How to sit on the twine quickly?

Such a dream, how to sit on the twine, captures the thoughts of many involved in any kind of fitness. However, is it worth it to master the twine quickly? Definitely not - in any stretch it is strictly forbidden to rush, so as not to injure yourself. But do not be discouraged: there are many exercises that allow you to both sit on the twine and work out the necessary muscles and ligaments for this at the optimal speed.

The benefits of twine

It is believed that twine is just a beautiful pose that flexible people like to brag about. In fact, such a skill as how to sit on the splits, in addition to spectacular photos on Instagram, gives many other useful bonuses:

  • muscles of the legs and abs strengthen;
  • joint mobility develops;
  • blood circulation of the pelvic organs improves;
  • prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the condition of the abdominal organs improves, thereby stimulating digestion;
  • there is an opportunity to get rid of varicose veins in the initial stage.

Types of Twine

Most often, separately consider longitudinal (one leg forward, the second back) and transverse (legs to the sides) twine. But if you delve into the question of how to learn how to sit on the twine, it turns out that you can also get up into it - vertical twine is singled out separately - lifting the leg 180 degrees. You can get into the splits and standing on your hands, and even jumping in the air. And longitudinal splits are divided into right and left, and, most often, one of them is given to a person easier - it all depends on which side of the body is leading.

If you have reached the cherished mark of 180 degrees, then you can go into the twine even deeper - then the executed figure will already be called “negative twine” or oversplit in English. It is mastered by putting an eminence under your foot or sagging between two supports.

The correct position of the pelvis in longitudinal twine

It is important to understand that we sit on the twine correctly at home, if we follow the position of the pelvis - it should not go into the diagonal. It is much easier to sit on the twine, turning the pelvis in the direction of the hind leg, but in this position the ligaments give in to excessive load. It is important to leave the pelvis directed frontally - the legs should move apart like on hinges. Therefore, to twine the twine you need a mirror, or better yet, a good trainer. After all, at first it is not so easy to control your sensations in the muscles, classes with a competent trainer will give you a good start to master the correct technique and develop muscle memory.


An obstacle to the development of twine can be injuries to the legs or the hip, as well as any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

With regard to safety, it is important to eliminate the rush in the development of twine. Do not let anyone, even the trainer, help you with a stretch - push your hands on your hips in a “bow tie” or even become your feet. All this is considered quite barbaric methods, and we set ourselves the goal of learning how to sit on the splits. Children should also not learn to split through pain, despite the widespread belief that at a young age the body is very malleable and impossible to harm. If the coach overdoes the stretching, it can discourage any sport for a long time.

General recommendations for training

In fitness, there is a general rule - always start a workout with a warm-up. If you are faced with the goal of how to correctly and quickly sit on the splits, compliance with this rule is especially relevant to you. Ignoring warm-up and joint gymnastics, you run the risk of injury. You must make clear to your body that you have to work hard.

Your path to twine will consist of a certain sequence of exercises. For each of them, you can first perform several dynamic repetitions, and then freeze in statics. Preliminary activity before properly stretching to sit on the twine, will ensure a good flow of blood to the loaded areas.

In achieving the twine, all means are good

Begin classes three times a week. Supplement these workouts with morning exercises with a special emphasis on the legs and hips - this will not only bring you closer to the splits, but will also give you an energy boost for the whole day.

And finally, perhaps the most important stretching rule - it is always performed on relaxation. If you want to know how to sit on the twine without pain, then you need to learn how to eliminate muscle tension. Roughly speaking, you are as if trying to calm your resisting body and make it clear that nothing dangerous is happening. For example, in yoga, it is customary to deepen the extension on the exhale, concentrating on the extension of the muscles. Imagine how with each exhalation you your body becomes more supple, and you gradually “release” the clamped muscles.

Joint preparation

Warming up the joints consists in performing circular movements. As a preparation for such a task, how to sit on the splits correctly, you can add the following exercises to it:

  • Hip rotation. Bend the leg at the knee and describe circles to it, alternately lifting it to the body, taking it to the side and lowering it down. At the same time, the leg does not fall to the floor - you maintain balance by standing on the supporting leg. Then change the direction of rotation. It can be described by the knee of the figure of eight, imitating the movement of oriental dances.
  • Swing legs alternately. Start slowly by bending your leg at the knee and gradually increase the speed. If it’s hard for you to keep your balance, you can hold your hands on the support. Keep the case straight, not deviating from the vertical axis - for this you need to stretch out and turn on the press. Perform both swings back and forth, and from side to side.
  • Be sure to work out your knees. You can bend from a standing position, put the pelvis back, rest your hands on your knees and rotate them in different directions several times. And if you spread your legs a little wider, then you can also rotate your knees in and out.
  • Standing on one leg, bend the second at the knee, lift so that the thigh is parallel to the floor and rotate the shin in one and the other direction. Then change your leg. This exercise allows you to not only work out your knees, but also to exercise balance and balance.
  • Mash the ankles as well. To do this, you can rest your toes on the floor and perform several rotations in the joint. Then repeat on the other leg.

Crease exercise

As a preparatory exercise, which will help in such a case, how to sit on the string, the so-called “fold” is suitable for beginners. The basis of this exercise is the approach of the body to the legs due to rotation in the hip joints and extension of the back surface of the legs. Tilt is the same crease made in a vertical plane.

How do beginners usually do this exercise? Fully straighten the legs and stretch to the socks, rounding the back. In fact, an impulse of movement originates in the hip joints. Your first priority is to put your stomach on your hips. To do this, do not be afraid to bend your knees. The same thing in the slope: it would be more correct to stretch the body along the hips down, as if sticking to the legs without gaps and relax the back.

For the development of transverse twine, it is useful to fold with legs wide apart. To begin with, you can remove your hands behind your back and, resting them on the floor, stretch well from the crown to the tailbone, revealing the front surface of the body. Then rearrange your hands in front of you and lean forward with a straight back, again due to a turn in the hip joints.

Wide fold


For twine, you need to work out the muscles of the front and back of the thigh well. In achieving this goal, how to sit on the twine correctly at home, you can be helped by a variety of lunges. In the classic version, this exercise is performed as follows:

  • Starting position - standing upright, the press is "on", the tailbone is "twisted" down.
  • Step forward with your right foot. The knee does not extend beyond the line of the toe and remains at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • The back leg rests with the toe on the floor, traction is felt in the foot, and the heel, as if resting against an invisible wall.
  • The loin does not bend - an attack is made by increasing mobility in the hip joints.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

If you feel uncomfortable with this exercise, you can first place your front foot on some support. In the lunge itself, you can make light swinging movements. Please note - there should not be jerks.

Lunge - exercise to master the twine

If this exercise is easy for you, then deepen it - put the lower leg on the floor. The sock can either lie on the floor or rest against it - there are two different options for implementation. The pelvis should sag as much as possible, but the back remains flat - the deflection in the lower back does not appear.

If this option is easy for you, then try leaning your back leg against the wall - an unforgettable sensation in the legs is guaranteed. Continue twisting the pelvis forward slightly so as not to transfer tension to the lower back.

Wall lunge

Tilt to the elongated leg

We continue the development of exercises that allow you to both sit on the twine and give a beautiful shape to your hips. From a deep lunge it is convenient to make the following sequence:

  • Pull the pelvis back and straighten your front leg. Pull the sock over you.
  • Tilt your body to your leg without rounding your back. You should feel that the movement of the body to the foot begins precisely in the hip joints. First, the abdomen descends to the leg, then the rib cage, and at the end - the head.
  • Hands should ideally fall to the floor. If your physical form does not allow you to lower your hands on the floor, then either try to put something as a support (for example, yoga blocks or stacks of books), or stretch your hands to the toe. The second option will be more difficult, as it will also require maintaining equilibrium.
  • The pelvis remains in line with the legs, not moving to the side.
Leaning toward the leg, keep your back straight.

The hind leg can be either bent at the knee (the heel under the pelvis), or stretched back - at the later stages of mastering the task of how to sit on the longitudinal twine. If, on the contrary, you need a lightweight version of the exercise, then you can perform it while standing - both legs will be straightened (as if you took a wide step).

How to sit on the transverse twine

Physiologically, transverse twine is easier for men than for fair sex. However, training “cross-section” for women is extremely useful to facilitate the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The following exercises will help you with this:

  • Wide squats. Put your legs wider than your shoulders, knees look one way with socks. Turning the tailbone down, lower yourself until your hips are parallel to the floor. If you feel discomfort in your knees, you can limit the level of lowering to the maximum possible without pain in the joints. This exercise will not only develop ligaments, but also strengthen the inner thighs.
  • Weight transfer from one leg to another. The legs are widely spaced and bent at the knees. Hands are on the floor, the body is tilted. In turn, bend your knees and move the pelvis from side to side. If this exercise is easy for you, you can put your hands on your ankles and squat deeper.
  • Deep tilt in a wide rack. Your legs should be as wide as possible. Ideally, in this position, it should be easy for you to lower not only your palms, but your elbows onto the floor. If it’s hard for you with straight legs, you can bend your knees.
  • Frog. Get on all fours (the “cat” position is the hips above the knees, the palms under the shoulders, the back is straightened). Spread your knees as far as possible to the sides and gradually move from the palms to the forearms. Keep your lower back straight, without sagging in it, and press - included in the work. Ideally, you should not only be able to "part" into a frog, but also get back to your original position due to the strength of your legs and abs.
transverse twine

Wall stretch

An interesting option for the development of transverse twine can be a stretch against the wall. To do this, you lie on the floor against the wall and spread your legs vertically on it. Your sciatic bones should be pressed against the wall. From a vertical position, spread your legs as far as possible to the sides. Then gravity will do everything by itself - you should not even put pressure on your hips to strengthen the stretch (so as not to harm the joints). Lie in this position for several minutes. It is necessary to leave it (as well as all of them) carefully and slowly, helping yourself with your hands.

Wall stretch

The wall can also help in the development of vertical splits - for this you become your back against the wall, lean forward, and with one foot slide up the wall. Remember about the position of the pelvis and do not turn it into a diagonal - because our goal is not so much to be able to take an effective pose, how to learn how to sit down in a longitudinal twine correctly. Vertical twine is also true. Having mastered this version of the twine in an inclination with support on the wall, try to go into it without support, but only at the expense of swinging your foot backward - this will require you to maintain balance.

Last tip

You should not set yourself such a tough goal, how to sit on the twine at home for a month or a week. In order to stretch yourself safely, especially at a young age, do not limit yourself to any time frame - you will need patience and a willingness to devote a lot of time to your workouts. You may need more than one year to achieve the twine. In any case, even if your physiological characteristics do not allow you to sit on the splits, regular training will bring tangible health benefits and give confidence.


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