What is a net?

Many heard about this tackle of a fisherman in childhood from Russian fairy tales. But not everyone understands to the end what the word "net" means. The meager notion that this is a fishing gear, which provides for fishing in significant numbers, does not give an exhaustive answer. Let's try to figure out what a net is and how it is used.

seine is

A bit of history

Fishing is an ancient industry of mankind. And the original fishing gear did not bring a big catch. As you know, the fish were beaten by a prison, a relative of modern pitchfork. A little later, rafts and boats appeared on the farm, which helped to facilitate difficult fishing. But when they invented the network, things went much better, people stopped starving.

With the advent of the net, the wallet network, fish production has increased significantly. A huge net was thrown into the sea or river, and it dragged along behind a fishing vessel, capturing the fish caught in the way. When the net became complete, they pulled him onto the deck and untied the "purse" at the bottom, dumping all the fish for sorting and storage. Small sailboats and more respectable ships used the net.

You can also fish near the shore with a net.

fishing net


The word "net" was inherited from the pre-Slavic language of the prehistoric era, which is the progenitor of all Slavic languages ​​of our time. It was spoken by ancient tribes that lived on the territory of the Dnieper, Vistula and Bug rivers. As a consequence of the general story - in Czech, Ukrainian, Polish, β€œnet” sounds almost the same, only with a difference in stress.

The modern meaning of the word "net" - surrounding the outside, capturing without touching - is far from the original. The true authors of the word, calling the network, did not mean the environment and capture, they seemed to convey information to the fish so as not to frighten it - "we are not going to drive here." Given the way of thinking and belief of a person of that era, everything was quite logical and explainable.

According to dictionaries, a net is a fishing tool, which is a net and a rope. It is used in large bodies of water: oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. The principle of working with a net is simple: covering a cluster of fish and pulling a net onto a ship or coastal zone. Neves come in different lengths, sizes, cell frequencies, and of course they vary in design.

what the word net means

How is a net?

Fishing net - a long network, the wall of which is represented by different heights. This net is equipped with floats along the upper rope, and sinkers along the lower rope. In the middle of the net, a bag is sewn, it is called β€œMotnya”, where all the captured fish is going. The side walls of the network are called wings, and warp (cables) are attached to them by which a net pull is made.

Unlike other fishing gear, a net is a moving tackle that keeps the catch intact and therefore stays alive longer. Small mesh cells during extraction filter water, and all fish remains in the canvas.

Backfishing technique

A simple device of this type of net can be deceiving at first glance. It seems to have walked along the shore and the full bags of catch are ready. But not so simple. Sometimes you can stay with nothing, even if the fish will walk underfoot.

Before fishing, the net must be checked ashore for holes and damage, so that all work is not in vain. A close-knit team of several people takes part in the catch process. One fisherman enters the water to the maximum depth, the second moves to it at such a distance that the net is a semicircle, and not an interference fit. At the same time, they begin to move along the coast, trying to bring the net as close to the bottom as possible. Another participant goes towards them, slapping on the water and driving the fish to the net. Then the first fisherman brings his edge to the coast along an arc of a circle, while the second one stands still. As soon as they line up, they begin to move slowly toward the shore. The net must be pulled very carefully so that it does not tear. Its ends should be as close to the bottom as possible so that the fish does not slip under the net. Once the net has been ashore, you can collect fish.

meaning of the word net

Varieties of Seine

There are four types of net, which differ in the method of fishing: fixed, bottom, flip, cast-off. As well as gear are divided according to the place of application: river, sea, lake. Zakidny net has already been mentioned, consider other species.

Fixed netting is considered the most passive to use. All that is needed is to install it, the rest he does. This type of net is widespread and diverse. Mostly they work in the marine coastal fishery for herring, salmon, herring and other fish species. The construction of a fixed seine is very expensive and not easy to install.

Obkidnaya seine, this is mostly marine tackle, but in some cases they work on the lake. It is used far from land and then pulled on board. Particularly high performance are different purse seines. The principle of operation is that the discovered school of fish is wrapped in a net wall.

Bottom net is used for coastal sea or lake fishing on small vessels. In its small design, it is closer to the backwater net.

synonym for the word net

Synonyms for the word "net"

As it turned out, the net is not alone in its definition and has kindred words that are close to it in meaning. Some dictionaries issue up to 21 synonyms for the word "net". This ravings, Jacques, Harva, stavnich, cattle, mutnik, drag and others. A few words about frequently used ones.

Dragnet is a small net designed for shallow water. Its design has two wings, drives and motors, which can be conical or wedge-shaped. The conditions for effective nonsense fishing are as follows: a large concentration of fish with its low mobility and a flat bottom of the reservoir.

The mutnik has small cells for catching small fish. Fragments of nets are tied to his lasso, which contribute to clouding of the water, hence the name of this gear. This is done in order to scare the fish and direct it in the right direction. Particularly successful fishing is going on the lakes.

A drake is the same nonsense, it is an ordinary net, but unlike him, it is not thrown from boats or ships. It is used only in places where people can go. For this reason, the drag is applicable in small lakes and rivers.

Thus, the net is represented in its great variety and with various designs for one single purpose - catching fish in large numbers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33434/

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