Ivan tea: useful properties and contraindications

Among the hundreds of herbs that grow in our meadows and forest edges, there are many very useful species. Some of them are known only to herbalists, and almost everyone knows about others. Ivan-tea can be called the record holder in the content of important elements for health and in the methods of use. Useful properties and contraindications of drugs from it became known not so long ago.

There was a time when drinking drinks from this herb was prohibited by law. Around the same period, the plant was actively used not by medicine men to treat the afflicted, but by swindlers as fake tea. Now even official medicine has confirmed the beneficial properties of willow tea. Scientists are surprised that drugs from this modest weed help better than many drugs. However, they do not have any side effects. You can take them to absolutely all categories of patients, including pregnant and infants. In our article we will tell you how to collect and harvest willow-tea, how and what it heals, how to prepare medicines from it.

Etymology of the name

Ivan tea, the useful properties of which are so appreciated by both healers and doctors, is sometimes written with a capital letter, implying that Ivan is a man's name well-known in Russia. The word “tea” in this case has nothing to do with the drink and is synonymous with the Russian words “it seems”, “probably”. The folk legend says that Ivan lived for a very long time, he loved to wear red clothes and walk among meadow flowers. People, looking at the flowering brushes of plants, said: "Tea, Ivan wanders again."

Ivan tea how to brew

In another interpretation, ivan-tea is written with a small letter. In this case, the word "Ivan" means leaves, like a willow, and "tea" is a drink beloved by many. In support of this theory, we can say that the leaves of the medicinal plant species are really similar to willow. For this reason, for example, in England it is called willow grass, and in Slovakia it is called recruitment. Scientifically, this plant is called narrow-leaved Ivan tea. Useful properties and contraindications of this particular type will be described in the article.

Habitat and botanical description

Almost every Russian, if desired, can prepare Ivan-tea for himself. The beneficial properties of this herb will help get rid of many ailments. It is growing everywhere. You can find it in the meadows, in the steppe zone, on the spacious forest edges, on the site of forest fires, wherever there is free access to the wind and the sun. In the forest often the plant is not worth looking for, because among the trees it does not grow.

It is very easy to distinguish ivan tea from other herbs, as its stems can reach 2 meters in height. There are more undersized representatives, the height of the bushes of which does not exceed half a meter. Inflorescences are very characteristic of Ivan tea. They form friable, slightly messy brushes up to 45 cm long. Flowers begin to blossom from the bottom. The hue of the petals is very bright: lilac-pink-lilac, less often white.

It is not difficult to find out therapeutic Ivan-tea by its leaves, densely sticking around the stem. In shape, they are very similar to willows, only the color of their leaf plate is bright green above, and below it can be pinkish, purple-red or gray-green.

Ivan tea blooms from about July 15, but in different regions, these dates may be different. During this period, its mass harvesting begins. Flowers stay on the plant for about a month. Experienced herbalists are advised to conduct a re-collection in late August. Then there is little flowering willow tea, but the raw materials are of better quality.

Ivan tea description

Many healers make harvest of rhizomes of Ivan tea, which is relatively powerful, creeping, giving copious growth. Pollen and plant seeds are also used to make various potions.

What is contained in the plant

Useful properties and contraindications of willow tea, like all other plants, are due to its chemical composition. In young leaves and rhizomes contain:

  • tannins (20%);
  • mucus (up to 15%);
  • vitamin C (in 100 grams of fresh grass up to 588 mg, and in lemons this substance is 6 times less);
  • lectins;
  • cellulose;
  • Sahara;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • tannin (20% in the roots and 10% in the leaves);
  • proteins (up to 20%).

The following trace elements were found in 100 grams of fresh, only plucked raw materials:

  • iron (23 mg);
  • manganese (16 mg);
  • boron (6 mg);
  • nickel (1.3 mg);
  • titanium (1.3 mg);
  • molybdenum (0.44 mg);
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • lithium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus salts.

Beneficial substances are also found in flowers, buds and seeds.

The medicinal characteristics of the plant, confirmed by scientists

Useful properties and contraindications of Ivan tea are based primarily on the action of substances contained in the plant. Also, the therapeutic features of this herb are affected by the methods of its preparation and use. According to numerous experiments conducted on animals, and testing on volunteers, official medicine recognized the medicinal properties of the plant:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. In Ivan tea, this effect is the highest among all the plants known today.
  2. Enveloping. They provide a high content of mucus in the leaves.
  3. Cytostatic (antitumor). Based on the willow-tea inflorescences, the drug Hanerol was created, which is used to treat cancer patients.
  4. Hemagglutinating (this means gluing and moving bacteria or cells carrying antigens to the sediment). This property of the plant gives the right to use it in the treatment of mumps.
  5. Antiviral. Especially active are preparations from Ivan tea in the fight against herpes.
  6. Antiallergic.
  7. Decongestants.

The healing characteristics of the plant, noted by the healers

Folk healers use the beneficial properties of Ivan tea more widely. For the first time, Maria Treben, a herbalist from Austria who lived in the twentieth century, told the world about him as a healthy plant. She has published many books with her own recipes for treating dozens of diseases. Many of them include Ivan-tea, which Maria advised to use to get rid of some diseases in men, in particular for the treatment of the prostate. In Russia, this weed was brewed before, but no one knew for sure what it helped. Now, folk healers are well aware of the beneficial properties and contraindications of Ivan tea and are advised to use it in the following situations:

  • problems with the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, colitis, dysbiosis, impaired stool, heartburn);
  • headaches, migraines;
  • insomnia, awakenings in the middle of the night;
  • pain of various etiologies in any part of the body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • allergies
  • infectious diseases, including scrofula, syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea;
  • tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • infertility;
  • low potency.

Ivan tea is actively used:

  • as a choleretic and diuretic;
  • for wound healing (externally);
  • for the treatment of male and female diseases;
  • with poor lactation;
  • with cardiovascular ailments;
  • as a sedative for various mental disorders;
  • with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis).

This weed can be brewed and healthy people to prevent many ailments. Tea from it is very pleasant to taste, has a specific aroma. It is useful for all people who are actively involved in sports or performing heavy physical work.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the Ivan-tea plant help the fair sex to always be young and irresistible. You can use fresh or dry fermented grass for the preparation of decoctions and infusions, as well as alcohol tinctures.

tincture of Ivan tea

They can be purchased at a pharmacy (it can be written on a bottle that this is a tincture of fireweed) or made independently. For this purpose, you can use dry raw materials. In this case, you need to take it only 20 grams, pour a glass of alcohol diluted up to 40 degrees (or vodka) and insist 10 days.

If fresh raw materials are used, approximately half a glass will be required. The grass should be washed and chopped, placed in a glass and pour 250 ml of vodka. Means to insist 14 days.

In addition, you can make alcohol tincture exclusively from willow-tea inflorescences. They need to be collected at the end of July. They fill any containers of any size with flowers, fill them with vodka and insist for 2 months in a dark, cool place.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of Ivan-tea (fireweed) help to combat the following problems:

  • aging, withering of the skin;
  • acne;
  • microtrauma (cracks);
  • skin fatigue;
  • increased grease;
  • dry skin.

Masks, including ivan tea, help with inflamed, irritated, weathered skin of the face and hands, and rinsing with decoctions based on this plant helps to normalize the condition of the scalp (make hair less oily). Strengthen hair follicles, relieve itching and help get rid of dandruff.

There are a lot of recipes used in cosmetology. Here is some of them:

1. Anti-inflammatory mask. Take 10 ml of tincture of willow-tea on alcohol, add a little bit of oat and fine salt, mix thoroughly. Apply this mask to the face (hold no more than 10 minutes), rinse gently with water. Lubricate the skin with a cream appropriate to its type. This procedure reduces acne.

2. Compresses for the treatment of acne. Make an infusion of fresh raw Ivan-tea (three soup spoons pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain). In the resulting product, the fabric is moistened and applied to the face. Hold for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water.

3. Anti-aging mask. You need to do it every 2 days. Ingredients:

  • alcohol tincture of Ivan tea (teaspoon);
  • juice from fresh zucchini (5 ml);
  • 1 yolk.

All components are mixed and applied to the face. Leave for 10 minutes. Wash off. Apply a cream appropriate to the type of skin.

To strengthen the hair from Ivan tea, decoctions or infusions are prepared. The procedure for rinsing the hair is carried out after each washing of the head.

Useful properties of Ivan-tea for men

It was mentioned above that she was the first to talk about the possibility of using herbal tea to treat diseases of men, herbalist from Austria Maria Treben. She pointed out that this herb copes with such serious problems as prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Now Ivan-tea is also actively used to increase potency, treat men from infertility, with urolithiasis, to more quickly recover the body after operations of any complexity on the prostate.

Ivan tea for men

Basically, problems with male organs appear in the stronger sex after 40 years, because by this age many of them reduce their physical activity, move little on foot, and do not play sports. Also, by the age of forty, toxins accumulate from prolonged use of alcohol and smoking, immunity decreases after suffering many infectious diseases. These causes of inflammation of the prostate and the appearance of a tumor (adenoma) are characteristic of many men. Therefore, it is very useful for all members of the stronger sex to drink tea from fireweed for prevention, even when a formidable diagnosis has not yet been made.

Sorcerers widely use the beneficial properties of Ivan-tea for men. Instructions for taking drugs and drugs may vary slightly. Here are a few recipes:

1. With prostate adenoma. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of dry raw materials. A teaspoon (with a small hill) of the raw material is poured with boiling water (like classic tea), insisted until a characteristic color appears. Such a drink should be consumed twice a day.

2. With prostatitis. It is necessary to brew grass in a water bath and insist. Take 2 soup spoons of dry raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover, place in another bowl with water and put on fire. Boil for 20 minutes. After another 50 minutes they insist. The amount of infusion is adjusted to 200 ml by adding boiled water to it. They drink 100 ml before meals.

3. With infertility and poor potency. Take a soup spoon of grass, place in a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 60 minutes, filter. You need to drink 50 ml before meals for a half to two months.

the benefits and harms of ivan tea

Useful properties of willow tea for women

The fair sex has its own problems regarding the genitourinary system. The most common include:

  • thrush;
  • erosion;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • hormonal disorders (due to the use of birth control pills or due to age-related changes);
  • pain and feeling sick on critical days;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • young mothers have poor lactation.

According to reviews, the beneficial properties of willow tea for women really help in the treatment of these ailments. In addition, this drink reduces irritability, fatigue, helps to sleep well, improves the functioning of the digestive tract. We offer several folk recipes:

1. On critical days. Take 1 soup spoon of dry raw Ivan-tea of ​​narrow-leaved and yarrow, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let stand, then put on fire and bring to a boil, filter. Drink 100 ml during the critical days.

2. With erosion. To prepare the broth, take one soup spoon of Ivan-tea, calendula and dandelion, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist an hour, filter, drink 100 ml twice a day. To prepare a solution for tampons and douching, take a soup spoon of fireweed grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water, allow to cool, filter, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Use before bedtime.

It is important to note that fireweed can also be used by pregnant women, since there is no data on its negative effect on the fetus.

For children

A truly amazing Ivan-tea plant. The benefits and usefulness of this herb are endless. It can be given even to infants. But in this case, you need to consult a pediatrician. For children use the following properties of Ivan-tea:

  • anti-inflammatory (helps with various infectious diseases, including scrofula, flu);
  • antipyretic;
  • sedative (improves sleep, relieves anxiety, irritability, moodiness);
  • cleansing (helps to remove substances harmful to health from the body);
  • restorative (restores and enhances immunity);
  • pain medication (for teething).

Ivan-tea is also used to treat diathesis, stool disorders, dysbiosis, and thyroid gland. For schoolchildren, such a drink helps relieve fatigue, concentrate.

The drink for babies (from two years) is prepared very weak. Take just a small pinch (less than a teaspoon) of the herb in a glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, filter. Drink no more than 50 ml twice a day.

Children from 8 years old take 1 soup spoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water to make a drink.

Contraindications and side effects

Unfortunately, Ivan-tea has not only useful properties. And he also has contraindications. This herb should not be used in such cases:

  • allergy to fireweed;
  • clotting problems;
  • simultaneous treatment with sedatives or antipyretics.

Caution should be used drugs from Ivan tea to people suffering from thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, intestinal dysfunction.

After drinking a fireweed drink for 2 months, without exception, everyone should take a short break.

Most people in reviews of the beneficial properties and contraindications of Ivan tea note only the positive qualities of this plant. Drugs from it extremely rarely cause side effects, which are manifested in increased drowsiness, upset stools, or skin rashes. They are observed in those who exceed the dose or have an individual intolerance to this herb.

Ivan tea honey


Ivan tea is recognized as a wonderful honey plant. During flowering, bees literally swarm over it. Each flower of the fireweed is capable of producing 15 mg of nectar, and up to 600 kg of honey can be obtained from a hectare of its crops. It contains a lot of fructose and glucose, as well as the same useful vitamins and minerals as in the plant itself. Honey from Ivan tea can be sugar different, depending on the weather conditions prevailing during flowering. Warm and not very rainy summers are the most favorable. The honey is slightly watery, transparent, with a greenish tint, pleasant in smell and delicate in taste. Soon after pumping, it crystallizes, forming large white crystals.

Useful properties of honey from Ivan tea are as follows:

  • helps with the healing of boils, wounds, acne, herpes (in this case, its use is external);
  • restores the work of the digestive tract (used for gastritis, ulcer, high acidity, colitis, enteritis and many other diseases of the intestine and stomach);
  • normalizes blood pressure and heart function;
  • boosts immunity;
  • makes the walls of blood vessels (blood and lymphatic) more elastic;
  • indispensable for colds, diseases of the bronchi and ENT organs;
  • restores the blood formula;
  • relieves headache, is used for migraines, sleep disorders;
  • useful for men (used to treat prostatitis, sexual impotence);
  • Included in the treatment of cancer.

You can use boiled honey by spreading a spoon in a glass of water or milk. You can also take it separately by teaspoon daily. It is useful to include it in face and hair masks.

Contraindications for this honey are the same as for other drugs from Ivan tea. In addition, it should not be consumed by those who are allergic to any beekeeping products.

Koporsky drink

The beneficial properties of Ivan tea (narrow-leaved fireweed) became widely known only in the twentieth century. Prior to this, only healers and monks who were forbidden to consume other drinks except water were used in their potions. In the XVII century, near the village of Koporka, near St. Petersburg, the production of tea from fireweed was organized. The local businessmen passed it off as a Chinese product that was very much appreciated in those years. But among the people it was called Koporskiy and was considered a low-grade drink. The government even specifically issued an order prohibiting the use of any drinks from fireweights.

Today, Koporye tea is extremely valuable, as it contains a lot of useful substances. They cook it using a special technology. It is practically no different from the production of other teas (Ceylon, Indian, Chinese). Our Russian peasant, who served at the embassy in China, spied on her.

tea after fermentation

It is important to know how to brew ivan tea. Useful properties of the drink will be revealed in full if the process is carried out according to proven technology over the years. The brewing capacity is better to take porcelain or glass. First, it is rinsed with boiling water. Next, put in it a teaspoon of dry tea, pour 250 ml of boiling water and cover with a dense cloth. After 15 minutes, the drink is ready. You can use it with honey (any), with dates or with raisins. Sugar is better not to use. Depending on individual preferences, the concentration of tea can be changed, but brewing more than two teaspoons of dry raw materials per glass of water is not recommended.


Koporye tea differs from dry grass in that it undergoes a fermentation step. It involves the destruction of plant cells. At the same time, useful substances are released that remain in the raw material after the drying process. When brewing tea, enzymes and vitamins dissolve perfectly, turning into a drink. Therefore, the beneficial properties of fermented willow tea are more pronounced. 100 grams of this product contain:

  • B vitamins (B1 - 0.11 mg, B2 - 0.12 mg, B3 - 0.3 mg, B5 - 1.172 mg, B6 - 0.176 mg, B9 - 24 μg);
  • Vitamin C - 13 mg;
  • potassium - 340 mg;
  • phosphorus - 165 mg;
  • calcium - 110 mg;
  • magnesium - 32 mg;
  • sodium - 12 mg;
  • nickel - 1.3 mg;
  • titanium - 1, 3 mg;
  • iron - 1.15 mg;
  • zinc - 1.15 mg;
  • Manganese - 1.09 mg;
  • molybdenum - 0.44 mg;
  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 31.68 g;
  • fats - 1.8 g.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of fermented tea are the same as with other drugs from this plant.

To prepare the raw materials, it is necessary to collect the leaves and inflorescences of ivan tea during the flowering period, ram them tightly into any container that can be closed with a lid, and leave for a day. After 24 hours, the grass should smell like a spoiled fruit compote. Raw materials are removed from the container, poured into a bowl and begin to crumple. The movements are the same as when mixing dough. The mass must be periodically spread and fluffed. Kneading can be replaced by twisting the leaves in tight tubes. As a result, the initial volume of grass is reduced by about three times, and the raw material becomes wet. After that, it is placed on a baking sheet and put in the oven. During the drying process, the grass is periodically mixed. Ready tea in black, has a pleasant smell.

Consumer Opinions

About the beneficial properties of Ivan tea reviews are extremely favorable. People note the excellent taste of the drink, a noticeable therapeutic effect after its use, the absence of any side effects with this treatment. Many people like the fact that tea can be given to babies who, after a course of administration, significantly increase their resistance to viral and infectious diseases. Even those people who do not have serious diseases note in the reviews that this tea improves mood, relieves fatigue, irritability, improves sleep. The only negative consumers call the laborious process of harvesting raw materials.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33353/

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