Sommersby cider - a light refreshing drink made from natural juice

Sommersby cider is a sweetish alcoholic drink with a refreshing apple flavor, a delicate golden color and a light aroma of fruit. It is made from naturally fermented natural apple juice. It is generally accepted that cider is an original English drink, but Sommersby is distributed almost all over the world. It can be easily found on the shelves of Russian supermarkets. At the same time , the Sommersby cider , whose price is not much higher than ordinary locally produced beer, is considered to be an affordable drink.

cider sommersby

Drink history

People started making cider a long time ago. What kind of drink, they knew back in the VIII century. The inhabitants of the Roman Empire and Hellas worshiped cider and drank it both on holidays and on weekdays. The homeland of cider is considered to be fertile English lands, since ancient times famous for unprecedented harvests of apples. The tradition of alcohol production has been formed there for centuries. Locals called fermented apple juice "scrampy." Once cider replaced another popularly popular drink - ale, and in those days it was believed that it was much more useful than drinking spring water. It is noteworthy that over many centuries the production technology has not changed much and today the Sommersby cider is made in much the same way as scrampies were made in English villages several centuries ago.

For a while, cider was considered a drink of the peasants, but once it was tasted and known. Cider's ability to refresh in the heat was especially appreciated. Already in the XVIII century, apple cider became very popular in secular circles. He was served at feasts and events of the highest level.

Cider was also served in the best houses of the Russian Empire. It gained popularity and spread with the light hand of Empress Maria Feodorovna, who tasted this drink in Europe. The royal lady liked his light refreshing taste and small fortress and she brought him home. In the USSR, cider was not produced. Workers could taste it only abroad.


Birth of the Sommersby

Lord Somersby is the father of many great inventions and discoveries, the most famous of which is the same cider variety. Europe has known this brand for more than three centuries. On an industrial scale, this low-alcohol medium-carbonated drink began to be produced in 2008.

Cider Outside the Homeland

Today, the drink is known in 43 countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Copyright Holder Carlberg Group sells production licenses to local breweries and personally monitors quality. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the product, while maintaining its excellent quality and taste.

cider sommersby Price

Interesting Sommersby Cider Facts

  • raw material for the manufacture of cider "Sommersby" - natural juice from apples;
  • fortress - 4.7%;
  • special varieties of apples are used;
  • to get a liter of juice takes 1 kg of apples;
  • does not contain chemical additives;
  • in the cold season, you can drink warm, adding honey and spices.

cider what is it

Drinking culture

In the heat, Sommersby cider is served by pre-cooling to 11-13 ° C. If this is not possible, ice can be added to the drink. Glasses for him should be selected high, expanded up. Pour the drink so that the open bottle is located at a considerable distance from the glass. Thus, the cider can be saturated with a more delicate taste, and its delicate aroma will be fully revealed. The last couple of sips from the glass is not customary to finish, they are splashed onto the ground, as if in gratitude to her for a good harvest.

somersby cider

Sommersby cider goes well with fried or baked poultry and game with berry sauces. It goes well with potato casseroles, cold poultry appetizers, apple charlotte, strudel and other sweet pastries. You can serve just sliced ​​fruits, sweets, cream cakes to the table.


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