How to develop imagination and creativity: effective methods and recommendations

Regardless of a person’s age, it is very important that his speech, imagination, imagination and creativity are well developed. After all, these abilities help people in life. For some, they are an integral part of the profession. There are several effective techniques developed by specialists. These methods enable adults and children to improve, developing imagination.

We develop speech

Naturally, in any person, speech begins to develop from an early age, when the kids get to know others. However, you can still help them. The main thing is to do it right so as not to harm the child.

In total, there are three generally accepted methods of speech development: visual, practical and verbal. In preschool organizations, the visual method is most often used, consisting in the fact that the teacher himself tells the children about the world around him.

how to develop imagination

So, there is a direct version of this method, which implies visiting excursions or simply pointing to one or another subject with a pronunciation of its name. Another option is mediated, which develops speech by describing certain images or toys. Thus, coherent speech skills are improved, and vocabulary in children is also fixed.

Speech development methods

The verbal way of developing speech is more common in schools. It involves verbal retelling of any stories or memorization of texts. Speaking a text, a person improves not only memory, but also diction, which helps improve speech skills. Also, the description of various toys or paintings without visual contact with the described object can be attributed to the verbal method. That is, a person should tell us as colorful as possible about a previously seen painting or toy.

The practical way is intellectual games in which there is an element of speech development. For example, it can be all kinds of quizzes, dramas or didactic games.


In addition, several methodological techniques can be distinguished . For example, verbal, which, in turn, have subspecies:

  • Speech patterns. When the teacher himself builds accessible speech in form and content. For older children, the correction method is used when the teacher begins to correct the phrase the child said.
  • Reiteration. In this case, the words or phrases are intentionally repeated several times in order to memorize. The main thing is to choose a form of assimilation convenient for the child. For example, choral or joint pronunciation.
  • Explanation. This method is used in cases where the child is explained the concept of one or another subject. The explanation also implies the disclosure of needs and properties.

There are also visual tricks that teach you the proper sound pronunciation and articulation. And gaming, involving children in an educational game.

How to develop imagination?

Developing imagination, imagination of a child is very important. But to form or consolidate these abilities in adulthood is also necessary. From early childhood, a person must accumulate a visual representation of objects. When developing this ability, it is important to consider as many illustrations and objects as possible, focusing on the smallest details. Having carefully remembered an element, it is necessary to mentally imagine it, recalling all the nuances from memory.

develop creative imagination

Also, developing imagination requires effort. For example, a person engaged in creativity, often can not finish his work, because he just sits and waits for the imagination to work in the right direction. Thus, it will not work to achieve the desired result.

Specialists in this field recommend making your imagination work through effort. For example, a person who paints landscapes is recommended to visit picturesque places more often, and people who are engaged in music should draw their imagination in other compositions.

Only the ability of mental concentration can provoke the development of imagination, which subsequently begins to act in the right direction.

foster a child’s imagination

So, there are two main directions of development of the imagination:

  • recreating when a person restores in memory the previously seen forms of the heroes of books, stories and other literature;
  • creative, when a person independently thinks up the appearance of the heroes of stories, novels and other things.

How to develop a fantasy?

The development of fantasy often comes with the development of imagination. Therefore, these two abilities very often improve simultaneously.

How to develop imagination and imagination? To do this, it is recommended that the child read from early childhood literature that helps to improve these abilities. For example, at a very young age, children will find it useful to listen to short stories, and at a more adult age, novels and science fiction literature.

how to develop imagination and imagination

The main thing, teaching a child, to explain to him that this ability is extremely necessary. After all, it is from her that the possibility of imagination arises.

Cooperative learning

How to develop creative imagination? Another good method is co-inventing. For example, parents should provoke the child to compose a mental image of an unreal situation. So, for adults, experts advise, for example, to find out from your baby what he would do if he had wings, what kind of magical country the child wanted to go to, how he imagines the castle of knights or princesses. The development of fantasy lies in the fascination of the child with a particular thought and its further development.

developing imagination we develop speech

How to develop a fantasy? You can ask your child to come up with a short story. Or let it be a whole fairy tale about the situation seen on the street. For example, ask the baby to tell where the cat ran that you met along the way, what she did or will do, whether she has kittens and so on. Here are sample tips for developing your fantasy. Such exercises will be effective if you do them regularly.

How to develop creativity?

Each person at birth is endowed with some set of creative abilities. In some people they are more naturally developed, in others less. In the second case, when creative abilities are poorly formed, you can try to develop them using several methods. However, parents should understand that it is recommended to do this even in preschool age. Indeed, it is during this period that children are most liberated.

So, we develop imagination, creativity. What do we have to do? First of all, such abilities develop well during games. Even the usual construction of the tower can contribute to this. After all, children learn to improve, which means they will begin to modify the constructed structure, adding or, conversely, removing some details.

develop fantasy creativity

You can also develop creative abilities with the help of modeling, drawing, singing and other activities of this kind. In addition, attending a music school is very useful. Therefore, experts recommend that from early childhood send children to such institutions.


Now it’s clear how to develop imagination, creativity, and also speech. So, cultivating abilities in yourself or your children is quite simple. Moreover, almost all of them are interconnected, and one complements the other. The main thing is not to scold the child for the fact that he does not succeed the first time with some task, but, on the contrary, to praise him, motivating the desire for independent development.


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