Who is a tester? Interesting features of the profession tester

This article will talk about such an interesting profession as a tester. The task of a specialist in this profile is to identify the quality of tea, using experience, taste buds, acute sense of smell. Below are described all the nuances of this specialty and the requirements of the employer.

Who is a tester?

Tea quality study

A person in this profession determines the quality of tea and its variety through tasting. Before brewing tea, the specialist checks the dry leaves, namely their shape, density, aroma. He also draws attention to the weight and fragility of the tea leaf. An important role is played by such moments: how the tea was stored, in which country and in what conditions it was grown, how it was processed.

A specialist needs to test many types of tea per day. Each tea is brewed in different ways, depending on the variety. The color of the tea leaves determines how strong the tea is. A person by profession, a tester, never drinks tea, but only rinsing his mouth determines the taste and aftertaste of the drink. Leaves after welding are also being studied. A tea mug should also be inspected and the properties of the aroma evaluated. During each stage of the study of the proposed tea, the tester makes a conclusion. By aroma and appearance, not only the variety is determined, but also when it was harvested, how it was processed, on which plantations it was grown.

Tutor training

Tasting process

To obtain the highest degree of a tester, you need to unlearn at least 10 years. It is necessary to go through several stages:

  1. Unlearn at a higher educational institution, college or courses. These training services are offered by: the institute of a subtropical economy in Georgia, in Moscow there are continuing education courses. You can also study at the company of any brand of tea.
  2. Internship in tea plantations.
  3. Practicing at a tea factory and at tea auctions.

The salary of this specialist is from 1000 to 7000 dollars, depending on where the workplace is located - at the factory or auction. Below are photos of the tester with possible places of work and the process of tasting tea.

Profession Features


A person of this kind of activity has an acute sense of smell, well-developed taste buds. The taster has a great responsibility, since decisions on further sales and production as a whole depend on his opinion on the properties of tea. A tester with extensive experience in memory has more than a hundred tea flavors belonging to its different varieties. In addition to tasting, the duties include performing varying complexity of analyzes of tea leaves and dry leaves during the working day. A tea taster with experience can make a personal composition of different varieties and additives.

Tea is subjected to several tests:

  1. Before sending tea for export, it is re-tested.
  2. To check the quality of the tea after transportation, the tester again analyzes it.
  3. The final step before packaging is the deciding whether the tea will be made or sent for revision.

Responsibilities include visits to tea plantations, usually several times during the collection period. They do this to control the growing process, which affects the quality of the product. The taste of tea is affected by the time it was stored, when the leaves were collected and how neatly. After transportation, tea leaves may be exposed to adverse external factors. The specialist, in addition to everything, conducts a dialogue with the workers, for a complete picture of how correctly this variety is grown.

The tasting process consists of a series of sequential steps:

  1. The work begins with coming to the tasting room, this is a hall with a long table, at which several tea tasters work. On the table are sets of titers: a spoon, a container for spitting, containers with dry leaves that are tested.
  2. Each sommelier needs to wear an apron before starting work.
  3. A metal spoon is taken, and all sorts of tea are sampled in stages.
  4. Before brewing, tea is weighed in an amount of three grams.
  5. A weighted amount of tea is poured with boiling water and given 5 minutes for its preparation.
  6. After 5 minutes, the tea is allowed to cool to 52 degrees.
  7. Before you try, inspect the color of the tea leaves, evaluate the aroma.
  8. After evaluating the taste and other qualities mentioned above, the tea either remains in its place in the quality rating or is being promoted.

Recently, the world saw a book that tells the stories of 20 women who were forced to flee from the Middle East to flee violence. In this book you can read not only about their hard fate, but also get acquainted with many delicious recipes for making tea and oriental traditions of hospitality. This book is called tea & thread.

A tester is a profession that requires not only professional knowledge and skills, but also warmth. After all, every specialist should understand that tea, put on sale under their guidance, will warm the bodies and souls of thousands of people.

Qualification requirements

Different varieties of tea

An interesting feature of the profession of a tester is a conscious refusal to eat fatty, smoked, spicy products with a bright aroma, rejection of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking. As well as the exclusion of the use of toilet waters and products with a rich smell. Since all of the above affects the severity of smell in the future. High-quality testing requires knowledge in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, biophysics, as well as in history and economics.

Pros and cons of the profession

Brewing process

The advantages of this specialty: work is not routine, high wages. The further production and sales of tea depends on the tip of the tester. There is almost no competition for the workplace for experienced professionals.

Disadvantages: a person needs an acute sense of smell, along with good taste buds. This profession has many limitations for a specialist in food and personal hygiene, and also such work involves high commercial responsibility.

Where to work?

The profession tester is in demand where there are tea companies, factories, auctions. Most of all, such specialists are in demand, of course, in China. In Russia, only in large corporations do such vacancies exist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33291/

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