regardless of your training, without competent promotion, you will never get to a high level.

The Belarusian athlete also held a vivid example on his own person. In 2007, he boxed with a representative of Canada at the world championship and won against him quite confidently. But just two months later, the same Canadian became the champion of the planet, and in the status of a professional. At the same time, everything is much simpler in Holland, because no one there looks at your “candy wrappers”, they study exclusively the past opposition: where, with whom and when they fought, what they achieved.

About the moral mood before the fight

Vitaly Gurkov is a man trying to find a middle ground in everything. Before fights, he always tries to remain cold and indifferent (in the good sense of these words) to everything that happens around him. In addition, the fighter always gives an account of his actions and is determined to continue the fight, even if he is on the floor. It is largely thanks to these qualities that Vitaliy was able to win his first world championship after two years of practicing Thai boxing. Of course, such success was ensured by the presence of an internal core and iron will, multiplied by a tremendous industriousness. According to the athlete, first of all, you need to overcome yourself, your laziness, fears, complexes, to some extent there should be self-sacrifice.

Vitaly Gurkov fights

About fatigue and the fight against it

Vitaly Gurkov is a world champion, and it goes without saying that such achievements are simply not given. It is logical that sometimes moral and physical fatigue can come, which, in general, is called overtraining.

The fighter himself claims that in the fight against glut, he is helped by relatives and relatives, listening to his favorite music, and various hobbies. This approach allows you to miss workouts and come back to the gym with renewed vigor.

vitaly gurkov world champion

About performances in MMA

Vitaly Gurkov, whose battles are watched by millions of people, claims that the interest in mixed martial arts among fans does not fall. According to him, MMA is a very tough and uncompromising kind of fights, where refereeing is practically not able to influence the course of the fight, because about 80% of fights end ahead of schedule. But the athlete himself reads: he will not be in MMA, because for successful performances there must be at least two years to pay close attention to the fight in the stalls, which he cannot afford.

Sensational victory

January 26, 2014 Vitaly Gurkov, whose biography is worthy of respect, converged in the ring with a Thai named Kema.

The fight itself turned out to be extremely intense. The first two rounds of Belarus made many mistakes: he missed the so-called Thai kicks and generally adopted the opponent’s battle style. Thai worked from deaf protection, and Vitaly could not do anything about it. But from the third round, everything has changed. Gurkov significantly inflated the battle and began to bend his line strenuously. Thus, the physical condition of the Belarusian was able to surpass the Thai trick.

About love

Vitaly Gurkov (his personal life for a long time remained outside the fan access area) was in a relationship with a singer named Dakota. A participant in the "Factory" claims that she never planned to build a relationship with an athlete, especially with a boxer. However, Vitalik was able to completely break all her stereotypes about fighters, and especially when he wrote her a love SMS in verse.

Vitaly Gurkov personal life

But, as time has shown, the relationship of two famous personalities did not work out. And already in 2015, the singer married her colleague in the music department, a former member of the BiS band Vlad Sokolovsky.


There is no sense in listing the sports regalia of the Belarusian, since there are a lot of them. Among them are world and European titles. In addition, the fighter has the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus, and is also the first athlete to become a laureate of the Victor Ivashkevich National Prize for the Protection of Human Rights.


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