IELTS: level of training, device and training tips

IELTS - International English Testing System, one of the most popular and widely used exams for assessing the level of knowledge of English among speakers of other languages. The level of English IELTS is taken into account when immigrating to the UK, USA, Canada and other countries where English is the state language, as well as when applying for work in many international organizations.

Knowledge of the language is the key to success!

Exam system

There are currently around 900 IELTS exam centers in the world. The cost varies depending on the venue and technical features. The examiner learns his result two weeks after the completion. The IELTS exam assesses the level of such skills as listening, reading, writing and speaking, as well as an overall score. There is an IELTS scale according to which the degree of language proficiency is determined.

The scale includes scores from 0 to 9, where 0 is the user who did not try to pass the test (1 - able to perceive only a few separate words), and 9 - “expert user”, in which no language situation is difficult.

IELTS Requests

Half of those who pass their IELTS level confirm their linguistic abilities for studying abroad. Most educational institutions establish requirements from 5.5-7 points.

Some countries require a special IELTS option from users planning immigration. Requests from different countries for the so-called "immigration points" also vary. For example, for Canada you need to score from 6 to 9 points.

How to prepare for the exam: useful tips for passing the exam from students and teachers

Today, when this exam has become unusually popular in so many countries, there are many tips on how best to prepare for it, based on the experience of your predecessors who have already passed it around the world.

For example, there are a number of interesting projects that can help with independent preparation for the exam. These include the IELTS cast, where anyone can listen to advice from students who have passed this level of IELTS (listening) by 7 points. There is also a Target IELTS channel sharing useful information.

There are so-called technical universals that are common to all dealers, regardless of their level of language proficiency. Such trifles largely depend on the structure of the exam itself, its features and even imperfections. For example, it’s no secret to anyone who has had an IELTS exam that even a speaking level close to the “pro” may not have enough time to complete one or another task. That is why experts advise to devote more time to a large section of reading, to set priorities wisely and not to rack their brains over tasks that, obviously, are not given.

Exam preparation

It is also often noted that on exams of this kind is rather difficult listening, It is not only difficult to perceive in terms of content - sometimes it can even be difficult to maintain concentration until the end, and this is important. Having missed one question, you may not notice how you get stuck in their sequence, and audio, by the way, sounds only once.

Where and how can I pass the exam?

Since 2008, the British Council no longer administers the test in the Russian Federation. However, on the official website you can independently acquaint yourself with the map of the event and the features of the organizational process, depending on the city and the specific (of the three currently existing) event organizers.

Students write an exam

At the same time, when registering for the exam, it is important to remember that the time is set for a certain date, and the registration itself is closed five weeks before it. Be vigilant and think through your plans in advance. IELTS evaluates the level of language with dignity, so it’s worth trying for it.


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