How to shave a man's groin?

How differently men and women are nevertheless arranged! While the girls are overwhelmingly preoccupied with the question, what is still better: a depilation cream, a super-sharp razor or hot wax, young people mostly ask each other on the forums: โ€œIs it necessary to get rid of hair somewhere else except for the face? โ€ and only in isolated cases the question arises: " How to shave the groin of a man?" This interesting fact attracted the attention of meticulous journalists, and of course they could not resist the temptation to get to the bottom of the matter.

In the spring of 2011, the popular men's magazine Men's Health conducted an independent statistical study, which allowed us to come to the following conclusion: a man is not only kilograms of pumped muscles, but also valuable fur that grows mostly where it is really needed (in the nose, on the back, in the ears), and not where you can do fine without it (for example, on the head).

What to do with all this plant wealth, each adult decides for himself. But if you are interested to know the opinion of the general public on this issue - I share information.

So, regarding where what should grow, the opinions of the respondents were almost completely identical:

  • in a man, his chest, legs, stomach can and should be copied abundantly;
  • in the armpits, the hair should either be shortened or cleaned clean (optional);
  • the fur on the back, in the ears and nose is definitely to be removed.

But a discussion flared up around the most important place. On the question โ€œDo men need to shave their groin?โ€ opinions were divided as follows:

  • 20% of men regularly shave off all vegetation;
  • 48% carefully trim the "lawn";
  • 32% prefer not to interfere in the order established by nature.

Moreover, among women, the answers to the burning question were as follows:

  • 66% consider vegetation to be completely eradicated;
  • 25% suggest trimming;
  • 9% agree that everything can be left as is.

So, what conclusion do we come to when looking at the survey results?

Logic tells: vegetation should be cut and shaved!

It is quite obvious that young people living under the motto โ€œNaturally - it is disgraceful!โ€ Who would like to increase the percentage of probability of having sex from 9% to 81% should look for the answer to the question โ€œHow to shave a manโ€™s groin?โ€.

To the aid of the questioners comes a video specially filmed by Gillette on this occasion. To motivate doubting beginners, the authors argue that hair care in the intimate zone has undeniable advantages.

Here we provide detailed instructions on how to shave the groin of a man, so that even beginners can do it without danger to health.

Let us quote: โ€œThe shorter the bush, the longer the tree seems. Before shaving, examine in detail the relief at the foot of the trunk. With a Gillette razor and a drop of common sense, you will not jeopardize what you value. โ€

Instructions: how to shave the groin of a man

To begin with, you should shorten your hair with a trimmer.

Apply shaving gel.

Pull the skin with one hand, take a clean blade with the other. Do not push the body with a razor. Gently move the blade along the bends with light jerky movements.

The razor needs to be constantly washed to get rid of cut hairs. When finished, rinse off the shaving gel with water.

Dry yourself with soaking movements. In order not to cause irritation, do not rub your skin vigorously with a towel.

Be sure to apply a moisturizer after shaving on clean, dry skin (even if you feel completely comfortable, this rule should not be neglected).

That's it. From now on, you know how to shave the groin of a man.

According to the authors of the Gillette advertising campaign: โ€œNow that your bush is trimmed and the tree looks longer, you are ready for new adventures!โ€


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