How to cook a liver is tasty and healthy?

In terms of nutrients, the liver surpasses many meat products. It contains such important elements as: vitamin C, known for its excellent antioxidant properties, which contributes to an increase in the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences; almost all B vitamins, the so-called energetics, all the cells of the body and, above all, the brain need them; thiamine supports the work of the heart, digestive system; Vitamin A is good for eyesight and skin. Many in the liver and minerals: iron, zinc, manganese, selenium. And this is not the whole list, which can be continued for a very long time, since this really valuable product contains almost all the substances we need in sufficient quantity.

But, of course, we give preference to this dish not so much because of its usefulness, but because of the most delicate taste and unique aroma. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly prepare the liver so that it retains a maximum of vitamins and a bright taste. Dishes from the liver are simple and economical. It can be stewed, fried, baked, cooked a variety of pastes, pancakes and even cakes.

Here are some tips to help you figure out how to cook a liver deliciously.

Choose the right one.

Choose a liver, preferably a young animal, since the taste depends on its age. The best option would be a calf liver. In appearance, a fresh, unfrozen product should be smooth, reddish-brown even in color, without spots, moist in the places of the cut. The aroma should be pleasant, slightly sweet, another smell indicates the staleness of the goods. You need to know that beef liver is a little rougher than pork and covered with a thin film. To easily remove the film, you can lower the liver in hot water for a couple of minutes, pry off with a knife and remove. It is also necessary to remove large veins and blood vessels.

How to cook a liver .

To make the liver tender and airy, it is necessary to soak it in milk with a pinch of salt for three hours. Salt will cope with the remnants of blood, and milk will soften the characteristic smell, if any. For frying, you can cut into identical pieces no more than one centimeter thick, roll in soda and leave for an hour. Rinse well and allow to dry. Fry in warmed sunflower oil, dipping each bite in flour or crackers. This will preserve the juice, which will make the dish more juicy.

If you are interested in how to cook liver with sour cream and mushrooms, then this is very simple. The liver cut into small pieces must be slightly fried, soaked in milk and diced in flour. You can pepper to taste. Finely chop the mushrooms, slightly weld and fry with onions. Then add sour cream and tomato paste, mix everything and bake in the oven for about ten minutes. For 800g of liver, take 200g of mushrooms, one head of onion, a glass of sour cream and two tablespoons of tomato.

Here's how to cook your liver. We make mashed potatoes, add two eggs, salt, pepper. Put in a baking dish. On top of the potatoes we spread the liver, chopped carrots and onions, cut into small cubes. Bake in the oven for twenty-five minutes until browning.

There are many more options for how to cook the liver. The traditional filling for pies, a variety of pies, soups, gourmet salads with liver, liver cakes and even souffle, as well as all sorts of sandwiches and sandwiches diversify your daily diet and enrich the body with the necessary nutrients. You just need to take advantage of useful tips and turn on your imagination so that this product delights you and your loved ones with its unsurpassed taste and usefulness every day.


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