Hair masks for growth and strengthening: quick and easy

From time immemorial, beautiful hair was considered the main decoration of any girl. Of course, time makes its own adjustments, as does fashion. But long, healthy, luxurious curls still attract the eye. Every girl knows that hair needs to be taken care of, even if sometimes there is neither the strength nor the time. However, if you are not lazy and, say, make hair masks at home, the effect will manifest itself quite quickly.

hair masks for growth and strengthening

I must say that there are a great many recipes for such masks, but perhaps the most popular are hair masks for growth and strengthening. After reviewing all the options, it is worth choosing the most suitable for the type of your hair and do it regularly. By the way, the mask must also be applied correctly. It is not enough just to smear the mixture through the hair, first you should massage your head with at least a comb, and then gently and carefully rub the mask so that it more effectively affects the bulbs. It is then that the composition will affect the density, appearance of the hair, restoring its beauty and health.

hair growth mask recipe

So, hair masks for growth and strengthening are, first of all, those that cause a rush of blood to the hair follicles. The most famous varieties contain cinnamon, onion or mustard.

Cinnamon masks are beneficial for the appearance and strengthening of hair. But you need to be careful and not overdo it with the amount of spice so as not to burn the hair, because it causes a burning sensation and blood flow to the skin. One teaspoon is the maximum dose for the mask.

hair masks at home

Clay mask with cinnamon: 4 tablespoons of blue (or green) clay are mixed with a teaspoon of cinnamon. You can add a pinch of red pepper here. The mixture is applied to the hair and holds for half an hour, washed off with shampoo. The course of this mask includes eight receptions, one per week.

Mask with kefir and cinnamon: a yolk, a teaspoon of cinnamon are added to a half cup of kefir. All this is applied to clean and slightly damp hair and lasts half an hour under a towel. Shampoo is not required to rinse. You need to make a mask once a week, the course is two months.

Mustard hair masks for growth and strengthening are considered very effective. They nourish curls and accelerate their growth, give shine, strength, density and silkiness. Hair will be more voluminous and less dirty. The only point is that the mustard powder dries noticeably, so with dry hair it is better to add any base oil to the mixture and not hold for a long time (from 15 minutes to an hour). So, two tablespoons of mustard are bred in two tablespoons of hot water, add the yolk, a couple of spoons of sugar (it makes the mustard burn), a couple of spoons of oil. All this is applied to the skin, holds and rinsed off with shampoo. For normal and dry hair, this mask is done once a week, for greasy - two.

There is another equally effective mask recipe for hair growth with onions. This substance irritates the skin, stimulates hair growth, but it smells very bad (the fragrance will last at least a week). So not everyone chooses this option. However, someone may like it. So, the onion must be grated, mixed with a spoon of honey and rub into the skin. Keep for about an hour, rinse with shampoo, finally rinse with water and lemon juice.

Hair masks for growth and strengthening with pepper tincture are also good. It acts quickly and noticeably, also causes a rush of blood to the skin, stimulates growth. However, if the skin is sensitive, care should be taken. The more the pepper tincture is diluted, the more it will burn. So the most suitable dose for each type of hair needs to be selected independently. It is better to start with undiluted at all, and add oil to the mask (if the hair is dry). The mask is made twice a week for three months, hold for two hours, covered with a film and a towel. An important point: you should not sit and wait, if it bakes very much, it is better to wash it off early. So, a tablespoon of tincture is taken, mixed with one spoon of oil and applied to the hair. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey and yolk, as well as a spoonful of calendula tincture.


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