How to make laundry soap? Technology and equipment for the production of soap

Despite the abundance in the modern market of various detergents, laundry soap is still in demand. This is due to its low cost and versatility. Many people cook it themselves, some also became interested in how to make laundry soap. Liquid soap has a higher cost and higher consumption. So the transition to the economic is very advisable. The following describes the stages of cooking the bars in the soap industry, as well as the technology for their preparation at home.

Soap 72%


It can be very diverse. Before they make laundry soap, they are determined with its raw materials. This is the first and most important stage of production.

As raw materials can be used:

  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, palm kernel).
  • Animal fats. As a rule, they use pork, beef or mutton. The way soap is used to make laundry soap directly affects the process. Contrary to popular belief, whetstones are not made from raw materials obtained from dogs. This is just a myth. The composition of dog fat for cooking soap is completely unsuitable.
  • Salomas. This is a substance that is obtained in the process of saturation with hydrogen atoms of oil. As a rule, nickel acts as a catalyst. The reaction is carried out under the influence of high temperatures (200-300 gr.).
  • Fatty acid. Most often, oleic, palmitic and stearic are used. The release of acids comes from fats. Moreover, their ratio may be different.
  • Synthetic fatty acids. They are made from paraffin. It is heated to 120 ° C and purged with air. As a catalyst, manganese compounds are used. Currently, synthetic fatty acids are rarely considered as raw materials. This is due to the fact that the quality of the final product is unsatisfactory.
  • Soapstocks. This term refers to the cleaning products of oils and fats with alkaline solutions. Currently, raw materials are rarely used. This is due to the fact that the resulting bars have a pronounced unpleasant odor.

The quality of the raw materials must meet the conditions of the regulatory document.

Soap Bars

GOST requirements

Information on how to make laundry soap is presented in State Standard 30266-95.

Product quality requirements according to this document:

  • Finished bars must be completely decomposed into biological components.
  • Soap should not be toxic.
  • The product must meet all fire safety requirements.
  • Finished bars must retain their properties and shape for several years (subject to storage conditions).
  • Soap should fulfill its task when interacting with both cold and hot water.
  • Contact with the bar should not provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

According to the regulatory document, laundry soap is distinguished by its cleanliness and environmental friendliness. This is due to the fact that during its preparation surrogates and preservatives are not used. The technology of cooking soap while meeting all modern requirements.

Finished soap


The process of making the bars is very simple. It does not require a large amount of equipment.

For the production of soap are necessary:

  • Cooking boilers. Their capacity can be from 50 to 250 liters. During cooking, they do not react with the raw materials due to the presence of an inert surface. Sometimes the equipment for the production of soap is equipped with a tap. It is located below and is designed to drain the resulting fluid.
  • Melting tanks.
  • Choppers. Outwardly, they resemble an ordinary meat grinder. Designed for processing the basics.
  • Sawing apparatus. The machine is equipped with rollers that literally rub additional components into the base (flavors, dyes, etc.). The device is not used if the soap is cooked using traditional technology.
  • Press. Designed to form the basis of a continuous tape.
  • Carver. The apparatus that forms the finished bars. After that, they are marked and sent for implementation.

Thus, in order to organize the production of soap, it does not require complex and expensive equipment.

Special equipment

Stage One. Saponification

So, how do laundry soap. The first step in the preparation itself is the mixing of fat and alkali. This directly depends on what properties the bar will have.

On it you can see various numbers. Many people are interested in what 72 percent, 65, etc. are made of laundry soap. Their raw materials are exactly the same, but the labeling can be different. The bar indicates the percentage of alkali. The higher this indicator, the better the properties of soap. A bar with a figure of more than 70.5% is considered the highest quality. Soaps with an alkali content of less than 69% are considered low grade.

The first stage of manufacture includes the following items:

  • Heating fats. If several types of raw materials are used, they are mixed and melted until they become liquid.
  • Dilution of alkali. Dry caustic soda is mixed with water. This chemical reaction is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. Accordingly, so that the liquid does not splash, ice is added to the alkali.
  • Mixing the resulting liquids.

This technology is classic. As mentioned above, animal fats can be replaced with other raw materials.

Soap 65%

Cooking the mixture and its subsequent processing

Sulfonic acids are added to the resulting liquid. They play the role of a catalyst. The liquid is boiled, stirring constantly. Gradually, it becomes thick, viscous and viscous. The resulting mass is called soap glue.

The next step is salting out with sodium chloride (in other words, processing). It is important to remember that detergents of laundry soap depend only on salts of fatty acids. All other components are completely useless. In this regard, they are removed from soap glue. At the end of this step, a cleaner, concentrated and denser product is obtained.


This item is optional. Rinsing the resulting product with ordinary water is carried out only if it does not meet the requirements of GOST. After this, the layers are thoroughly dried.


The finished soap is solid enough. To give it the necessary shape, it is first crushed, and then pressed. Another option is also possible - the layers are again placed in digesters and melted to a malleable state. After that, the mass is poured into molds and solidifies.

The final step is product labeling. After that, the bars are packed in boxes and sent for sale.

Cooking process

Home cooking

Despite the fact that laundry soap is inexpensive and consumed very slowly, many people prefer to cook it themselves.

First you need to take care of your safety. It is important to remember that the manufacture of soap involves working with alkali. It is necessary to open the windows in the room, put on an old bathrobe and disposable (or rubber) gloves. In addition, a respirator is recommended. It will protect the mucous membranes from harmful fumes.

What ingredients are needed:

  • 800 g of sunflower oil;
  • 300 g castor oil;
  • 100 g coconut oil;
  • 140 g of alkali;
  • 330 ml of pure water.

From these components, an average of 1 kg of product is obtained. All goods for soap making can be purchased in specialized stores. If desired, you can buy various additives that improve the washing properties of the bars.

How to make laundry soap at home:

  • Prepare a cooking container. Put coconut oil in it. It is solid, which means it takes a considerable time to become fluid.
  • Add sunflower oil to the melted liquid. Stir constantly.
  • Measure the necessary amount of water and alkali. The latter must be carefully poured into the liquid. In this case, the solution must be constantly stirred. Strain.
  • Slowly pour the alkaline solution into the oils. Important! The temperature of the components should be the same. The resulting mass is constantly stirred. You can do this with a blender.
  • Gradually, traces begin to appear on the dense mass. As soon as this happened, the resulting viscous substance must be placed in a water bath and simmer for 3-4 hours. After that, the mass turns into a substance that looks like a gel.
  • Dip the pH strip into it. The resulting value should vary between 8.5-10.
  • Add castor to the mass, pour it into forms and cover with a film.

The final stage is solidification. In two to three days, the soap will be completely ready. Then it should be cut into small sticks.

Making soap at home


Laundry soap is a product that has excellent detergent properties. In addition, it is absolutely safe and does not cause the development of allergic reactions. Vegetable oils or fats of animal origin are most often used as raw materials. Many people are interested in how they make laundry soap in production. The technology of the bars is strictly regulated by the State Standard. But everyone can cook them at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase goods for soap making and strictly follow the algorithm.


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