Drops from Kalanchoe in the nose. Kalanchoe juice from the common cold for children: reviews

Kalanchoe in the nose should be instilled only if it is heavily laid and you do not want to use pharmacy products prematurely. It should be noted that in most cases, this method of treating the common cold is much more effective and cheaper than what traditional medicine provides. Why? We will talk about this in the presented article.

Kalanchoe in the nose

Plant Overview

Before you drip Kalanchoe in the nose of a child, you should find out what kind of plant it is and how it looks.

As you know, Kalanchoe entered the indoor floriculture relatively recently. It is an unpretentious evergreen plant. Its stem reaches 125 centimeters. This flower grows quite quickly. Its very fleshy and succulent leaves often reach a width of 10 centimeters.

At home, Kalanchoe grows in flowerpots. Distinctive features of a houseplant compared to wild plants are its not very large sizes. But this does not mean at all that it is not suitable for the treatment of nasal congestion.

Healing properties

About how to drip Kalanchoe in the nose of a child, we will describe below. Now I want to tell you about the beneficial properties of this plant.

Kalanchoe in the nose of a child

According to medicine, for the treatment of certain diseases, Kalanchoe has been used in everyday life for a long time. It should also be said that its aboveground part is of particular medicinal value. It is from it that the juice is obtained, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

No wonder Kalanchoe juice from the common cold is prescribed to children even by experienced doctors. After all, such a tool quickly reduces nasal congestion, so your child can literally breathe a sigh of relief.

Composition of Kalanchoe juice

Kalanchoe in the nose is prescribed for several reasons. However, it should be noted that in addition to the common cold, the juice from this plant can also be used to treat other diseases. This is due to the fact that such a tool promotes the rapid healing of wounds, as well as cleansing from necrotic or dead tissue.

So why is Kalanchoe juice from the common cold for children prescribed even by doctors? The fact is that the plant grown on the windowsill contains flavonoids, vitamin C, a considerable amount of tannins, as well as macro- and microelements (calcium, aluminum, manganese, magnesium, copper and iron).

It cannot be said that polysaccharides and such organic acids as acetic, malic and oxalic were found in the leaves of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe juice from the common cold for children


If you need to drip Kalanchoe in your nose, but you don’t have such a plant, then you can buy special drops in the pharmacy based on its active substances.

By the way, in addition to the aforementioned dosage form, Kalanchoe ointment is often sold, which is no less widely used in traditional medicine.


Practical Kalanchoe, a photo of which is presented in this article, can be grown on almost every window sill. After all, such a plant does not require special care. But it can always come in handy.

So in what cases is Kalanchoe used in alternative medicine? The plant can be used to treat various diseases:

  • for the preparation of drops with a runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • in case of burns and other wounds;
  • with trophic ulcers;
  • for the treatment of fistulas and bedsores;
  • with purulent infections;
  • during bleeding gums, etc.

Kalanchoe in nose drops
We can not say that Kalanchoe is able to purify the air and kill harmful microorganisms.

Making drops of Kalanchoe from a cold

Reviews about this tool are more positive. Those parents whose children regularly suffer from nasal congestion very often note the effectiveness of this juice. The child should only instill the nasal passages with a ready-made remedy a couple of times, as congestion immediately disappears.

However, it should be noted that it is very important to correctly make such a drug. There are several ways.

Method One - Pure Juice

How to instill a baby’s Kalanchoe (juice) in the nose? To do this, take the juicy and fleshy leaves of a houseplant, and then wrap them in gauze and squeeze on a platter. Next, the juice obtained must be taken with a pipette and instilled into both nasal passages. Repeat this procedure is recommended several times a day. Moreover, the juice should be used only fresh, that is, it should be squeezed out immediately before instillation.

Method two - effective mixture

Surely many people know the healing properties of not only Kalanchoe, but also aloe. Combining the juices of these plants, you can very quickly rid your child of severe nasal congestion. To prepare this product, you need to combine the “squeezes” in equal proportions and drip the resulting mixture into the nasal passages using a pipette. For greater effectiveness, this procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a day.

Kalanchoe juice in the nose of a child

Method Three - Antimicrobial Blow

Kalanchoe in the nose to bury as easy and simple as regular pharmacy drops. If you need to quickly get rid of a cold, we recommend using an antimicrobial mixture. To do this, squeeze a leaf of Kalanchoe, and then mix the resulting product with onion juice. To do this, peel the vegetable, rub it on a small grater, and then squeeze the pulp with gauze.

It should be especially noted that such a folk remedy is recommended to be used only in relation to adolescents and adults.

Fourth method - soft broth

How else to use Kalanchoe? In the nose, drops made from fresh leaves are too concentrated. Moreover, if you use this tool in combination, for example, with onions, then it may seem to you too sharp. That is why it is recommended to soften such juice and subject it to a small heat treatment. To do this, Kalanchoe leaves are cut into pieces, spread in a glass bowl and pour not too boiling water over it. Having insisted on the product for several hours, they can safely irrigate the nasal cavity. To do this, we recommend using a regular teapot.

The main disadvantage of this method of treatment is that you will take too many plants to insist in hot water.

What explains the effectiveness of the tool

Not everyone understands why such a seemingly ordinary plant can in a matter of hours relieve a severe cold or nasal congestion. To explain the effectiveness of this tool, you should return to its composition. Thanks to vitamin C, as well as special enzymes, micro and macro elements, this plant quickly inhibits the reproduction of microorganisms.

Kalanchoe healing photo

In addition, many specialists explain the healing property of Kalanchoe by the fact that after getting into the nasal passages it immediately provokes sneezing. And as you know, during such a process a lot of mucus is secreted in a person, along with which all bacteria are eliminated from the body. That is why, after instillation of the juice of the plant in the nose, it is recommended to stock up with a huge number of handkerchiefs.

Features of use

As mentioned above, during the treatment of nasal congestion or runny nose, Kalanchoe juice can be used both in pure form or mixed with other medicinal ingredients (aloe juice, bulbs, etc.). But you should definitely remember one very important rule: the younger your child is, the less concentrated the “squeeze” from the plant should be. As for very young children, during their independent treatment it is advisable to use only a decoction of therapeutic Kalanchoe, and not pure juice at all. If you neglect this advice, then you can not only not cure your child of a common cold, but also harm his general health.

To summarize

As you can see, during a runny nose and stuffy nose, it is not at all necessary to run to the nearest pharmacy for drops. After all, you can make them at home. But for this you should take care in advance of the presence of such a medicinal plant as Kalanchoe. It is his meaty and juicy leaves that can save you or your child from such an unpleasant disease as a cold in a matter of seconds. For effectiveness, a self-prepared product is recommended to be dripped into the nose in an amount of 3-4 times a day. Also, cotton swabs can be soaked in the resulting mixture and placed for several seconds first in one nasal passage and then in another.

kalanchoe from a runny nose reviews

Believe me, after such treatment you will not remember for a long time what nasal congestion is.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33336/

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