Work at MegaFon: employee reviews

Who would not want to work in a large company? Such organizations always pay their employees a good salary and additional bonuses for the implementation of the plan, and provide medical insurance and other social guarantees. All this and much more promises to work at MegaFon. Reviews of the company's former employees about it, however, are not always so rosy. There are, of course, many different reasons for this. So, what seems to be true and what doesn't?

Working conditions

Work in MegaFon reviews

During an interview with a potential employer, one of the main issues of interest to the applicant is the working conditions. Few people want to work in the open air or during lunch to look for a place for a small snack. But here you should not even worry. Work in the MegaFon office for any employee is organized in such a way that he can always relax during his break.

In any, even the smallest communication salon, a relaxation room is equipped. Of course, it will only have the most necessary things: a refrigerator, a microwave and, of course, a table with chairs. In addition, clean drinking water and even a minimal set of dishes are purchased for employees. Despite the fact that workers do not sell food, each salon has the necessary equipment for personal hygiene. Everything is done in order to make the employee as comfortable as possible at MegaFon. The reviews of the labor inspection emphasize the fact that the company cares about the convenience of its employees.


Office work MegaFon

No less important is the schedule in which the employee will work. Work in the MegaFon salon implies shift work, since all offices work without days off and breaks. On the one hand, it is very convenient. No need to ask for a trip to a government agency. On weekdays, a fitness club membership and movie tickets are cheaper. Students can adjust the work schedule so that they miss a minimum of classes.

On the other hand, you need to be prepared to work on weekends when the whole family or friends are resting. It is also important to note that the shift can be up to 12 hours. At first, working in such a rhythm is harder than in a regular five-day period. But those who are used to it usually find more pros than cons. In addition, with a shift schedule, processing is possible, thanks to which at the end of the year you can get an additional payment. But it will be all the same work at MegaFon. The reviews of employees who received such a "thirteenth salary", very eloquently speak in favor of shift work.

Salary level

Work in the MegaFon salon

And of course, everyone is interested, but how much does an employee of such a communication salon earn each month? The amount that he will receive depends on many factors. His salary consists of two parts: a constant rate and bonus. The first part may change only once every six months after the recertification of all employees. But the second entirely depends on the employee himself. The more he sells devices, attracts new subscribers and connects additional services, the greater will be his premium. There are frequent cases when it is 2 times higher than the rate itself.

Those who decided that work at MegaFon is suitable for them, reviews about it are no longer important. A lot depends on the person himself. But one thing is clear that the company does a lot for its employees to work in human conditions. In response, only one thing is required - perfectly fulfill their duties.


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