What cannot be attached to an email: send folders, archives and other files

If you have a question about what cannot be attached to an email, then you have come to the address. At first glance, the question is quite complicated, but if you carefully understand it, everything will fall into place.

Email History

Before we finally figure out what cannot be attached to an email, we offer you a little history. Mail of this kind appeared in 1965. Then the Mail program was first created. Due to the lack of some technologies, the system was somewhat imperfect. Later they created a mail server, to which messages arrived.

that cannot be attached to an email

With the advent of other email systems, the mail gateway also began to function. The popular Hotmail service has been used for commercial purposes since 1994. Then, on the Independence Day of the United States, this event was marked as a liberation from Internet providers.

Already in 1997, the Yahoo mail service started working, Mail.ru began to work for it, and within a year, Yandex started to work. In 2004, Google completed its service march with its Gmail.

Sending regular files

Can I attach a file to an email? Can. Before sending a report, photos or audio to a friend or colleague, you should first create such material. You know that text can be created in Notepad or in Microsoft Office Word. A spreadsheet is made in Excel. The presentation is created at Power Point.

All major document formats can easily be emailed. To do this, you need to go to the site, say Yandex, enter your mail, enter your username and password. Click the "Write" button or other similar options. In the top line, enter the email address to which the future letter will be sent. In the line below indicate the subject of the message, for example, if you want to send a report, write "Report", if these are photos, you can indicate them. This is done in order to open your email, your friend immediately saw the message content on the subject of the message.

folder cannot be attached to email

So, then before you will be a lot of space to write, suppose, an explanation of the file, or just introduce yourself. And below is the "Attach file" button . Click here, and a dialog box will appear . Here you can find your file, which is located on the computer. The material for sending is best transferred to the desktop, so you do not have to scour all the folders in search.

After the file is uploaded to the mail server , you will see a checkmark next to it. Now you can send an email. To do this, click the "Submit" button below. Now we’ll deal with what cannot be attached to an email.

What about folders?

Few people know, but you cannot attach a folder to an email. If suddenly you need to send a whole bunch of photos, documents and audio recordings to your colleague, then you will have to get acquainted with such a thing as an archive. This service will allow you to send multiple files in one document.

Who is what?

An archive is a file that contains all the required data, which, in turn, is compressed and reduced in final size. The latter is necessary in order for the total volume to be suitable for upload to the mail program server. To open the archive, you will need to click on it, in the dialog box you will find all the necessary files. Each of them can be extracted to the specified folder.

Can I attach a file to an email

The process itself is designed to ensure that all unnecessary data in the files are compressed, thereby reducing the total amount. An interesting fact: text files are best compressed, they can become almost 90% smaller. But audio files and different images do not have extra data, so their total size in the archive remains unchanged.

But this does not mean that if the photos are not compressed, then they do not need to be archived for sending. After all, one file is much easier to send than 20. Yes, and it will be easier for the recipient to download only one file from the mail program server.

So, we know that you cannot attach a folder to an email. And so we go into it, select all the files with the mouse and click "Archive". They are collected from us in one file and are ready to be sent.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33286/

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