Go to the bathroom, take a bath. How is it right - a bath or a bath?

If the question arises, what word should be used - bath or bath, you should remember what they mean. Then everything will immediately fall into place, and there will be no more confusion.


A bath is a container for washing the body. It comes in many sizes. A small bath is called a bath (for example, a baby bath or a bath for hands). They say about bathing in the bath: "take a bath." This is similar to the expression “take medicine,” since there is such a medical prescription. For some diseases, the doctor prescribes certain procedures, including baths. In this case, the meaning of the word changes, and it means the process of finding under water some part of the body or the complete immersion of a person. For example, sea baths are just swimming in the sea. Foot baths with mustard are a great cure for colds. But it is not necessary for them to pour the entire bath, a basin is enough.

bath or bath

Students have a question when making sentences with this word. Children type in the search bar: “Take a bath or bath? How right? ” In order to correctly use this word, we will understand how to change it by case. In the creative, it will sound like this: (what?) Bathroom. And there is confusion, because the bathroom is the room where the bathtub is installed. The word “bath” in the genitive, dative, instructive and prepositional will be “bath”, and in the accusative - “bath”. For instance:

  • dissatisfied with the old bathroom, but pleased with the repair in the bathroom;
  • in the country there is no bath, but there is a bath in the garden.


Archaeologists find bathrooms that are about five thousand years old. In the Middle Ages, it was not customary to look after your body. But by the middle of the nineteenth century, bathrooms again entered the human home. The word “bathroom” is an abbreviation for the phrase “bathroom”.

This word is used in the same way as words meaning other rooms. For instance:

  • We will make repairs only in the bathroom (library, living room), the rest of the apartment looks good.
  • In the project of the rural house there is no bathroom (dining room, children's room), but a sauna is provided.
  • The new apartment has a large bathroom, but the bath has not yet been installed.

bath or bath

How often do we ask a child: “Have you already gone to the bathroom?”, Meaning his daily body care. But if you incorrectly use the concepts of bath or bath, you get a curious situation.

  • Go to the bathroom - it’s clear why. To wash in the bathtub standing there; soak, wash and rinse the laundry. If the bathroom is combined, it is also called a bathroom, in short - a bath.
  • Going to the bath is a cat, but not a man. A person has a toilet for this.

Common expressions

Bath or bath - how to? It is enough to remember a few common expressions with these words to understand.

  • I'll go to the bathroom and come back.
  • To take a bath.
  • I can’t come, I'm in the bathroom.
  • The bath is leaking.
  • Repair in the bathroom.

bath or bath how to write

Depending on what is meant - a room or an object in it, the meaning of the sentence drawn up with this word changes.

How to spell: bath or bath. Examples

If we are talking about a bathtub, which is located in the bathroom, it is not enough to know the definitions of these words. In order not to make a mistake, we try to clarify the proposal. And see if the meaning has changed. So bath or bath? How to write, speak?

1. Since the bathroom is an abbreviation for the bathroom, the word “room” can be added. This will show whether to use the word “bathroom”:

  • In our house everyone has a bathroom (room).
  • The Ivanovs bought a new bath.

In the first case, the meaning of what has been said has not changed, which means we write “bathroom”. In the second case, we substitute the word “room” - and it turns out that the Ivanovs bought another bathroom. Nonsense. So we write "bath."

2. You can call the bath "water tank." If the meaning does not change, then we write "bath":

  • We placed a cabinet with a first-aid kit in the bathroom.
  • The Ivanovs bought a new bath (water tank).

In the first case, substituting a synonym, the meaning is lost. And in the second - it is saved.

bath or bath how to write spelling

How to remember?

There is an easy way to remember how to speak: bath or bath. The meaning always changes if you mix these words:

  • I'm taking a bath;
  • I am in the bathroom.

In the first case, the person is in a bathtub. The only reason for this is to use the bath for its intended purpose. In the second case, the person is in the bathroom. There are many reasons why he can do something there. And bathing is just one of them. He can, for example, disassemble the wash. Or kick the cat out from under the bathtub. Or repair a siphon.

In the sense enclosed in the proposal, the situation becomes clear. For example, a dressed person will not take a bath. Of course, there are exceptions like Hippolytus from the movie “Enjoy Your Bath”, which climbed into the shower in a coat. But we are interested in the usual and widespread use of the word. Most likely, we are talking about the fact that a person is in the bathroom. In short, in the bathroom.

And vice versa, when they say "he takes a bath," we mean a water procedure using plumbing equipment. You can take a bath from the superintendent who made repairs in it, and you sign the acceptance certificate.

take a bath or bath as it is right

If we went for a friend, and she screamed from somewhere in the back of the apartment:

  • I’m already dressed, I am painted in the bathroom.

Clearly, she uses a mirror above the sink in the bathroom to color her eyelashes. And if you replace just one word - and it turns out that she plunged into a bathtub full of paint. And dressed. It's just right to call the doctors - is everything okay with her health.


Having understood the meanings of these words, it becomes easier to use them. Over time, it will become easier to determine how to write correctly - a bath or a bath, but for now, the technique of substituting synonyms or remembering common expressions will help.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33335/

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