Krumlov Castle, Czech Republic: description, history, attractions and interesting facts

In the very south of the Czech Republic is the picturesque town of Cesky Krumlov, which is famous far beyond the borders of the country for its unusually beautiful castle. The city attracts fans of music festivals and outdoor enthusiasts. Newlyweds and romantic couples love to be here.

Český Krumlov is a small ancient authentic town that can be reached in a few minutes. It is under the protection of UNESCO and is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Despite the small size and not too convenient location of the attraction, an excursion to Krumlovsky Castle (Czech Republic) is very attractive for foreigners. In this article we will tell you about this amazing place.

Krumlovsky castle

Description of the city

Almost all tourists who come to the Czech Republic visit the Krumlov Castle (Cesky Krumlov). A small, like a fabulous town is located in South Bohemia, 170 km from Prague, on the banks of the Vltava. Its historical center is a large pedestrian zone, which has not changed much since the XVIII century. Krumlov is famous for its unique attractions: the ancient city square, the castle complex.

The old part of the city was built around the castle, which during its long history has changed several owners. During the reign of the Communists, the city fell into complete decline and desolation and was hardly visited by tourists. The Krumlov Castle was revived after the velvet revolution and regime change. Very soon, it became one of the most popular and most visited tourist sites in the country.

Krumlovsky castle: history

The construction of the castle and the city began almost simultaneously. The castle was founded by a representative of the ancient feudal family of Vitkovichi. The founder of a unique structure is considered to be Viteka II. It is first mentioned in the annals of 1240. In 1253, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out in it. In 1274, the suburbs surrounding the castle were united. So the city of Cesky Krumlov appeared.

The castle became the residence of a large and powerful family of Vitkovichi. During their reign, Castle Tower and the Hradek Palace were built. These buildings are still the main attractions of Cesky Krumlov, despite the later changes in the Renaissance style.

At the beginning of the XIV century, the city and the castle (Cesky Krumlov) became the property of the Rozmberk clan. A family residence was founded here, which the ancient family owned for three centuries. The emblem of the genus was a red rose on a silver background. Under Rožmberk, the Gothic appearance of the castle was changed. It appeared elements of Renaissance architecture.

Krumlov Castle Cesky Krumlov

During this period, the territory of the castle expanded significantly: new manors were attached to it. Around the same time, bears settled in the castle moat. Interestingly, even today the brown giants live in the Bear’s Ditch, continuing the four-hundred-year-old tradition.

The last owner of the castle from the Rozmberk clan sold it to emperor Rudolf II at the beginning of the 17th century due to debts, but already in the middle of the 17th century the castle and the city were transferred to the new owners - the Eggenberg family. During their reign, the Krumlov Castle (Cesky Krumlov) was rebuilt in the rococo style. And this was not the last reconstruction.

And at the end of the XVIII century Krumlovsky castle once again gained new owners. They became representatives of the Schwarzenberg clan. They have a tradition of holding luxurious palace balls in the Masquerade Hall. At the Schwarzenbergs, the Summer Palace was erected in the Castle Garden. But the most important achievement of the Schwarzenbergs was the restoration of the unique Baroque theater, which was built under the Eggenbergs and in which the original scenery and interiors are still preserved.

At the end of the 19th century, the Krumlov Castle (Cesky Krumlov) lost its significance as a clan residence. Some of its buildings became accessible to tourists, and in the middle of the last century, the castle and the bulk of the Schwarzenberg property passed to the state.

Krumlov Castle Cesky

Cesky Krumlov: Castle Attractions

The complex, covering an area of ​​more than ten hectares, consists of a castle and a garden, which is connected to the rest of the territory with a wide bridge over a crevice in the rock. The castle has five courtyards with palace and utility buildings, which were erected in different eras and, accordingly, are made in various architectural styles.

The main entrance is on Latran street. Passing the Red Gate, tourists enter the first courtyard, which today houses the tourist information center and souvenir shops. Approaching the castle, guests cross the Bear Ditch, where the brown bears of Cesky Krumlov walk slowly. The ancient castle has a new good tradition - everyone can put a few coins in a piggy bank located at the moat. These donations go to the maintenance of bears that look well-fed and well-groomed.

Castle tower

Krumlov Castle (Cesky Krumlov Castle) has many interesting sights. One of them was the Castle Tower, which turned into a symbol of this city. The tower was built in the XIII century, and at the end of the XVI century it was reconstructed and rebuilt in the Renaissance style. During these works, its facades were decorated with magnificent paintings of Bartolomeus Beranek. To this day, fragments of it have been preserved, which were carefully restored at the end of the 20th century.

Cesky Krumlov Castle

Inside the tower you can wander through the mysterious dungeon, climb the spiral staircase, enjoy the amazing view of Cesky Krumlov from the gallery and see the bells of the 15th and 17th centuries.

Baroque theater

This is one of the first baroque theaters in Europe and one of the main attractions of the castle. It was built at the end of the XVII century and to this day has been preserved almost in its original form: theatrical scenery, costumes of actors, props and even a huge archive of the repertoire.

Cesky Krumlov Castle Attractions

The auditorium using artificial lighting simulates twilight. The dome is painted with paintings of night and day sky with gods and mythical characters. Above the benches for ordinary citizens, a balcony hangs. Here, only knowing could occupy comfortable places. Nearby is a separate princely box.

Under the stage is the engine room. From here, the curtain and the curtain are controlled. The orchestra pit is built for two groups of the orchestra, which are located face to face. Some musicians played for the actors of the palace theater, others for the audience. In 1966, the theater’s buildings and equipment became in disrepair and, in connection with this, restoration work began, which continues today. The restoration process is now 95% complete, so tourists visit the Baroque theater, which today is used as a museum.

Krumlov castle history

On the stage of this theater, performances can be seen only three times a year. Moreover, each production turns into a real holiday, which causes great interest of the audience. Just to see this castle attraction is possible only as part of an excursion group.

Excursion to the Krumlov Castle Czech Republic

Raincoat bridge

This building was built at the end of the XVIII century. He replaced the old, failed wooden bridge. Several floors rest on huge stone pillars, which are decorated with sculptures. The bridge connects the residential part of the castle with the theater and the garden.

Castle garden

He appeared on the territory of the complex in the XVII century. At first, the Krumlovsky castle was decorated with a Baroque garden, then it acquired the characteristic features of the Rococo style, and in the 19th century it acquired its present look of a classic English park.

Krumlov Castle Cesky Krumlov

True, in recent years, a lot of work has been done to return the garden to its historical appearance in the Rococo style. The dominant feature of the garden is a magnificent cascading fountain, the construction of which was completed in the 18th century. The fountain is decorated with baroque statues of gods and goddesses, sculptures that symbolize the seasons. All these sculptures are copies, and the originals can be seen in the Lapidarium of the castle.

Summer palace

Krumlovsky castle is famous for another remarkable building. Exquisite architecture of the summer palace was built in the middle of the 18th century in the Rococo style. The interiors of the palace are decorated with exquisite stucco molding and unique frescoes.

Krumlov Castle Cesky Krumlov Castle

Auditorium Otacive hlediste

The rotating unique auditorium was built in the middle of the last century according to the project of the famous stage designer Joan Brems. Today the hall accommodates six hundred and forty-four spectators. The scene of this open-air theater is the Castle Garden. Musical and drama performances, ballets are staged here. Performances here suit only in spring and summer.

Cesky Krumlov Castle Attractions

Recently, this auditorium has caused a lot of controversy between its admirers and opponents, who believe that the hall does not correspond to the ancient Castle Garden from an aesthetic point of view, and its supporters argue that its uniqueness enhances the magical atmosphere of the castle’s night garden.

The magnificent Krumlov complex can be seen for free. Tickets are needed only for visiting the Baroque theater, the Castle Tower and the interiors of the castle.


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