Swashplate: the principle of operation of the device

Swashplate allows you to control the flight of the helicopter. Modern modifications are distinguished by a high angle of inclination in roll and pitch. To find out more about swash plates, consider existing devices.

Swashplate is a special mechanism that is responsible for controlling the helicopter propellers. Also, devices of this type are used on gyroplanes and convertiplanes. The standard machine includes a set of racks and supports. The movable ring of the device is mounted at the top of the mechanism. Under it is a large plate. Thrust bearings may be located above the strut or bushing. Chordal blades are connected to the plate. At the bottom of the modifications are mounting hinges. Under them is the rotor itself.

The principle of operation of swashplate

The principle of operation of the swashplate is based on changing the position of the screws. This process is carried out by changing the angle of inclination of the supports. The lower ring is responsible for stabilizing traction. To control the helicopter pitch, rear racks are used. The angle of inclination is limited. The lifting force of the helicopter is adjusted using the front struts. Smooth rotation of the blades is ensured by spherical bearings. However, in this case a lot depends on the type of modification.

do-it-yourself helicopter swashplate

Home-made modifications

Making a helicopter swashplate with your own hands is quite difficult. First of all, for assembly, a wide ring with a diameter of 25 cm will be required. Hinges should be in the lower part of the structure. The screws are mounted in a plate. To do this, you have to use a welding machine. Further, to make the helicopter swash plate with their own hands, a ball bearing is prepared . In simple versions, a rotating ring is used with a small diameter.

Spherical bearings are not often used. The cyclic pitch of the blades depends on the size of the rack. After fixing the plates, you can proceed with the installation of the front supports. Then, to assemble the swash plate with your own hands, fastening hinges are applied, which are fixed under the support plate. Modification chord blades should not touch the ball joint. On average, the pitch angle is 30 degrees.

Types of Swash Machines

First of all, the separation of machines is carried out by the number of blades. Three-blade devices are usually installed with double rings. Modifications to the four blades are considered more common. Transitional modifications are distinguished by the presence of wide plates at the bottom of the structure. It is also worth noting that there are cranked modifications and devices with an impeller. Running modifications that are used on gyroplanes are highlighted in a separate category.

Three Screw Modifications

Three-screw models are great for helicopters. Bearing racks are used in different sizes. The diameter of the lower ring, as a rule, is no more than 22 cm. Many modifications use several plates. The pitch control is through the front link. Spherical bearings are used in machines quite often.

A directly stationary plate can be mounted under or above the ring. For many models, screws are secured through racks. The deviation of the plate in this case depends on the size of the side posts. The installation angles are determined by the shape of the plate. Bushings are most often located at the bottom of the structure. The disadvantage of devices on three blades is considered to be a small cyclic step.

Four Screw Models

Four-blade devices are mainly manufactured with a cam mechanism. For many modifications, the pitch angle does not exceed 40 degrees. Skew problems are controlled by rotors. According to experts, modifications with dual bushings are quite rare. Rotating rings are available in various sizes.

Many experts say that spherical bearings have worked well. Many models use a rack lock. Thus, the roll angle of the machine is very limited. Problems with skew modification are not terrible. Modifications are installed mainly through hinges.

helicopter swashplate

Transition devices

Transitional machines are widely used on helicopters of various manufacturers. According to experts, the advantages of the devices include stability. The pitch pitch is adjustable only by the front posts. If you believe the experts, then the plates are allowed to use a small diameter. The maximum pitch angle for modifications of this type is 35 degrees.

Bearings in machines, as a rule, are used spherical type. At the same time, overlays for them are very rare. It is especially important to note that there are modifications for gyroplanes. Racks are used in their elongated shape. Plates quite often are fixed in the upper part of the mechanism. The cyclic pitch of the blades depends on the size of the fixed ring. Lock at the rack is quite common. Over the plate are bushings that protect the blades.

Coaxial impeller modifications

The coaxial swashplate with the impeller is suitable for convertiplanes. The traction power of the models is quite high. If you believe the experts, the racks are used a small length. The bearings are mounted on plates. Modifications with large adapters are very rare. The pitch angle of the screws, as a rule, does not exceed 40 degrees. Many machines do not have a lock. Installation of devices is standardly carried out on the rotor. In this case, the bushings are installed in two rows.

The impellers are used with swivel mounts, which are located at the bottom of the structure. According to experts, the traction force of the modifications depends on the diameter of the plates. The cyclic pitch of the blades is closely related to the size of the racks, which are located on the sides of the plates with fixed rings. Spherical type bearings in impeller machines are very common. Many experts claim that modifications suffer from plate deviation. Tilt roll in devices is very limited.

Cranked devices

Cranked modifications in helicopters are quite rare. Their traction force is usually at a high level. If we talk about the shortcomings, it is important to mention the complex controllability of the mechanism with strong gusts of wind. According to experts, the rotors should be located in the upper part of the modification. To solve problems with the slope of the plate, a blocker is installed. Directly forward racks are fixed on plates.

The pitch pitch angle is about 40 degrees. Many modifications are made without spherical bearings. Plates are used with overlays and without them. Modifications with moving rings are quite rare. The rotational moment of the plates is high. The racks behind the mount are of small width. The inner rings of the modifications of this series are able to withstand heavy loads. It is also worth noting that the market presents modifications with a lower arrangement of rotors. In this case, the front struts are used a small height and are mounted under the plate.

According to experts, the lifting force of the machines of this series is quite high. For modern versions, they fit great. However, the disadvantages of such systems are also worth considering. First of all, this is a small pitch angle. Spherical bearings are heavily loaded. The tilt of the roll maximum reaches 50 degrees. Rack locks are very rarely used. Installation of automatic machines of this type is carried out only on rotors through hinges.

Running gear

Running machines will report that they can be used on helicopters, as well as on convertoplanes. Many modifications are used with long racks and a wide plate. Main rotors are usually located at the top of the machine. The pitch pitch in this case depends on the width of the movable ring. Problems with distortion of screws in modifications arise very rarely.

Protective sleeves are mounted above the adapter. Mounting to the rotor occurs only through hinges. In this case, the inner rings are often used of small diameter. The main load on the mechanisms is precisely on the racks. The cyclic pitch of the blades is not very high. It is also worth noting that modifications of this type are distinguished by high-quality blockers. Ball bearings on machines are very rare.

do-it-yourself swashplate

Sikorsky Modification

The Sikorsky swash plate is reliable and has sturdy stands. Plates in this case are used at 23 cm. According to experts, pitch pitch problems are infrequent. The rotors of the models are above the level of the plates. Vertical installation is very fast. Many experts say that the roll adjustment is very smooth. This effect was achieved by installing small racks. The pitch pitch angle is 40 degrees.

Ball joints are used with pads. Experts say that rack locks work well in this case. A drawback of modifications is considered to be a small torque. Rings in devices wear out pretty quickly. Hinges deserve special attention from the modifications. They are located in the lower part of the structure. The plate deflection is thus quite simple to adjust.

swashplate operation

Features of the model of the MI 8T series

This propeller swashplate is used on helicopters of different series. The rotors are installed at the level of the ring. The operation of the swashplate is carried out by changing the position of the blades. If you believe the opinion of experts, then ball bearings are able to withstand heavy loads. In this case, the cyclic step is controlled perfectly. The bearings of the machine are used spherical type. Bearing retraction during tilting is rare.

Moreover, the wear on the rings is very small. Compact hinges deserve special attention. On the rotor, the modification is installed very tightly. Circular movements are carried out smoothly, the load on the bearings is distributed evenly. The pitch pitch is 30 degrees. Many experts say that plates and at high speeds quickly stabilize. It is especially important to note that the maximum inclination along the roll does not exceed 20 degrees.

Modification Parameters of the AB-1 Series

The presented phase imbalance machine is distinguished by low racks. The pitch pitch limit in this case is 50 degrees. Thrust bearings are used with pads. According to experts, problems with rack locks are very rare. The plate in this case is set to 23 cm. The rotors of the modification are above the level of the plate. The bushings in this case are able to last a long time.

Plate deflection is controlled at a good level. The cyclic pitch of the blade is adjustable only by the front struts. The tilt of the roll is 30 degrees. Vertical installation is pretty fast. Spherical bearings are located just above the plate.

Differences of devices in 912

The swash plate of the presented series stands out with a good adapter. This device relates to cam mechanisms. However, the mounting hinges of the modification are at the bottom of the modification. Bearings are used only on a plate. Installing the blades vertically does not take much time. The maximum angle of inclination of the roll is 25 degrees. Many experts say that the device has excellent stabilization. It is also worth noting that rotating rings are used with a diameter of 34 cm.

Protective sleeves are used only on front pillars. The maximum angle of inclination of the roll does not exceed 55 degrees. Problems with biases this machine is not terrible. The modification is mounted on the rotor as a standard through hinges. Many experts note that the horizontal adjustment of the blades is very fast. There is no rack lock on the model.

Features of the model of a series B 915

The presented swashplate differs from other modifications by a large inclination along the roll. The device belongs to crank types. The rotors are located at the level of the thrust bearings. If you believe the experts, then gaps with a bias are not observed. At the same time, the protective sleeves are located under the stand and above it. Running blades are able to withstand heavy loads.

Ball bearings in this case are used with overlays. The pitch pitch angle is 55 degrees. According to experts, the blocker works well. Among the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning the rapid wear of the rings. The cyclic pitch of the blades is not very smoothly regulated. The hinge mount leaves much to be desired. For convertiplanes, the modification of this series is not suitable.

Modifications to the 920 Series

The presented helicopter swashplate is made with four racks. They rotate freely, the limiting angle of heel is 35 degrees. Main rotors are installed at the level of the bearing row. The plate is used in stainless steel, and its diameter is 4 cm. Many experts say that the modification is made with high-quality mounting hinges, and it is quite simple to install.

The bushings in this case are located only above the protective ring. The pitch pitch angle is 50 degrees. The manufacturer uses a rotating ring 30 cm. There is no rack lock on this machine. Some experts say that the modification can be used on gyroplanes. It is also worth noting that the model has two ball bearings. Problems with prekos they are not afraid.

helicopter swashplate operating principle

Differences between V922-04 devices

This helicopter swashplate is distinguished by a large stabilization of the plate. It is also worth noting that the pitch pitch angle is 45 degrees. Installing the blades vertically does not take much time. If we talk about the shortcomings, it is important to note the low landing plates. The maximum angle of inclination along the roll does not exceed 50 degrees.

A rotating ring is used with a diameter of 30 cm. The bearings on the machine are used only spherical type. Ball bearings in the modification are absent. The rack lock is installed under the plate as standard. Thrust bearings are used without linings. Installing the blades horizontally is pretty fast. Plate deviation is very rare. In this case, the cyclic pitch of the blades is adjusted without problems.

Features of the MI 8 model

The MI 8 helicopter swashplate has many advantages. First of all, it is important to note that the modification relates to transitional devices. The rotors in this case are located at the level of the bushings. Vertical installation takes a lot of time. The maximum roll angle is not more than 40 degrees. Traveling blades are able to withstand more load. It is also worth noting that the MI 8 swash plate is made with spherical bearings. Many experts point to the low strength of the supports. In this case, the plate is used of small diameter. Special attention in the device deserves a small pitch angle. Ball bearings in this case are installed above the plate. Fixture modification is carried out through the rotor. Fasteners in this case are used a small width. Plate deviations at significant loads are very noticeable. When lifting, a large load is directed specifically to the ball bearings.

principle of operation of the swashplate

Modification Parameters of Series 8-1950-000

Swashplate 8-1950-000 is in great demand. It is suitable not only for helicopters, but also gyroplanes. Swashplate 8-1950-000 is equipped with high-quality support stands. The installation of the blades vertically is fast. At the same time, problems with stabilization of the plate modification are not terrible. Some experts also point to the strength of the swivel mounts.

The machine rotors are located at the rack lock level. Ball bearings are standardly located under the ring. If we talk about indicators, then the maximum pitch angle is 35 degrees. The plate on the swash plate 1950 is set with a diameter of 22 cm. The maximum angle of inclination here is 40 degrees. The cyclic pitch of the blade can be adjusted very smoothly.

Sikorsky swash plate

Differences between devices 8-1975-000

This is a quality helicopter swash cam. The principle of operation of the device is based on changing the angle of inclination of the blades. , 34 . .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33413/

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