Is it possible to eat acorns and what is the use of them for a person

Acorn, an oak nut, has a high content of nutrients and nutrients necessary for human health. Many people do not consider it food, although the cuisines of certain countries have used acorns for centuries to prepare delicious dishes. Of particular value is the nut of the oak among the indigenous people of North American countries and among Koreans. Is it possible to eat oak acorns to humans, what benefits they bring , read the article.

General information

Acorn is an oak fruit. This tree is an embodiment of strength, longevity and beauty, therefore it is considered an honor for gardeners to grow such a symbol in their garden. To do this, just need to plant an acorn. Later, when the seedling grows up, fruits will appear on it that will bring great benefits to human health and become a favorite treat.

Can I eat acorns

A selection of good acorns

Can I eat acorns? The fruits of any oak are edible. Depending on the type of tree, they are divided into varieties. But acorns from Emory oak and from a white tree of this species Oregon are considered the best. Such nuts are most often eaten, since tannins in them are contained in smaller quantities.

Is it possible to eat acorns to humans

For example, acorns growing on black oak have a bitter taste, their preparation takes a lot of time. Today, few people consider oak fruits to be edible, or is it doubtful whether raw acorns can be eaten? The fact is that raw nuts contain tannins in very large quantities, which makes them bitter. Most importantly, if you eat a lot of nuts, you can get toxic poisoning. Therefore, they are not eaten raw.

How to prepare acorns before use?

Can I eat acorns? Properly cooked nuts lack tannic acid, as a result of which they do not cause a toxic reaction, so they can be consumed. Indigenous peoples of America rid acorns of harmful substances through water. They peel nuts, put them in a bag and lower them into a stream of water. Another way is effective. The acorns are peeled, poured with water and boiled, changing the liquid, until tannic acid leaves traces (brown color of water). Then the fruits are dried and roasted like regular nuts.

Can I eat oak acorns

How to apply acorns?

After removal of the tannins, the nuts become sweet in taste and acquire a soft consistency. Can acorns be eaten by humans? Ready-to-eat people consider dried or fried acorns. But you can diversify the menu of them and make sweets by sprinkling sugar on the fruits. Can I eat acorns? Back in the 19th century, acorns were used as coffee, since the prices for real grains were very high. The taste of the oak fruit drink was not attractive, but still it was coffee.

Can I eat oak acorns to humans?

Can I eat acorns? The nuts crushed into small crumbs are used for baking bread and baking. They are used if you need to thicken liquid products. In Korea, starch is produced from acorns, which is used to make noodles or jelly.

Oak Fruit Oil

One way to prepare acorns is to obtain oil, which contains a lot in the fetus: a third of the total mass. In the distant past, oil was not used for food. It was used by hunters from North American countries during the hunt. The tart aroma attracted animals, and also masked people's own smell. Later, soft varieties of acorns from countries of Europe and Africa were used to obtain oil, similar in appearance to a product from olive fruits.

Planting an acorn at home

To breed oak, you need to choose high-quality specimens of fruits. To determine suitability, the nuts are placed in water. Floating specimens are thrown away, and the remaining ones at the bottom are used for planting. The selected nuts are placed in the refrigerator for a period of two months to create winter conditions. Pre-seeds are hermetically sealed with the addition of a moisture-containing substance.

After the roots appear, the acorns are stacked in a horizontal position in a box with prepared earth. During two weeks of planting, it is necessary to water abundantly. After the appearance of several leaves, the sprouted plant is planted at a constant place of growth in the soil of the garden with the following symptoms:

  • The length of the sprouts should reach 15 cm.
  • The main root is developed.
  • The seedling is two weeks old.
  • The root system is without signs of disease.

The place in the garden should be lit, sunny. Near the site should not pass the pipeline and grow other crops that can limit the freedom of the young tree. A landing site two meters in diameter needs to be cleared and dug up. It is better to plant two plants side by side and enclose them from mechanical damage by animals or people. Until the plant takes root, it must be watered periodically. When the first fruits appear on the tree, is it possible to eat oak acorns, see for yourself.

Can I eat raw acorns

The benefits of oak fruit

Acorns, like all nuts, are dense food. They have less fat, but more complex carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Since ancient times, oak fruits have been used by traditional healers to treat and prevent many diseases.

  • According to scientists, acorns help regulate the level of sugar in the human body.
  • Treat gastrointestinal upsets. Can I eat acorns? They are not only eaten as part of cooked or independent dishes, but also treated. Coffee is made from oak fruits and consumed for three months without interruption three times throughout the day.
  • They treat bronchi, asthma, heart, urogenital system. To do this, prepare a drink with the addition of honey, sugar.
  • Acorns have antitumor, enveloping and bactericidal action.
  • Fruits help with enuresis, increase potency.
  • Thrombosis and varicose veins are treated.
  • With the use of acorns, the person’s intellectual abilities increase, brain function is activated, and attention is concentrated.

Acorn coffee

To make a drink, the fruits do not have to be soaked. After harvesting in the woods, they are baked in the oven along with the peel until they turn pink. Then the peel is peeled off, and the fruits are finely chopped. A small spoonful of the mixture is enough for a glass of water.

Can I eat acorns

Who, apart from humans, eats acorns?

Oak fruits are a favorite delicacy of all rodents: squirrels, mice, chipmunks. These animals make large reserves of acorns in the fall, which allows them to have food in the winter, despite the fact that there are no nuts and berries in the forest at that time. Can birds eat acorns? Of course, the fruits of the oak are very nutritious, so the birds quickly saturated with them and do not feel hungry in snowy winters. Acorn nuts are a favorite treat for the larger inhabitants of the forest: bears, deer, wild boars.


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