Calendula flowers: useful properties and contraindications

In nature, there is a huge amount of medicinal plants and herbs. Calendula flowers stand out among them for their healing properties. The article will talk about the features of the plant and its medicinal qualities.

Useful properties of calendula

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant can be used, but inflorescences are most often used. Among the useful properties of calendula flowers can be distinguished:

  • alcohols similar to cholesterol (can lower cholesterol);
  • triterpinoids, glucoside, coumarins have anti-inflammatory and wound healing qualities;
  • flavonoids - substances that can relieve spasms in the intestines and stomach, remove pathogenic microflora, help produce bile and restore the mucous membrane;
  • Calendula essential oils adversely affect infections that cause viral diseases.
Calendula flower contraindications

In addition, calendula flowers in its composition contain substances that positively affect the heart and blood vessels, increase immunity and relieve inflammation.


Medicinal marigolds are known to many people for their special qualities. The healing properties of calendula flowers include:

  1. Therapy of the respiratory system and oral cavity (tonsillitis, flu, acute respiratory viral infections). From the flowers make tinctures and decoctions, with which they gargle. As a result, under the influence of bactericidal components, there is a decrease in inflammation and pathogenic bacteria die.
  2. Skin diseases. External ointments are widely used for healing wounds, burns and other injuries. Warts get rid of celandine juice and calendula. A week after daily use, they completely disappear.
  3. Treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, arrhythmia, etc.).
  4. Diseases of the digestive tract. Infusion of calendula allows you to cope with digestive problems, improves the outflow of bile. The plants, antiseptics and antispasmodics present in the composition have a positive effect on stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis). A mixture of orange juice and a decoction of marigolds cope with constipation. Use should be several times a day.
  5. It relieves diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis). Decoction reduces pain during urination and relieves inflammation. To improve the effect add rose hips.
  6. It helps to treat diseases of the female genital area (cervical erosion, heavy bleeding, menopause). For the healing properties of calendula flowers during therapy, in this case, use phyto candles and make douching with a warm broth. The disease can not be completely cured in this way, but you can get rid of discomfort.
The healing properties of calendula flowers

This is not the whole list of the use of calendula flowers.

Alcohol tincture

Fill the container with calendula flowers, pour 70% alcohol and insist for 14 days. Then strain.

For the treatment of various diseases, alcohol tincture can be used, prepared not only at home, but also bought in a pharmacy. The main directions of its use:

  • From the tides helps 20 drops of tincture per teaspoon of water. The course of therapy is 30 days. In the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, tincture allows you to normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves.
  • For headaches, take 30 drops per glass of water 3 times a day after meals. Treatment should be carried out for 14 days.
  • Marigold tincture is effective for throat diseases (tonsillitis, gum disease, stomatitis). To 500 ml of warm water add 10 drops of the product. Rinse several times a day.
  • Alcohol tincture can be used as lotions for leg ulcers, eczema and frostbite. Moisten a clean cloth and apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Repeat several times a day.
  • In gynecology, tincture of calendula flowers is used, the medicinal properties of which allow one to get rid of inflammatory processes: erosion, vulvitis, colpitis.
  • For painful periods, it should be taken 5-7 days before they begin. To do this, dissolve 15-20 drops in a spoon of water, and use it three times a day half an hour before meals.

Due to the positive properties of marigolds, tincture provides effective assistance and reduces unpleasant symptoms.

Acne Treatment

Alcohol tincture of calendula flowers can cure some skin diseases. It is used as follows.

  1. For oily skin, the face is wiped with the following solution: 1 teaspoon of the product in 200 ml of water. The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a day.
  2. You can get rid of youthful acne if you wipe the face with a diluted tincture, and then apply yeast masks.
  3. Calendula tincture, diluted with water, is used to get rid of purulent acne that sprinkles on the body. In 100 ml of water, dilute 1 teaspoon of the product. Wet a thin tissue and apply to the affected area.
Marigold Flower Properties

The bactericidal qualities of the nails can get rid of pain, inflammation and other unpleasant sensations.

Calendula infusion

Marigolds have miraculous properties, so the plant copes with inflammation in the body.

The cooking method is as follows. Two tablespoons of calendula flowers pour hot water (300 ml). Boil in a water bath. Strain and bring to the original volume - 300 ml. Store the infusion in the refrigerator is allowed no more than 48 hours. Take orally before meals for 3 tbsp. spoons.

Useful properties of calendula flowers in tincture can cure diseases of the digestive tract, inflammatory processes of internal organs, pain in the stomach, high blood pressure.

Calendula Ointment

There is a wide variety of marigold products that can cure many diseases. Marigold ointment, for example, is extremely popular. You can cook it yourself.

To do this, grind 0.5 cups of dried flowers of the plant to the state of powder, and mix with melted pork fat (1 cup). Melt the resulting mass in a water bath. The ointment is ready. Sometimes instead of fat, take petroleum jelly. The finished product must be stored in a cool place.

The healing properties of calendula flowers

Calendula ointment has a wide range of uses. It has the following useful properties:

  • cures any skin diseases;
  • with varicose veins makes the skin supple;
  • accelerates the restoration of the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • soothes the skin, and relieves inflammation in case of allergies.

Women often use ointment: it has a positive effect on the skin. Especially after the negative effects of water, frost or the sun.

Calendula ointment for men helps relieve skin irritation after shaving. In addition, she fights well with diaper rash in a newborn.

Marigold oil

The amazing qualities of marigolds are manifested when various products are prepared from the plant. However, it must be remembered that calendula flowers have both beneficial properties and contraindications. However, in most cases, funds prepared from a plant still heal.

Marigold oil is prepared as follows:

  1. Capacity is filled with 3/4 plant flowers.
  2. Olive or sunflower oil is added to the brim.
  3. Within 10 days, the mixture is infused in a dark place.
  4. Ointment mix and strain. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator.

The resulting oil provides effective bactericidal assistance in inflammatory processes. Dressings and lotions are applied to dry eczema, burns and frostbite.

Calendula oil can protect the skin of adults and children from the negative effects of the environment. Nursing mothers treat their chapped nipples.

Applying Calendula Flowers

Patients who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract, for treatment must take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil 30 minutes before a meal, at least 2 times a day. Also, when using oil, cardiac activity is activated, and swelling is reduced. In general, the beneficial properties of calendula oil are quite extensive.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

To preserve the beneficial properties of calendula flowers, and contraindications to avoid, you need to properly collect the plant. The ideal time for collecting inflorescences is 1 or 2 days after the opening of the bud. Only flower baskets are harvested, that is, the raw materials should be cleaned from stems.

During the summer period, you can harvest plant flowers several times, because they bloom unevenly.

Marigold flowers

Dry the flowers in a well-ventilated area, several times essentially mixing gently. Store grass in paper or canvas bags in a dry and cool place. Shelf life 2 years, then the raw material loses its useful properties.

Calendula preparations

Traditional medicine has a wide range of medicines containing marigolds. They are part of tinctures, tablets, ointments and creams. In pharmacies, you can purchase a dry collection, which is used for infusions and decoctions.

List of common drugs:

  1. Tincture of calendula. Used to heal wounds. With angina, with the help of tincture, you can get rid of pain and inflammation.
  2. "Kaleflon." Specialists prescribe the drug for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ointment "Doctor Theise." It has a healing effect on any part of the skin.

Due to its beneficial properties, calendula medicines can cope with many diseases.

Calendula in cooking

The aroma and taste of this plant attract cooks to it. Marigolds are often added to dough, pastes, salads, soups and meat. Calendula is able to give the dough and cream a golden color.

It is added to salads from fresh vegetables. Calendula is often placed in apple and cranberry juice. To improve the taste, honey and sugar are added to them. The result is healthy parsons.

In ancient times, dried marigolds were an addition to stewed sparrows and rabbits.


Medicinal herbs, despite the positive properties, have some negative qualities. There are the following contraindications for using calendula flowers:

  • Children under 6 years old. If you apply a medicine prepared on the basis of a plant at this age, then there is a high chance of overloading the body with the natural components that make up its composition, which certainly will not benefit.
  • Hypotension. Substances that are present in the composition of calendula can lower blood pressure. Therefore, the constant intake of grass will only be harmful.
  • Ingestion of decoctions with calendula can lower the heart rate, which poses a real threat to the patient's life.
  • Lactation period. The substances that make up the plant easily penetrate into breast milk, and with them into the body of the newborn. It could harm him.
  • Pregnancy. The active components of calendula, penetrating the placenta, can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. The plant has an irritating effect on the stomach, which can increase pain.
  • Allergy. In some cases, taking calendula-based drugs provokes the occurrence of unpleasant sensations (itching, rash, redness of the skin).

When using plants for the treatment of various diseases, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage.

Useful properties of calendula flowers

In order to benefit from all the medicinal properties of calendula flowers, contraindications must be taken into account. The plant should not be underestimated, referring only to its natural qualities. Before taking calendula-based medicines, it is best to consult a qualified doctor.


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