What is a botanical garden (Vologda)

What is a recently opened botanical garden? Vologda is proud that it was in this city that a decision was made to create a unique object. Find out the details of the event.

Botanical Garden Vologda

Innovation of the Northwest Region

So, what can surprise the Botanical Garden (Vologda)? How to get to this tourist site? Before we talk about the location of the garden, we note that the Botany project has become part of the Nason-City cluster. In the created greenhouse there are more than three hundred species of unique plants, they are collected in this place from different regions of the world.

How to get there

A new tourist attraction, which has already been visited by hundreds of domestic and foreign travelers, is the Botanical Garden in Vologda. Address: Vologda, Yershovskiy Lane, 10a. You can get here by public transport (the 11th bus is coming from the center) or by private car.

We inform you for those who decided to visit the Botanical Garden (Vologda) in the near future, the park’s working hours: on weekdays from 10 to 16 hours, on Saturday from 10 to 17 hours.

botanical garden in vologda address

Gallery Features

The creators of this unique tourist site in their conversation with the press note that the main principle for selecting exhibits was the distribution of all plants in separate zones of natural growth.

For guests, the Botanical Garden (Vologda) has prepared separate exhibits on the continents:

  • Asia;
  • America;
  • Australia.

Preliminary work

Before the Botanical Garden (Vologda) became available for tourists, a huge preliminary work was carried out. On average, it took thirty years to assemble the main exhibits for the opening of the greenhouse.

Currently, visitors can see here the palm tree chamerops, which is 68 years old. In addition to plants, created in the territory of the Botanica garden and its own reservoir. Goldfish inhabit it, which not only children, but also adult guests of the greenhouse love to watch. There is also a special room in which there are turtles, chameleons, parrots, butterflies.

Vologda Botanical Garden opening hours

Creation Features

The Botanical Garden (Vologda) arose only thanks to the support of city authorities. When developing this project, it was assumed that it would attract domestic and foreign travelers, and became a center for schoolchildren to conduct research and design work.

At present, it is safe to say that all the tasks assigned to the botanical garden are being successfully implemented in practice. This Vologda exotic area is included in the large-scale Nason-City program.

The city authorities have committed themselves to creating quality infrastructure. Within the framework of the project being created, for example, a serious reconstruction of the roadbed in the city is implied. It was possible to carry out the first stage of the program, consisting in updating the quality of the road.

In the near future, the organization of comfortable parking for cars so that you can easily get to the botanical garden in your own car. Entrance to the greenhouse is available for all categories of citizens.

The ticket price for children, full-time students of higher educational institutions is half the full price. For disabled people, children under the age of three, visiting the botanical garden is free.

The greenhouse staff also created special family tickets, which allow young parents with children to significantly save money.

Botanical Garden


Now the inhabitants of Vologda do not need to go for exotic to Australia or Thailand. Many rare plants, reptiles, insects, birds from different parts of the globe were collected on the hospitable Vologda land. In the open botanical garden next door there are huge green leaves of rare water lilies and amazing overgrown cacti. This project was the result of a long collaboration between representatives of local authorities and investors.

In addition to the desire to increase the tourist attractiveness of the region, its developers planned to increase the cognitive interest of adults and children in wildlife. The total area of ​​the created botanical garden is three thousand square kilometers.

Today, it has been possible to collect almost a thousand rare plants distributed on different continents, excluding only Antarctica.

The zoning principle used in the botanical garden allows exhibits to be placed in strict observance of all natural conditions.

The organizers made sure that visitors who do not know all the intricacies of plant terminology were comfortable in the garden. An explanatory plate is located next to each exhibit.

There is a special observation tower on the territory of the created botanical garden, from which you can study all your favorite plant samples. A training center also functions, in which future ecologists and biologists of the city and the Vologda Oblast are engaged.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33280/

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