Maxim Golovkin is the brother of Gennady Golovkin. Biography and photos

For ardent sports fans, it makes no sense to introduce Gennady Golovkin. They know that this boxer is considered one of the strongest athletes in their weight category. However, his brother Maxim Golovkin is a less public but very close person. In the past, this is an amateur boxer. Today, he positions himself as an experienced coach, a loving husband and father. We will talk about this wonderful person, who often remained in the shadow of Gennady, today.

Maxim Golovkin

Brief information about the brother of a famous boxer

Gennady Golovkin and Maxim Golovkin (photo can be seen below) are siblings. Moreover, they are also twins. They always did everything together, including training and speaking. Both brothers were even represented in the same weight category. That's just they adhered to a special principle, never fight with each other.

If it happened that it was necessary to conduct just such a duel, then one of the brothers would necessarily withdraw his candidacy and leave the competition ahead of time. For example, this is exactly what happened during the selection for the Olympics in 2004. At the same time, the question was decided which of the brothers would go to her. Without thinking twice, Maxim Golovkin lost this vacant position to his brother.

Maxim Golovkin photo

At the moment, our hero is no longer playing in the ring. Nevertheless, he still decided not to leave boxing. Instead, Maxim came to grips with his own career, and from time to time coaches Gennady. Although he has his own trainers without a brother, more experienced and qualified. But first things first.

A small biographical information about Maxim

Despite his stellar brother, whom everyone knew and talked about, Maxim Golovkin (biography it was carefully hidden) was almost always on the sidelines. Until recently, almost nothing was said about him. But his fate is no less interesting than that of his brother. So, Maxim was born in early April 1982. His hometown was Mikuduk (a remote administrative district of Karaganda). Here he graduated from high school, got an education and became interested in boxing.

Parents of a sports family

Maxim Golovkin was born in an ordinary working-class family. His father was Gennady Ivanovich - a miner with a long track record and incredibly working hands. He began his career as an ordinary mining ventilation master.

Later, he managed to become the chief engineer of the mine under the name "Karaganda". Thanks to hard work and perseverance, Maxim's father was repeatedly awarded honorary titles, medals and diplomas. The most memorable award for him was the title of “Honorary Worker of the Coal Industry”. During his life, he managed to assess the potential of his sons and see their capabilities. In the winter of 2014, the father of the boxers suddenly died.

Maxim Golovkin and his wife

Mother Golovkin - Elizaveta Sergeevna, once held the position of laboratory assistant in the chemical laboratory. According to her, it was she who educated both boys. However, Golovkina did not at all strive to make them outstanding athletes. On the contrary, her main task was to teach them responsibility and independence. First of all, they had to grow up as good people, and only then athletes.

According to Elizabeth Sergeevna, despite the unconditional victories of Gennady, she is still scared to watch his performances. Therefore, she always tries to do this when the battle has already taken place and its result is known. However, she, like Maxim Golovkin himself, always supports his champion, cheers for him and worries.

How did the brothers get into big boxing?

In addition to Maxim and Gennady, the Golovkin family also had children. In particular, the older brother also took part in the education of future champions. For this, he brought them for the first time to the boxing section. Then both boys were eight years old. Before that, the boys were already involved in football and basketball. But, like ordinary boys, they often liked to fight. To do this, they entered sparring. However, it was only for fun and in training. In reality, both brothers never competed with each other for the champion title.

Why didn’t Maxim continue his boxing career?

According to Maxim Golovkin himself, the brother of Gennady Golovkin, in childhood they tried all kinds of sports that are possible. But preference was given to boxing. When they were 11 years old, they firmly decided to go to the end and conquer the peaks of the boxing Olympus. At the same time, Maxim himself never planned to do this on a professional level.

Moreover, in the period from 1999 to 2000 it was necessary to seek funds to participate in competitions. It was very difficult at that time to find a sponsor. Therefore, it was decided to send only one to the competition - Gennady. It was cheaper, more reliable and easier. Therefore, Maxim remained on the sidelines, and his brother quickly went up.

First trainer and boys training

The boxing section, where Maxim Golovkin entered (see his photo below) and his brother, was located on the territory of professional sports school No. 1. The coach of the boys at that time was Viktor Dmitriev. According to him, both brothers immediately stood out from the rest. They were stubborn and hardworking. And although at first they practically didn’t enter the ring, a few years later they managed to set the heat for many amateur athletes.

Maxim Golovkin biography

Not so long ago, an outstanding athlete visited his native school and his beloved first coach. His joy knew no bounds. By the way, other famous boxers, among them Yerzhan Musafirov, were once engaged in the walls of this building.

Honorary title of trainer

Recently, Maxim received the honorary title of Honored Trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The award ceremony was held in Karaganda, during the closing of the international tournament dedicated to the memory of the famous coach Galym Zharylgapov. According to the hero himself, this award was presented to him for his active participation in the training process dedicated to the World Cup. As a reward, Maxim was awarded the badge and trainer's certificate.

Maxim Golovkin brother of Gennady Golovkin

Creation and participation in the GGG team

At the peak of his career, Gennady and Maxim Golovkina (photos of these wonderful brothers are presented in our article) decided to create their own team. They called her the initials of Gennady GGG. Initially, it included only a few people. Later, the need for personnel increased, and with it the team began to grow. Currently, the number of its participants exceeds 10 people.

Gennady and Maxim Golovkin photo

Among the members of the team of brothers are only the most trusted experts, friends and experts who play a huge role in moving towards the success of Gennady himself. For example, the GGG includes the German brothers (Maxim and Oleg). Until recently, they were the official representatives of the boxer. Despite the fact that athletes go with them almost from the very beginning of their boxing career, they still had to step aside. Tom Lefler came to replace them.

Another member of the team is the head coach of Gennady - Abel Sanchez. According to Maxim, he is a very serious, demanding and just a good person. With his help, his brother managed to achieve those results that glorified the name of the Golovkins in the whole world.

Stealth and modesty

Modesty and secrecy are the two main character traits of our hero. It is because of them that Maxim Golovkin and his wife never appear in public together. According to Maxim himself, he tries to share his personal life and work. Therefore, it protects its family from the press. He believes that they do not need too much attention. More is known about his brother. He has a wife Alina (pictured below), with whom they signed in 2007. They currently live in Germany, where they had a new heir and future athlete, son Vadim. Although Gennady himself does not want the fate of a boxer to his little son.

Gennady Golovkin and Maxim Golovkin photo

Is there an emotional connection between brothers?

According to Maxim, he was always close with his brother. Moreover, he not only constantly came and accompanied him during the competition, but also supported him morally. Being in a foreign country, Gennady could always count on the shoulder of his brother. And Maxim was glad to support and talk with the champion heart to heart.

They say that the twins have some special connection. But she’s not at all like the twins (they can feel each other at a distance). She is rather emotional. By his movements and facial expressions, Maxim immediately understands what emotions his brother experiences at one time or another.

Wishes for beginners boxing career

Maxim believes that only by working hard can you achieve any results. Moreover, he considers help and support from the family to be a great merit in the success of his brother. With such a rear, the hero says, no difficulties are terrible.


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