Acupuncture points on the ears. Points on the ear for weight loss

The science of acupuncture has come to us from the Ancient East and every year it is gaining more and more admirers among adherents of alternative medicine. Still: such a tempting prospect - you relax, enjoy a massage and at the same time get rid of your diseases and even lose excess weight! Yes dear ladies! Acupuncture massage professionals claim that by finding certain points on the ear and having the right effect on them, you can lose a few pounds and find a slim figure. Is it really?

Acupuncture points on the ears

Acupuncture History

In general, when about five thousand years ago, the Chinese created their own healing system, they were unlikely to think about whether it would help someone lose weight. The method of acupuncture in ancient China was used to treat specific internal organs and relieve unpleasant pain.

Ear points

The basis of this knowledge is the theory of qi, according to which a violation of the circulation of energy in the body leads to various diseases. Acupuncture helps to activate the points of organs on the ear, restore their function and harmonize energy flows.

In China, acupuncture is considered a completely scientific method of treatment. By a special technique, acupressure is carried out in the hands, feet, face, neck and ears. But domestic doctors are wary of such therapy. Nevertheless, thousands of adherents of alternative medicine, who turned to the art of acupressure, felt their beneficial effects on themselves. So there is no reason to doubt that if you find and implement a competent effect on the biological points on the ears, You can not only improve the body, but also lose weight.

The principle of acupuncture therapy

As mentioned above, the essence of acupuncture is the acupressure of certain areas on the body that are responsible for the work of internal organs and systems.

Scientists studying this phenomenon have not yet determined, due to which, nevertheless, a healing effect occurs? The basic theory is based on the features of the structure of our nervous system and claims that the nerve endings of all internal organs can be found on the surface of the feet, face, and even on the ears.

Acupuncture points on the ears

Nervous tension is one of the main causes of stress, illness, and all kinds of addictions: overeating, addiction to alcohol and drugs. By simulating points on the ear by introducing special needles, the acupuncture master acts on the nerve endings, relieves pain and helps to relax them.

From the point of view of diet therapy, the value of acupuncture is as follows: if you learn to determine the points on the ear that are responsible for digestion, and periodically work with them, you can control your appetite and speed up the process of losing weight.

Method for determining acupuncture points on the ear

Acupuncture points on the ears You can find it yourself using special schemes. However, the location indicated on them will be only approximate.

A true acupuncture master begins the search for a particular point with a thorough examination of the surface of the auricle or earlobe. If there is a pathology of the internal organ, then the active points on the ears associated with it may have an uneven surface, be covered with acne, blackheads or age spots. Especially modifications to the surface of the auricle become visible after rubbing them with alcohol or essential oil. The acupuncture master usually “probes” the points with a special wand. The pain sensations that the patient will experience during the procedure signal a malfunction of one or another organ. Sometimes pain can respond directly to the heart, knee, back, or lower back. This suggests that the point is determined correctly and a special needle is immediately inserted into it.

The location of the points of organs on the ear

Organ points on the ear
For example, you can see one of the schemes for projecting organs on specific areas of the auricle and points on the earlobes.

For example, massage points number 21 and number 40 helps to eliminate constipation and flatulence. Long-term exposure to these points also allows you to fight eczema of the skin.

Nearby point number 22 undergoes acupuncture if a person suffers from bronchial asthma. Her massage eliminates heaviness in the chest and helps to tolerate various allergic reactions.

Point number 75 is a center that helps to normalize heart rhythm and relieve pain in the heart.

No. 110 - an acupuncture point associated with the work of the inner ear. Acupuncture in the area eliminates tinnitus and ringing, as well as dizziness.

Points on the ear No. 78, 106 and 108 are responsible for the anesthesia of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

Acupuncture area No. 103 eliminates the inflammatory processes of the tongue and oral cavity, including laryngitis and tonsillitis.

Points on the ear for weight loss

But for women who want to speed up the process of losing weight with acupressure, it’s more interesting to know what points on the ears are associated with the digestive system and the regulation of appetite: for example, the center No. 72 - is responsible for the feeling of hunger, No. 93 - coordinates the work of the hypothalamus, and the nerve endings at point 30 and No. 49 are responsible for the work of the stomach.

Regular effects on the above centers strengthen the muscles of the stomach and help bring its volume back to normal - this allows you to tame the feeling of hunger. Stimulation of the hypothalamus will normalize hormones and accelerate fat burning.

Piercing and weight loss

Points on the ear for weight loss

Nowadays, piercing is perceived only as a hobby for fans of various subcultures, maximum - as a normal body decoration. But not everyone thinks that if you intentionally pierce your ear in a certain place and put jewelry made of special metal in it, then piercing can be beneficial for the body. At the same time, if you do this procedure thoughtlessly, then it can adversely affect your health. A similar effect is directly related to the art of acupuncture and the fact that the ear is a well-coordinated system of nerve endings.

Based on this, a special technique for ear piercing with the aim of losing weight was developed. The results after its application are purely individual. But the creators of the method promise about 5-10% weight loss of the total mass, subject to an additional diet.

The essence of the procedure is that an earring or magnet placed to the points on the ear for weight loss, have a permanent beneficial effect on the body and normalize appetite. Doing a “medical” piercing is only with a certified reflexologist.

Contraindications for acupuncture

Points on the ear for weight loss
Acupuncture is one of the safest methods of alternative medicine, so there are not so many contraindications to its use.

Pregnancy (especially in the early stages) is the first reason to abandon the procedure. People in a state of increased nervous excitement should also refrain from acupressure.

It is not recommended to use the acupuncture method if a patient has benign or malignant tumors: myoma, polyps, hygroma, cancer.

Not the best way the procedure will affect those who suffer from blood diseases, for example, anemia or leukemia.

A person with an acute infectious disease is better off postponing a visit to an acupuncture master until he recovers.

Rheumatism, pulmonary or heart failure is another reason to abandon experiments and turn to traditional medicine.

Also, experts say that it does not make sense to pierce the points on the ear for weight loss if the weight is gained due to overeating on the basis of emotional arousal.

Some interesting facts about acupuncture

In domestic culture, the method of acupuncture, although indirectly, was also used by Slavic girls. It consisted of needlework. Skilfully wielding a needle, the craftswomen worked on certain points on the hands, and then noted that, for example, embroidery relieves fatigue, nervous tension and relieves headaches, and beadwork helps to cope with insomnia, distraction and even cramps.

Vascular braiding is a wonderful remedy for polyarthritis, and knitting, it turns out, has a good effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract. The manufacture of needle lace helps with the omission of internal organs and high intracranial pressure, and weaving lace on bobbins relieves tooth and ear pain. Of course, all this can only be superstition, but our ancestors believed in it.

Points on the ear for weight loss

In conclusion, I would like to note that, guided by the scheme, which shows acupuncture points on the ears, you can perform light finger massage on their own. But it is worth considering - there is a high probability that the pressure points will not be determined exactly. Therefore, the most effective still remains a visit to a certified master.

In addition, you should not rely only on acupressure in weight loss issues - diet and physical activity are still the main methods of getting rid of excess weight.


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