Herpes is a folk remedy: treatment features and best recipes. Herpes on the lips: treatment with folk remedies quickly

Herpes (folk remedies can quickly get rid of it) is an infection that is found in the body of almost every person, but in the normal state of the immune system does not make itself felt. If the body has experienced hypothermia, stress or a cold, then the infection can find manifestation on the lips or in any other place. Herpes also occurs after sunburn or prolonged exposure to air conditioning. Its appearance is almost always sudden.

herpes on the body treatment with folk remedies

As such, there is no cure for this disease, since it tends to pass on its own. However, its manifestations are rather unaesthetic, which means that many women are trying to speed up this process.

What medicinal herbs will help?

Now in pharmacies you can find a large number of drugs that promise to instantly relieve cold sores. But a person has long been drawn to nature, and many medicinal herbs are already in almost every house, which means that it will be possible to apply folk remedies for herpes immediately after the onset of the disease.

Also, herbs will help strengthen the effect of medicines, in particular antiviral drugs. Such plants are lemon balm, chamomile, thyme, motherwort and many others.

Remember that herbal medicine can both help and harm, so before using this or that remedy, you need to check if there is an allergy to each of the components.

cold sore folk remedy

Herbal teas and infusions from herbs

Quite effective is a decoction of burdock. It must be taken orally.

Also, folk remedies for herpes on the lips, which include several plants, will be very effective. For example, 2 parts of lemon balm, chamomile, thyme, motherwort, raspberry, juniper leaves (the fruits are suitable) and 1 part of adonis, wormwood, St. John's wort. Next 2 tbsp. l pour the mixture with boiling water (in the amount of two glasses). Leave the container alone for an hour, then strain. Divide the resulting liquid into 4 doses and drink during the day. The duration of treatment is about two weeks to completely eliminate the infection.


If herpes appears on the body, treatment with folk remedies also takes place. In particular, salt will help get rid of discomfort. It must be added to the water when taking water procedures.

folk remedies for herpes

The addition of essential oils of bergamot, eucalyptus and geranium will be beneficial. You can also use lemon and tea tree oils. It is these plants that have a pronounced antiseptic effect. However, they show their properties only if the water temperature does not exceed 36 degrees. Only six drops are enough for a full bath to obtain a positive therapeutic effect. Also, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

There are reviews that claim that a herbal remedy based on violets helps with herpes. The plant helps to increase immunity and suppress the herpes virus. Violet oil can be added in small quantities to the bath.


This method can serve not only as a therapeutic, but also as a prophylactic, although at first glance its effectiveness is small. However, oriental physicians pay a lot of attention to biologically active points, of which there are a lot on the body. In particular, they are located on the foot. If you give about 10 minutes daily to foot massage, you can significantly increase immunity, which will be a good barrier to the herpes virus.

Lubricants and compresses

From herpes, a folk remedy in the form of lubrication or compress is the best way to treat, since the effect occurs directly on the lesion.

For treatment, canned celandine juice is suitable. You can cook it in advance. To do this, fresh grass (you can also use the roots) is passed through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice and pour it into containers so that the liquid does not reach the edges by 2 cm. Cork for a week. After this period, fermentation should begin, during which the tank must be periodically opened to release gases. With the obtained product, lubricate the affected areas several times a day (at once it is necessary to lubricate the rash 2-3 times with a break of five minutes). You do not need to apply a bandage.

A folk remedy based on Kalanchoe juice will help from herpes. You can also, having cleaned the sheet from the skin, apply it directly to the affected area. Each time, the cut point needs to be refreshed. In addition, you can fix a piece of pulp on the affected area with a band-aid. Skin restoration will not keep you waiting.

herpes folk remedy treatment quickly

You can also lubricate the areas affected by herpes with freshly squeezed lemon juice. However, one must be prepared for the possibility of tingling and itching.

Herbal remedies for herpes on the lips, which are made on the basis of tea, preferably black, will help. It must be brewed with boiling water and cooled to body temperature, and then applied to the affected area in the form of a compress. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes, it must be repeated three times a day.

If herpes appeared on the lips, treatment with folk remedies will quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. For a compress, you can use lemon balm. For this, 1 tbsp. l brew herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water, then insist 30-40 minutes. After that, moisten the infusion with a bandage or natural tissue and apply to the sore spot three times a day.

And beekeeping products will help

A good ointment is a propolis-based remedy. In particular, this applies to alcohol tincture. To do this, dilute half a teaspoon of tincture in 100 ml of warm water. This liquid is taken orally twice a day for five days. It is also necessary to lubricate the affected areas with propolis oil (grate frozen frosted propolis, mix with melted butter, then keep on low heat for 30 minutes and strain, use after cooling), which will significantly speed up the healing process.

Garlic and Sulfur Against Herpes

The most popular answer to the question of how to treat herpes with folk remedies is earwax. This method is quite unusual, but you can use it absolutely anywhere, because the tool is always at hand. If you have herpes on your lips, treatment with folk remedies can be quickly carried out, it is using sulfur. Some people claim that this method saved them from unpleasant sensations after two procedures.

And garlic is also always at hand. And the method of its use is striking in its simplicity. It is enough to crush the garlic, put it on cheesecloth and form it in the form of a tampon, which must be applied to the affected areas. If desired, it can be fixed with adhesive tape. You can also do much easier: cut a clove in half and lubricate the affected area.

cold sores on the lips treatment with folk remedies quickly

Paper soot - unusual but effective

Another weird, but at the same time effective way is paper soot. Only a newspaper is suitable for this, the year of issue is unimportant. From it you need to twist the bag and put it on a plate of porcelain, which, in turn, put in a sink or bathroom. Set the paper on fire, after it burns out almost completely, brush off the ashes and the rest of the paper. The resulting yellow plaque on a plate will be the folk remedy that can get rid of the manifestations of herpes. After using the product, do not wash the plate, but use it again for cooking in a similar way.

From herpes, a folk remedy made of paper will bring recovery many times closer, especially if you start treatment immediately after the first symptoms appear, until the disease has passed into its active phase.

A few more external treatments

Bread is the head of everything. If herpes has appeared , treatment with folk remedies will quickly solve this problem. To do this, you need rye bread. In 1 tbsp. Dissolve a little more than 1 tsp of boiled water. salt. Put a crust of rye bread in this liquid, quite a bit. Apply softened bread to the affected area, where to keep at least half an hour. For a positive therapeutic effect, repeat the procedure several times a day.

They help to eliminate an unaesthetic defect and calendula flowers, since they have a wound healing effect and are able to fight bacteria. However, this tool can be used only in the summer, since it will require fresh flesh of calendula, which must be rubbed into a sore spot. But you can prepare marigold oil in the summer, which will allow you to treat a cold at any time of the year. For its preparation, 2 tbsp. put flowers in a liter jar and pour peeled or overheated vegetable oil (2.5 tbsp.). After that, put the jar in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool further, and expose in the sun in a day. After a while, strain the oil and can be used. But remember that during preparation only sterile containers should be taken. Store in the refrigerator - only under such conditions will the beneficial properties be preserved for a long time.

folk remedies for herpes on the lips

If herpes is bothering, treatment with folk remedies will quickly get rid of it. For example, a special homemade ointment made from food, which is very often used for cosmetic masks, will help. Mix 2 tbsp. l unsweetened yogurt, 1 tbsp. l honey, flour and coffee, 1 clove of garlic. Mix thoroughly and apply to the affected area. You can not store for a long time. Apply several times a day.

herpes folk remedies fast

We must not forget about increasing immunity

Since the main provoking factor of the disease is a decrease in immunity, due attention must be paid to this part of the treatment. In particular, it is recommended to use vegetable juices, which will improve the condition of the skin after the disease. You can also drink infusions of Rhodiola rosea root, nettle, rose hip, which have an immunomodulatory effect.

Try to avoid hypothermia or overheating, any stress of the body can lead to illness. A strong immunity will help to forget about herpes for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33385/

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