Claim: what is the lexical meaning of the word

The feminine noun “claim” is often used in modern speech. This demand is promoted by the fact that the word “claim” has not one meaning, but four. What are they and where did this term come from in Russian? Let's find the answers to all these questions.

The history of the word "claim" in Russian

Like most terms that have analogues in the most common European languages, this noun came from Latin. The words “praetensio and praetentus”, which meant “claim” or “demand”, can be considered his “progenitor”.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire in the European states formed on its ruins, Latin began to be considered the language of science and religion. Thanks to this, many concepts and terms from Latin were successfully borrowed from other European languages. Among these words was the noun “claim” (the meaning of the term will be discussed below). It is still found in many languages ​​today, and it has changed quite a bit. For example, in English it is pretension, in French - la prétention. In some languages ​​this term was not preserved, being supplanted by others: reclamación (in Spanish), affermazione (in Italian), die Reklamation (in German).

This word came to the Slavs through the mediation of English or German. At the same time, it was preserved only in East Slavic languages, while in West Slavic it was supplanted by other nouns.

Today this term is actively used in the Belarusian (pretenziya), Russian (claim) and Ukrainian (claim) languages. While the Poles and Czechs do not.

The main lexical meaning of the word "claim"

This name is used in a speech when it refers to the requirement of some special something or someone.

claim what is

For example: "The claims of a citizen of such and such a parking lot are unfounded, since at the meeting it was decided that it was assigned to the residents of the fifth apartment."

The second meaning of this noun

Considering the question of what a "claim" is, it is worth paying attention to other options for the interpretation of this word.

So, this noun is also used in speech when we mean a complaint about something or attempts to express our dissatisfaction.

claim value

For example: "People in line at the supermarket checkout expressed their complaints about the speed and quality of the cashier’s work."

Another interpretation of the meaning of the word

Also, this term is used as the name of the person’s desire to make a better impression on someone, attributing to himself qualities that he does not possess.

For example: “The decoration of their home was not just rich, but luxurious. At the same time, there was a pretense of a certain nobility in everything, which the inhabitants didn’t even have. ”

The root words "claim" and "pretentious"

The term in question (if it is used in the sense of attributing non-existent virtues to oneself) has the adjective “pretentious” that is close in meaning. It is used when talking about excessively high self-esteem or pretentiousness, mannerism.

For example: "Her flashy mediocrity was compensated by the pretentious manner of holding herself and discussing contemporary art and its decline."

The words “claim” and “pretentious” are very close in meaning. It should be borne in mind that the last of them does not have all the other interpretations that the first is rich in.

"Claim" - the lexical meaning of a noun in jurisprudence

Also, the word in question is a legal term with which every citizen at least once in his life came across, but did not always know that it is called that way.

meaning of the word claim

So what is a “claim” in the business world? Lawyers refer to this complaint as a written complaint by a buyer or consumer about the quality of a product or service rendered. Also this word refers to a creditor's claim directed to a debtor who does not pay interest on a loan on time.

words claim pretentious in meaning

In fact, a claim is a document that helps to resolve the dispute between the parties at the pre-trial stage.

What are the required attributes for a document such as a claim

Having dealt with the question of what a claim in jurisprudence is, it is worth learning more about the features of its design.

First of all, you need to understand that claims include even those documents whose title does not include this term. So, all complaints, claims, appeals, open letters and statements containing a notice of violation of the rights guaranteed by the law of its author and claims for the elimination or issuance of compensation, automatically relate to claims.

According to the current legislation, such a document can be prepared by any individual or legal entity who believes that the service or product that they purchased does not correspond to the declared properties. Moreover, in order for a claim to be valid, it is necessary to be able to prove that the facts set forth in it are not a figment of the imagination of its author, but a harsh reality.

claim lexical meaning

Claims are addressed to a person who, by law, is responsible for the inadequate quality of the goods or services. So, a complaint about a poor-quality electric kettle from a supermarket that is refused to be replaced under a guarantee (if the case is really a warranty or it is a factory defect) should not be lodged with the sales assistant, cashier or loader, courier, but with the general director of a particular supermarket or even the entire network.

The compiled document is sent to such a person by mail, preferably by registered letter, with a delivery receipt and declared value and a list of all attached documents.

The lexical meaning of the word claim
A check for sending such a claim in the future will be able to become evidence in court, if it comes to it.

There are no special requirements to the form of the document, but it is important that it be made in two copies (one remains with the sender). In addition, copies of all documents confirming the correctness of the author’s words must be attached to the claim. Originals should always be kept.

In each claim, the following points must be indicated.

  • From whom and to whom this document was sent.
  • In accordance with what law the complaint is made.
  • Under what circumstances was a violation of the author’s rights.
  • Justified requirements.
  • Your data for feedback (phone, email and postal address).
  • Information on how to proceed if the requirements are not met.

If after thirty calendar days or the period specified in the contract that is the subject of the claim, the requirements are not met, this is an occasion to appeal to the court. When filing a claim, it is better to immediately supplement your requirements with payment of legal costs by the losing party.


Having figured out what a claim is, it is worthwhile to find out what analogues can be chosen for this word.

First of all, when choosing synonyms, it is worth considering what meaning the noun is used in this case, since it does not have an absolute analogue.

  1. For the first value, you can use the substitute word "requirement".
  2. In the second case, the term “complaint” will be relevant.
  3. In the third - "ambition."
  4. With regard to the use of the word in jurisprudence, the term “complaint” can be used as a synonym for it.
    The lexical meaning of the word claim

Having studied all the meanings of the word in question, one can only hope that every reader in life will have as few reasons as possible to make complaints verbally or in writing.


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