How to determine the ripeness of watermelon: the main methods

Unfortunately, in recent years, people have become less and less fond of watermelons. And this is due not to the fact that someone ceases to like the taste of dark red pulp with a wonderful aroma, but to the fact that the chances of acquiring a good and ripe watermelon are very small. What only they do not do to accelerate ripening! They are pumped with nitrates, injected with urea for quick redness - any means are used to quickly sell their products to customers. Naturally, both quality and taste suffer from this. That is why so many buyers remain disappointed. So, how to check the watermelon for ripeness? Let's try to answer this question.

Purchase time

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon

Time is the main indicator. The first watermelons appeared on the markets and in stores long before their normal maturity, which means they were clearly helped. Buying such products is not worth it. The optimal time for buying watermelons is from the end of August to mid-October.

How to determine the ripeness of watermelon on the peel

The peel of a ripe watermelon is harder, lignified, and if you press on it with a fingernail, it will not damage it. The vivid contrast between the strips on the crust also shows that the crop was harvested at the optimum time. A characteristic yellow spot is also an indicator of ripeness, but it should not be too large.

how to check watermelon for ripeness

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the tail

Contrary to popular belief, a dry ponytail does not guarantee ripeness of a watermelon. On this basis, you can navigate only if you are waiting for your own harvest - during the ripening period, the lash begins to gradually die. In store watermelons, a dry tail can mean both ripeness and the fact that unripe berries have been in the warehouse for a long time. However, it is worth paying attention to the "button" - a small corpus callosum in the place of attachment of the whip. If it is dense, light and convex - then the watermelon is ready for use.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by sound

A ripened watermelon makes a very characteristic sound when tapped - light, sonorous and slightly rattling. This is due to the fact that a ripe berry has a looser starchy pulp that resonates well. The same property explains the good buoyancy of watermelons - ripened berries should float at least half. When squeezed, ripe watermelons crackle.

how to find ripe watermelon

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon using smell

Unripe watermelons have a strong grassy smell. Ripe berries have a different flavor - lighter and sweeter. It is difficult to explain in words, but after a little practice you can learn to distinguish watermelons by smell well.

These are the main methods that explain how to find out the ripeness of a watermelon without cutting. However, it is best to determine the quality and ripeness of the appearance of the pulp. It should be red, starchy, without large yellow veins. The optimal weight for a good watermelon is 5-7 kg. Remember: the main indicators of the presence of nitrates are large streaks, as well as coloring the water pink when stirring a piece of pulp in it. In a watermelon without nitrates, the water will become cloudy, but will not change color. You should not buy a sliced ​​watermelon, even if it is ripe - there is no guarantee that microbes have not settled in it.


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