What is a vague sentence

A one-part indefinite-personal sentence is a syntactic construction in which there is only one main term - a predicate, expressed, as a rule, with a verb of 3l. plural in the present or future tense of the imperative or indicative mood. For example: Over a wall they quarreled loudly . And also in plural past tense in the form of indicative or conditional mood. For example: Today Anton was insulted and kicked out of the table. If they would have allowed me, I would have done it a long time ago. Also in the role of the predicate can be short forms of the adjective or participle, then it is already nominal, and not verb: Here we are always welcome.

vaguely personal offer

Consider the features of this type of sentences, their structure, difference from other single-component constructions and punctuation rules in them.

Difference from incomplete offer

An indefinite-personal sentence has an independent status as a structure, because, unlike an incomplete sentence, the person described in this context cannot be restored from the previous text.

For example : Andrei and Olga took a long time getting to the village. When we arrived, it was already very late.

In the last sentence, the subject is restored from the previous text. They (Andrey and Olga) have arrived . Hence, it is incomplete.

vaguely personal sentences examples

In the dining room, they could only hear the sound of pounding with spoons . This is an indefinite personal sentence, since knocking is an action performed by someone who is not important to the hearer. The subject of action in them may also be unknown to the narrator: Somewhere they laughed out loud.

It is interesting that in sentences like " You are said to dress warmly" there is a subject that can be defined. Here, what is said clearly expresses the speaker's action. But in such a situation the effect of โ€œalienationโ€ occurs, as it were, for the one who speaks takes the position of another person.

Indefinitely personal sentences are used most often in colloquial speech. They help to focus on the action or event itself, without specifying by whom it could be produced.

How to distinguish an indefinite personal sentence from an impersonal

one-piece indefinitely personal sentence
An impersonal construction indicates those actions or conditions that are independent of the subject. For example: The house is bright and festive . It has long dawned . What is said here is expressed in adverbs - light and festive - and an impersonal verb - dawned. Sometimes the predicate can be expressed and the words were not or not . For example : There was no fun .

When trying to distinguish between an indefinite-personal sentence and an impersonal one, it is necessary to remember, first of all, that in the first the predicate is always in the plural. While in the second case it can be in the singular.

Punctuation in complex sentences with an indefinite personal basis

In a complex sentence, where parts are impersonal or indefinitely personal with the same predicate form, no comma is given. For example: We were placed around the table and food and drinks began to be brought into the room.

When considering indefinitely personal sentences, examples of their differences from other types of syntactic constructions with an incomplete basis, it is necessary to remember their main features, and then the definition of the structure will not cause difficulties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33370/

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