The most serious football injuries suffered by players

Today , football is the most popular sport in the world. It is watched by millions of people, hundreds and thousands of clubs are fighting among themselves to get cups, billions of euros rotate in this industry every year. We can safely say that football brings incredible pleasure to people all over the world. However, it is worth noting that the players themselves are far from always happy that they are entering the field. Of course, they also enjoy the game, because for them, football is life. Moreover, they get incredibly big money for participating in matches and their performance. But it happens that a football player gets injured during the match, because of which he can suffer greatly.

Damage can be of varying severity, and the player can miss both a week and a whole year. Injury in football is an inevitable thing, it is extremely rare for an opponent to consciously try to cause damage to a player. Most often this happens unintentionally, but sometimes the results are frightening. In this article you will learn about the most serious injuries in the history of football. Here we will describe those injuries that looked really horrible, and from which the players then long and hard to recover.

Ewald Linen

football injuries

Injuries in football are very diverse, but most often the audience can’t notice what exactly went wrong, because all the actions take place inside the body of the football player. Stretching or tearing of muscles, damage to tendons, even a fracture - all this is imperceptible from the side. However, in 1981, the footballer Ewald Linen, who was then playing for Borussia from Mönchengladbach, would receive such an injury that absolutely everyone noticed. The fact is that the enemy entered his leg with spiked boots so that an open, bleeding wound nearly thirty centimeters long remained on his leg. The sight was terrifying, but the player, not paying attention to it, went straight to the opponent’s coach to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that he openly instructed his wards to play more rude. As a result, more than twenty stitches were put on the wound - fortunately, she had no serious consequences for the player’s health, and the worst thing about her was her appearance. However, not all injuries in football cost so well.

Patrick Battiston

terrible injuries in football

For example, some terrible injuries in football can even lead to a coma - this happened at the 1982 World Cup when Battiston left the French national team one on one with the goalkeeper of the German national team. When Patrick shot on goal, he could only see that he did not hit the target - a second later a huge Schumacher crashed into his head. Battiston lost consciousness and fell into a coma. When he woke up after a while, he was diagnosed with a fracture of the cervical vertebrae and jaw, as well as the loss of a large number of teeth. Fortunately, Patrick was able to recover in just six months, after which in 1984, together with the French team, he was able to win the European Championship. As you can see, the most terrible injuries in football do not always end in disrepair, even if the player is in a coma.

Jose Marin

But, unfortunately, there are also cases when such injuries to players extremely sadly end. Football is a rather dangerous sport, because the damage happens there very often, and there is a great danger that the player will harm himself so that he will regret it all his life - if he has the opportunity to continue it. Jose Marin, the goalkeeper of Malaga, was deprived of this opportunity. In 1986, he stood at the gate in a match against Celta, and when he played on the way out, he collided with an opponent striker. He fell and instantly lost consciousness. Marin was immediately taken to the hospital, where he underwent a serious operation, but this did not help - after a couple of weeks, Jose died without regaining consciousness. Terrible injuries in football are inevitable, so it remains to be hoped that there will be as few as possible.

Yuri Tishkov

As mentioned above, it is often impossible to notice the damage externally, but the most severe injuries in football are mostly more than obvious. For example, in 1993 in the Cup of Russia, Dynamo striker from Moscow Yuri Tishkov seriously got his legs from the defender, who played incredibly rude. But the situation got out of control, because the tackle ended up in the fact that the young striker was in a state of pain shock due to the tibia breaking through the flesh sticking out of his leg. Tishkov was preparing to move to the Italian league, was one of the most promising strikers in Russia, but this injury completely crossed out his career. When he recovered, he could not play at the same level. The most terrible injuries in football are terrible not only in how they look, but also in what consequences they bring.

David basst

worst football injuries

The case of David Basst was one of the most shocking in the history of English football and was even worse than the previous case with Tishkov. Indeed, during a horse fight for a ball from the corner, Basst collided with two enemy defenders at once, as a result of which he received multiple leg fractures. And the terrible thing is that they were open, that is, a player was lying on the field, from whose feet several bones were sticking out at once, and the entire lawn around was covered in blood. As in the case of Tishkov, Basst recovered from injury, but has never returned to the previous level.

Luke Nilis

soccer players injuries

In 2000, the 33-year-old Belgian Nilis received a very complex knee injury, including a double fracture. The knee is the most dangerous place for an athlete, and such an injury for an already age player has become a real end. He was never able to return to the field, so he was forced to announce the end of his professional career, although he was ready to play for quite some time, since he was in great shape.

Sergey Perkhun

Another fatal case occurred in 2001 with the Ukrainian goalkeeper Sergey Perkhun, who ran into a defender and seemed to be able to even continue the game. But he soon lost consciousness, fell into a coma and was no longer able to get out of this state. He died in less than a month.

Jibril Cisse

terrible injuries in football

Cisse was one of the most outstanding black players of his time, but injuries do not pass even the best of the best. In a friendly match against the Chinese national team, the Frenchman attacked on his flank when a terrible thing happened - the enemy player accidentally crashed into Djibril's supporting leg. By the way it looked outwardly, one could understand that everything was bad - the leg was bent at an unnatural angle, and the attacker simply could not get up from the lawn. By the way, this injury could not have happened, but not for good reasons - the fact is that two years before this incident, Cisse received a terrible injury. He had a fracture of a leg bone, while it disturbed blood circulation, and Djibril was threatened with amputation. Fortunately, the doctors were able to save the foot of the football player, and he will continue his career.

Francesco Totti

severe injuries in football

The most loyal player in the history of football will soon be forty years old - and he still stands for Roma, in which he began his professional career at eighteen. But in 2006, his career could end, because in a match with Empoli he received a terrible injury - the player’s foot bent at an unnatural angle. Only a quick and effective operation helped Totti not only not to finish his career, but also recover quite quickly, go to the 2006 World Cup to help Italians win it. Ten years have passed since that injury, but then his injured leg still often reminds himself of Francesco. However, he continues to perform for his club and still works wonders for football, saving the team from defeat, leaving ten minutes before the end of the match to replace.

Eduardo da Silva

the worst football injuries

Over the past decade, the most terrible injury to the player of Arsenal Eduardo da Silva. He received it in 2008 when the Gunners met with Birmingham. Then Eduardo did not suspect that the enemy would play very rough and dirty against him in the tackle, crashing with all his strength right into his lower leg. Faint-hearted people are better off not watching this episode, because the sight was actually a nightmare. The player’s foot dangled completely limp separately from the leg - many of the channels broadcasting the match then did not start a repeat of the episode so as not to injure the viewer. The foul player was shown a red card, but this did not help Eduardo - he was eliminated for a very long time. He started playing again only a year later, but, as was immediately expected, he could not return to the previous level.

As you can see, terrible football injuries are such for several reasons at once - they not only look nightmare visually, but also have a very serious impact on the future career of football players. In this list, only a few players managed to continue their careers, and almost no one could play at the same level.


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