Application form - a way to find out everything about an employee

It is known that the presence of a well-coordinated and efficient team, in which high-class specialists work, is the key to the success of the company. When making a selection of new employees, it is the questionnaire when applying for a job that creates the first impression of the employee and allows you to form an opinion about his abilities.

Responsibility for the selection of qualified and conscientious workers for the company is the responsibility of staff workers. But only a questionnaire when hiring does not give a complete and objective opinion about the abilities of a new employee. In our country, you can easily buy a diploma of education and the primary task of the leadership is to identify such employees or applicants for work in the initial stages, so that after receiving a certain power and authority, they will not make serious mistakes.

The inattention and negligence of the manager during the hiring of a new employee, when an interview is being conducted and a questionnaire is being considered for a job, can lead to unpredictable consequences. Having access to material values, negligent workers can cause significant material damage to the enterprise.

The primary task of any personnel agency or personnel department of an enterprise is to identify the potential and professional abilities of the candidate, and it is the questionnaire when hiring can give initial data about the applicant.

Not so long ago, at the time of hiring, new employees were selected on the basis of the provided resumes, but recently cases of submitting implausible information have become more frequent. Such a procedure is acceptable in large enterprises where there is its own security service, the responsibility of which is to verify the data provided. When submitting a resume, some people try to submit themselves only on the positive side, while masking their shortcomings. And if you fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, then this allows you to get more complete and plausible data about the candidate.

How to fill out a form when applying for a job.

When filling out the questionnaire, in order to obtain the desired result, the following rules must be observed:

- ask for two copies of the questionnaire at once, then you will have the opportunity to prepare a draft of the questionnaire and more correctly answer all proposed questions;

- Before you start filling out, carefully read all the questions included in the questionnaire;

- make a copy of the already completed questionnaire, as you may need it for another company, often questions are repeated;

- do not enter the exact name of your specialty in advance, as it may slightly differ from that required in this firm;

- specialty, date and signature are put only at the time of filing the questionnaire in a particular company;

- it would be better if the questionnaire is submitted in hard copy so that inaccuracies do not arise due to illegibility of the handwriting;

- there should not be a single blank column in the questionnaire;

- if the question doesn’t apply to you, you’ll still put down the answer, for example, “not available”, then the employer will understand that you are carefully reading the questions and you could not miss one of them;

- always have a resume and additional information with you, as in some companies you may be asked to fill out a questionnaire on the spot;

- it is best to fill out the questionnaire at home, in a relaxed atmosphere, to get a good understanding of the questions asked and, accordingly, to answer them as frankly and competently as possible;

- when sending the questionnaire by mail, put your resume and a competent, correctly executed cover letter in an envelope . So you can attract the attention of the employer to your person.


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