Larson Holz Ltd: Employee Reviews for Larson Holz

Work in financial companies is rightfully considered one of the most prestigious - clean, comfortable offices, equipped with the latest technology, intellectual work, an interesting team, high earnings. But attractive working conditions also imply high requirements for employees, because working with finances requires great responsibility and high qualifications. Without a diploma of higher specialized education, it seems impossible to gain access to working with money. However, feedback from employees about Larson Holtz, a prominent representative of the financial industry, suggests the opposite.

What is the job at Larson & Holz?

Larson & Holz IT Ltd is one of the leading international Forex brokers. The company provides services through which you can not only trade currency contracts, but also invest in such serious instruments as stocks, futures, precious metals, options, cryptocurrencies. The services are targeted both at individuals and institutional clients. In Russia, a broker is represented by a group of consulting companies, including the office of Parity Finance, located in St. Petersburg.

Work in Larson holz - This is the development of new trading services, advising clients on investment issues, analyzing market trends and determining further price rates. But, despite the complexity of this business, the company has a very progressive approach to staff recruitment. To get a job in this company, it is not necessary to have experience in the field of finance, and even education does not matter. “What we truly appreciate in our employees is determination, assertiveness, willingness to learn new things and constantly grow,” says Parity Finance trader Zhordania Vitaliy Arkadevich. - Higher education and experience, unfortunately, do not guarantee that its owner has all the necessary qualities for successful work in our field. Personally, I am convinced that it is easier to teach than to retrain. Therefore, we are more willing to work with “flexible minds” than with people from the classical financial school. ”

Larson & Holz also takes part in all the leading exhibitions in its profile. There, as a rule, the latest news presented recently have been presented. For example, at the annual iFX Expo Asia exhibition held in Hong Kong, the broker representatives presented a new partnership program for call centers in 2017, and in 2018 a unique project to create a crypto division - LH Crypto. Now the company's customers can open accounts not only in dollars or euros, but also in digital currency, and conduct all operations in it.

However company Larson and Holtz not only takes part in business events and exhibitions, but she herself successfully organizes and conducts such events both in Russia and abroad. One of the most notable is the annual business congress in St. Petersburg. Traditionally, representatives of financial circles and world-famous experts gather there, such as the famous publicist and political scientist Mikhail Khazin. Therefore, company employees also work in this presentation direction.

Training specialists for work in the company

Since for Russia the Forex market is a fairly young business and there are no training programs on trading financial instruments in educational institutions, Larson and Holz independently educates traders, as well as their future employees, in all the intricacies of the market. At the same time, at the initial stage, everyone takes a single course in trading, regardless of the purpose for which the student applied to the company - to trade on Forex or for further employment. Representatives of the broker explain this by the fact that their employees must be professional traders or analysts in order to provide qualified assistance to clients. “Theoretical knowledge is not enough here, we need practice and good trading results. Only a successful trader can help others succeed at Forex. Therefore, all our managers are role models and lively motivation for customers, ”explains Vitaliy Arkadevich Zhordania.

So, before joining the Larson Holtz team and gaining a position in one of the representative offices, candidates undergo a full training course and become professional traders. Of course, you need to take into account that for 2-3 months, during the training period, the salary is not provided, but the courses give much more attractive prospects than just a fixed salary for working in the office. The training of managers at Larson Holz is not a study of corporate standards and ethics, it is the development of the most profitable business. Many candidates take advantage of this and begin to earn on transactions with currencies already in the learning process. In addition to income, such applicants receive a huge advantage in hiring, since such specialists can not only fulfill their duties, but also receive a fairly high income from managing investor accounts.

Jobs Larson Holtz

For traders who have successfully completed the training course, the company offers a choice of a manager position in one of its divisions, or a trader's job in a dealing office. Everyone who has completed the training can get a job at Larson Holz IT Ltd, depending on their interests and abilities. A new employee can get into the team for the development of innovative trading services, replenish the composition of the analytical department, become a manager for the preparation of new traders or start a career as an investment manager. Any post is interesting in its own way and has its advantages. Of course, there are times when some applicants do not pass the selection, but the percentage is very small. As a rule, these are people who, in the learning process, understand that they have chosen a different direction. It also happens that after training, the candidates themselves refuse to work in the company’s staff and start their own Forex business.

Judging by the reviews of employees about working at Larson and Holz, the training of specialists is carried out at a very high level. This allows you to completely eliminate the lack of professionalism of employees. Each company manager, regardless of the division in which he works, is a universal specialist and can provide professional advice on any issue. This helps to solve any problems that arise with customers, as quickly and efficiently as possible, without "walking around the office."

A mandatory requirement of the company is the trading activity of each member of the team. Managers should always be aware of market events and trends in order to provide customers with a high level of service. “To speak the same language with the client is very important in our work. When customers see that each of us is guided by absolutely any question and is always ready to help, they trust our company more. This is precisely because they see professionals around them, ”explains Vitaly Arkadevich Zhordania, a trader.

Quality services are top priority

Larson & Holz It LTD has won its leading position among Forex brokers precisely because of its constant striving for excellence, both in the development of trading services and in the training of personnel. The broker is a multiple winner of prestigious prizes for innovation in the Forex industry and high quality services, and representative offices, including Parity Finance, regularly win first places among consulting companies.

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion: in this company, anyone who is willing to constantly learn new things and grow professionally can succeed. It is not necessary to be a professional financier to build a successful career at Forex, as Larson & Holz training programs are designed specifically for those who learn this business from scratch. The company does not limit its traders neither in development nor in income and creates all conditions for constant forward movement.


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