Ekaterina Mikhailova - a brilliant psychologist and a wonderful person

When in life you come across people who with pride and confidence can say to themselves that they have lived their lives for good reason, this not only inspires respect, but also inspires one's own actions. Because everyone, probably, wants to leave behind something significant.

Ekaterina Mikhailova

Ekaterina Mikhailova has more than enough reasons to boast. She is not only a brilliant scientist, but also a terrific writer. Mikhailova Ekaterina Lvovna is a candidate of psychological sciences and a leading specialist at the Institute of Group and Family Psychology. In addition, she is a professor at the Department of Psychotherapy and a member of the academic council of the faculty.


The number of publications by Ekaterina Mikhailova is about 80, this is without those where she is a co-author. Her articles are published not only in Russia, but also in foreign publications. She is considered a major specialist in the field of corrective and educational role-playing games, group psychology. Ekaterina Mikhailova received a license of a psychologist and therapist and is one of the five best professionals in Russia. In addition, she has a Gestalt therapist certificate.


Ekaterina Mikhailova graduated from Moscow State University in 1977 with a degree in medical psychology. In 1988, she successfully defended her thesis. She took the topic of stuttering self-awareness and methods for its correction. The defense was held by the Research Institute of Psychoneurology. V. M. Bekhterev in Leningrad. Ekaterina Mikhailova received an additional four-year training in Hamburg, at the Fritz Perls Institute. It was here that she received the certificate of a gestalt therapist. In addition, she completed a training program with foreign psychodramatists. This stage lasted for five years, as a result, Catherine received a license as a psychodrama therapist.

Ekaterina Mikhailova reviews


After graduating from Moscow State University, Ekaterina Mikhailova began her career at the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry. She began to work as a junior researcher and rose to the senior. After defending her dissertation for five years, Catherine worked at the Research Institute of Cultural Studies as a senior research fellow. From that time to this day, Catherine has been a leading specialist at the Institute of Group and Family Psychology.

In recent years, she has been actively conducting educational psychotraining "Psychodrama and role-playing games." These programs are long in time, they were carried out and were completed already in several large cities of Russia. Ekaterina Lvovna is also known as a developer of training programs for managers - both Russian and foreign.

Professional activity

Ekaterina Mikhailova is a psychologist with a big name. She is vice president of the Psychodrama Association and an honorary member of the board of directors of the International Group Psychotherapy Association . It is considered an unsurpassed specialist in conducting international conferences. Her work with foreign groups is especially noted.

Mikhailova is in great demand as a brilliant specialist. She receives job offers from foreign and Russian universities. Many medical psychotherapy centers are in great need of such professionals as Ekaterina Mikhailova. The reviews left by patients, students, and just colleagues and friends, indicate what an outstanding person Ekaterina Lvovna is.

Ekaterina Mikhailova psychologist

In addition to the fact that she constantly receives job offers, she is literally torn apart by patients who want to attend her author’s training. Recording is preliminary, and usually a few months before the start of the training, everything is already taken. But still the opportunity to get on them is quite real. And for private conversations, Ekaterina Lvovna simply has no free time physically.

Ekaterina Mikhailova is a wonderful, sensitive, kind person. She has a very subtle sense of humor and a sea of ​​charm - this helps to position absolutely any client.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33341/

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