How to cut bangs at home?

There is a prejudice that cutting your own hair is a bad omen. In the old days they claimed that the girls, with their hair cut off, “cut off” their suitors or altered their destiny altogether and, of course, for the worse. Any superstition is built, as a rule, on the experience of our ancestors.

In our space time, you can easily get around these barriers, you just have to treat them like a game: easy and fun. Especially if you have no problems with the suitors, and through the bangs the light of white is no longer visible. What to do? How? Cut your bangs yourself! It is noticed that most girls today cope with this on their own not because they save money or there is nobody to ask to do it quickly. But because they do not trust and do not want to entrust their beauty into the hands of unverified hairdressers.

The article will talk about how to cut a bangs at home herself. Some professional hairdressers claim that they know more than twenty kinds of bangs. But the core is not so much. Typically, the type of bangs is chosen depending on the shape of the face, structure and thickness of the hair, and even color.

  • standard line;
  • bangs with a beveled edge;
  • "torn" option;
  • curved bangs.
do-it-yourself haircut

There are no less ways to cut it. Let us dwell on some of them that are suitable for home haircuts and do not require special skill.

Getting ready how to cut your bangs yourself

For the process to be successful, it is better to thoroughly prepare for it:

  • make sure your scissors are sharp enough;
  • prepare a comb with thick short teeth and a sharp end;
  • stand up, and rather sit down facing the light and the mirror;
  • lay a napkin in the place where the cut hair will fall;
  • carefully parting, separating each hairline;
  • it will be more convenient to put the rest of the hair on the back of the head, stab it or fasten it with a hoop so as not to interfere. You can stab strands at the temples.

Important! It is not recommended to make bangs from hair growing on the temporal part

Wet hair bangs

  1. Wet the bangs with water.
  2. Comb with thick teeth comb it.
  3. We take a strand of hair with one hand, distribute it between the fingers and stretch it, cut it off with the other hand.
  4. A very important point! It is necessary to cut wet hair one centimeter more than the level that you set.
  5. So that the final result does not force you to make a hairstyle that is cheerfully called “beaver,” you need to cut it slowly, but surely, without unnecessary trembling in your hands.
  6. If the bangs are thick, hold the scissors slightly at an angle to the floor. Firstly, so that they do not slip, and secondly, so that the edge turns out to be smooth and beautiful.
  7. After the entire bang is cut, there will be a need to carefully comb and trim the individual protruding hairs.

The easiest way to cut

To cut a bang

This method, like cutting a bang itself, is suitable mainly for those who have a long bang. Despite the ease and simplicity, it deserves attention and the result can unexpectedly please many.

Prepare an elastic band for hair. Collect all the hair in one bundle in the center, near the nose, and put on an elastic band a little higher than the place where you are going to cut the bangs. Holding the edge and pulling a little, cut off the hair. And it's all.

Haircut with a ruler

Haircut with a ruler

With the help of a simple device, such a difficult task as cutting the bangs evenly, is simplified as much as possible and takes no more than 3-4 minutes.

To do this, you need to prepare two rulers, put them together and from one end secure with an elastic band for hair (clothespin or binder). Get a kind of clothespin from the rulers. There is a special device for these purposes, but you can use a strip of cardboard about 30 cm long, about 2 cm wide, bent in the middle.

In the interval between the rulers, we evenly distribute the hair, after combing them carefully. Install at the desired level and cut them flush with the ruler. All. It remains only to comb the bangs again and remove the excess hair.

Bangs with beveled hem

For creative and decisive people who are accustomed to experimenting, the advice on how to cut the bangs at home itself can only be to not get carried away and not to cut all your hair. You can try to make a hairstyle with the effect of a slanting bangs, which also helps to successfully hide individual flaws. Oblique bangs can also be cut in several ways.

  1. We take the bangs in hand and twist into the flagellum, twisting it several times, put it a bit obliquely to the side, and with one confident movement we cut the strand.
  2. We comb the hair on the side, distribute them between the fingers, cut off excess hair obliquely.
  3. If you wear a bang on the right side, therefore, when you cut, pull the hair to the left. You can also twist them with a flagellum, or you can hold them between your fingers and cut them diagonally or use the two-ruler method.
  4. In the end, comb, remove the excess.

Thinning shearing

Thinning scissors
  • To give the bangs a more magnificent appearance and facilitate styling, it is usually thinned out with thinning scissors, several times walking along the entire bangs at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ends of the hair.
  • If there are no thinning scissors, you can try the usual ones, setting them vertically, make several notches at the ends of the hair in a chaotic manner.
  • To give more volume, you can also do a thinning inside the bangs. Pin its top. Make the hair at the base of their growth 2-3 cm shorter than the rest and walk over it with thinning scissors.

Torn bangs

Torn bangs

This is one of the varieties of bangs, which is difficult to spoil somehow, but you must be able to put it in order to make it stylish. An excellent result is obtained on thick hair and voluminous bangs, if you cut it with individual locks.

To do this, divide the hair into small flagella, twist it with the sharp tip of the scissors, which we hold vertically, and make several notches. The deeper they are, the more "torn" bangs will turn out. This option is also suitable for owners of thin hair, because, creating "artistic" negligence, gives the entire hairstyle the missing volume.

Despite the fact that the "ragged" bangs is combined with almost any haircut and suits many, not everyone is ready to try it on themselves.

How to cut your bangs yourself

As you can see, all this is not at all complicated. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to properly cut the bangs to herself, the answer can be only one: very simple. First, by any of the above methods, cut the bangs, and then with the help of thinning make it more attractive and magnificent.

Now you know how to cut bangs at home. It remains only to wait for it to grow back, if you are only yesterday from the hairdresser and try to do it yourself next time. Perhaps the result will exceed all expectations and you will have a great opportunity to significantly reduce time and money, as well as consolidate such a useful skill: how to cut a bang to herself at home.


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