The benefits of flax seeds: a medicine known since antiquity

The benefits of flax seeds have been known since ancient times. According to historians, this plant began to be cultivated in the third millennium BC. in Babylon. From it were obtained components for flour for baking coarse cakes and cold-pressed oil. In addition, on the basis of this plant they prepare a variety of infusions, decoctions, jelly, helping with the prevention and control of various ailments. The use of flax seeds has become the basis of the popularity and demand of products obtained with their use. Therefore, they can often be found in a pharmacy or supermarket.

the benefits of flax seeds

The healing properties of flax seeds are determined by the content of a whole complex of various substances in them. They contain magnesium, manganese, potassium, omega-3,6,9 polyunsaturated fatty acids , antioxidants, tocopherols, vitamins B5, B6, B9, D, E, B2, B3, B4, beta-carotene. The usefulness of flax seeds also lies in their shell, which contains the substance lingan. Also important is fiber grains.

flax seeds benefit and harm

The use of seeds and products based on them helps in the prevention of heart disease. The level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized, the likelihood of blood clots in the vessels decreases, blood pressure stabilizes. The use of flax seeds allows them to be used as a prophylactic for atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hypertension and ischemic disease. In addition, taking them improves the condition and appearance of the hair without the use of special cosmetics, has a positive effect on the skin.

Lingan, isolated from the husks of grains, is an antibacterial, antiviral agent, with the help of it you can also fight against fungal diseases. It is a good antioxidant, suitable for both the male and female body. Lingan is an effective prophylactic against cancer of the colon, prostate gland, breast neoplasms (including malignant ones).

healing properties of flax seeds

The use of seeds allows a person to remove toxins from the body, this is due to the insoluble part of the fiber that swells under the action of moisture. Also, grains help with weight loss. This is due to the presence in them of soluble fiber containing resin, pectins and inulin, easily amenable to cleavage by a certain type of bacteria. As a result of this process, a continuous feeling of saturation is created, and the amount of energy received by the body is small. With the help of preparations obtained from grains, it is possible to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, constipation).

We must not forget about the contraindications that have flax seeds. Benefit and harm can be obtained from their use. As a rule, a negative effect can be caused either by individual characteristics of the body, or by excessive doses. In particular, with a large consumption of drugs, an excess of the norm of the plant analog of estrogen can be observed. Caution should be treated with linseed oil for exacerbations of gallstone disease or cholecystitis. It is better not to use preparations based on it during pregnancy, it is likely to provoke a miscarriage. It is undesirable to use it with poor blood coagulability.


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