How to enter the site through a proxy using Opera

It’s no secret to anyone that every year control over the actions of each Internet user is being tightened. The equipment on the side of the provider company logs the actions of each subscriber: what information he requested, what resources he opened, what he downloaded. In fact, there can be no talk of any anonymity in such conditions. Fortunately, all this data is provided only to the special services, at least for now ...

However, there is another “loophole” that allows you to visit sites incognito. In addition to anonymity, using this method several more popular features are realized. Who has not guessed yet, let’s explain: we are talking about how to access the site through a proxy.

To understand the mechanism of the proxy, we present a simplified scheme of the user's browser with the target site. When sending a request to the site, the browser identifies itself by reporting the installed operating system, its own version, IP address and exchanging cookies (if enabled). Having this data, the site owner or automated system can determine whether this visitor has visited the resource before, whether there are any restrictions for him, up to determining an approximate location. Knowing how to access the site through a proxy, you can eliminate this "leak" of information and in some cases get some privileges.

A proxy is an intermediate node between the user and the target site. It can be an independent program, server or the whole site. His work boils down to modifying the information sent by the browser. In principle, opening a site through a proxy means the same as using a filter. Although it’s still more correct to say “modifying”, since the complete deletion of identification data is rarely performed.

So, how to enter the site through a proxy? The method used depends on the type of proxy. For example, one of the easiest ways (which, incidentally, is provided for in the browsers themselves) is to specify the necessary parameters in the settings of your program for surfing the Web.

First of all, you need to find out the IP address of the proxy server and its port. They are very easy to find on the Web using a search engine. Please note that some proxies are paid, without payment they simply will not work. For example, here is the first free proxy that came across - Here, the address is indicated before the colon, and the port (109) after.

Next, consider how to access the site through a proxy through the Opera browser. We start the Opera, press the combination Ctrl + F12. Next, go to the "Advanced" - "Network". Click the button "Proxy servers ...". We select the configuration manually and enter the address and port. If necessary (usually necessary), check the box “For all protocols”. We restart the browser. That's all, now access to the network is through a proxy. If the pages do not open, try another address / port.

Sometimes you need to log in to "Contact" through a proxy. Social networks are so in demand that for many companies, the addiction of workers to such resources is a huge problem. Accordingly, access to the site is blocked - requests simply do not pass. Often the solution is a proxy. After all, the request does not go to the site itself, which has been blacklisted by administrators, but to a "clean" proxy. But the latter, in turn, redirects the request to the desired page. Simple and convenient. Of course, this is not a panacea, as experienced administrators have learned to deal with this way, but sometimes it helps.

In some cases, there is no need to make adjustments to your browser settings. There are special proxy sites on the page of which the visitor types the address of the desired resource. Next, a standard redirection is performed, but with a change in the browser data.


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