Exercise "Hammer" is a great way to pump up massive and pretty hands.

Quite often in the gym you can hear standard and boring questions: “How do I pump my biceps?”, “Why hasn't my arm been growing for several months?” etc. You need to understand that biceps is a muscle that is incredibly difficult to pump, so each person should approach the training of hands individually. For example, in some people, biceps grows well only from basic exercises, in others - from exercises with isolation, while others need alternation of both. In this article, we will discuss an exercise that is not only basic, but if properly performed, provides excellent biceps isolation.

To begin, let's look at what muscle groups the Hammer exercise shakes. The main load, of course, goes to the biceps, but the forearm is also pretty much involved . Exercise "Hammer" should be done in the middle of a bicep workout. It’s best to start this part by lifting the barbell or pulling up, then doing the “Hammer” and ending the workout by bending your arms on Scott’s bench or by concentrating on a seated dumbbell lift. Both beginners and professional bodybuilders can perform this exercise.

Hammer exercise

The technique of this exercise is simple even for a beginner, the main thing is to fix your elbows. Beginners are recommended to press them to the body to ensure the most correct trajectory. We take the dumbbells so that the palms are directed inward, the legs set a little narrower than the width of the shoulders, straighten the back and begin the exercise. When you inhale, you raise one hand so that the dumbbell almost touches the shoulder, lock your hand in this position for a split second, then exhale and return to its original position. Repeat the whole procedure with the second hand.

Hammer exercise

There are slightly different options for doing this exercise. For example, you can bend your arms not one at a time, but at the same time. This option is often used by professionals, since beginners with this implementation will not be able to follow the correct technique. Another option is to bend your arms inward, and not parallel to each other. With this implementation, the emphasis of the exercise is shifted from the external beam of the biceps to the internal. In no case do not rotate the brush at the top point, since such an implementation will completely remove the load from the forearm and partially from the outside of the biceps.

Biceps dumbbell
As mentioned above, the exercise "Hammer" for maximum effectiveness should be performed in the middle of the workout. If you want to increase muscle mass through this exercise, then perform from 3 to 5 sets of 8-10 times. If you use this exercise in order to “finish” the biceps at the end of the workout, then perform either one approach 50 times, or 2-3 approaches 15-20 times each. With the latest repetitions, it is not always possible to perform the exercise correctly technically, so you can do small rocking the body.

Exercise "Hammer" is a great way to pump up massive and pretty hands. If the biceps do not grow during enhanced training using the barbell , the dumbbells will become a lifeline, and you will move off the ground.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33315/

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