Setting goals: where to start?

In order to achieve success in life and achieve career growth, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly determine the goal, and then clearly go to its achievement. The fact is that without it, neither spiritual nor any other personality development is possible. When you know what to strive for, you go in the right direction. Otherwise, you just stomp on the spot.

Setting goals begins with a small: in childhood, the child wants something and understands that something needs to be done for this. When a person grows up, aspirations and their achievements simply change. But the essence remains the same: there is a final point to which you need to reach, and a path that is worth doing.

Everyone should remember that setting goals and objectives should be clear and specific. For example, if you want to buy a car, you must know what brand and color it should be. And do not forget, when determining your aspirations, ask yourself the question: โ€œWhy do I want this exactly?โ€ Sometimes, finding an answer to it, a person simply changes the goal.

After your task has passed this test successfully, you need to proceed to the next step. Try to determine how much money and time you need to spend to achieve the goal. For example, if you want to do business, decide what start-up capital you will need, what kind of workplace will be best suited for this, how many employees you will need, and so on.

Remember that any goal setting is not a game like โ€œmake an unrealistic desireโ€: here you need to clearly understand what you want from life, and then begin to overcome existing obstacles.

Another important point is how much energy is required for this: finances, time, emotional costs. According to psychologists, even the most unrealistic goals can be achieved: you just need to choose the right path for this. Aspiration is half the success. The remaining half depends only on the actions in the right direction.

In order for goal setting to be more structured, it is best to display all your judgments on paper. Best of all, then, when you have chosen the most basic of them, draw up cards. There can be about 5 pieces: write down the task from above, below - steps taken to achieve it. It is best to place them so that they are constantly in your field of vision. The most important thing is that one of them on which the main goal is written down for you should be placed in the place where you are most often: a car, a desk, and finally ... a restroom.

Correct goal setting is the key to their successful achievement. To achieve this, you need to adhere to certain criteria, some of which have been described above. You can also add that:

  1. The wording should only be in the present tense form.
  2. Remember that you should not use the negative โ€œnotโ€ particle when describing the task. This reduces its importance and delays achievement.
  3. Do not use details: detailing can stimulate the implementation of a goal in a completely different way.

Leaders who succeed in life on their own believe that goal setting should be carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. A person should be interested in achieving them.
  2. You can achieve your goal through intermediate, in small steps.
  3. It is necessary to limit everything to a time frame.
  4. The end result must be clearly defined.

Remember that your life depends entirely on you and your aspiration. You can not rely on chance, because he may never introduce himself. Take the initiative in your own hands, strive and achieve everything yourself, not hoping for a chance and the Russian "maybe". This is the only right way for a successful person. And your task is to become one as quickly as possible.


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