Refrigerator Leran: reviews, features, specifications

If you decide to choose a new refrigerator, then you should not be limited to standard global brands such as LG or Samsung. There are other options worth paying attention to. For example, you can pick up a very high-quality Leran refrigerator - reviews about this manufacturer are very good. Yes, and in the Russian market such models are quite possible to find, although they are not as affordable as the brands indicated above.

In this article you will find some of the most famous models from this manufacturer. Thus, you can choose which Leran refrigerator is right for you. User reviews are also an important parameter when choosing, so they will also be given attention in the article.

The most luxurious option

fridge leran reviews

If we talk about this manufacturer, then it does not have a very large lineup, so it’s extremely easy to navigate it. If you see the SBS marking, this means that we are talking about a two-door luxury refrigerator - respectively, and its price will be higher. If the marking is CBF, then the door to the refrigerator will be one, and the price is lower.

The two-door model 505 BG is the first Leran refrigerator in question. User reviews about it are positive - it freezes well, and works reliably, and looks stylish. The only criticism is its price. This model costs 63 thousand rubles, which is not very small. However, you should pay attention to the fact that its volume is as much as 340 liters, and the volume of the freezer is 177 liters.

Like all models of this manufacturer, this refrigerator is equipped with a NoFrost system, that is, it does not require defrosting at all. On the door he has a control panel with a touch screen, so that you can control the refrigerator settings as conveniently and comfortably as possible. The facade of the refrigerator is made of black glass, which gives it an unforgettable appearance. So you should definitely take this Leran refrigerator into account - reviews also hint that most users are satisfied with it.

The most popular two-door model

refrigerator leran cbf 210 ix reviews

By paying seven thousand rubles less, you can get a two-door model 302 IX. It has a not so stylish facade, but at the same time it has almost all the same functions as the previous model. It has the same volume, is also controlled via a touch screen and has NoFrost technology that maintains optimal temperature. Due to this, energy costs are greatly reduced, and the price of the refrigerator is not so shocking. So you should seriously consider this Leran refrigerator - expert and user reviews about it are also almost all positive.

Its rating is even more than that of the previous model, since for the most part people are not ready to overpay seven thousand rubles for a stylish design. That is why this model is leading among the products of this manufacturer.

One Door Dream Fridge

refrigerator leran cbf 206 w reviews

Separately, it is worth talking about what the Leran CBF 210 IX refrigerator is. Reviews about him are even more laudatory than the previous two, as he is much more affordable - his price is 31 thousand rubles. Users note that its main advantages are reasonable price, low noise and excellent freezer operation, the volume of which, by the way, is 95 liters, while the rest has a volume of 222 liters. For a refrigerator less than two meters high and with one door, this model is very roomy. This refrigerator also has a stylish design and the presence of all the technological innovations present in previous models.

Quality model

refrigerator leran expert reviews

Well, the last model to be considered in this article is the Leran CBF 206 W. refrigerator. Reviews about it are not so enthusiastic, but still extremely positive. This option will cost you only one thousand rubles cheaper, but it is already losing its attractive appearance. This model looks like a standard average refrigerator - but still with all the high-tech features included.

As in the case of two-door models, this option is practically no different from the previous one, except for the appearance, but only this time the design cost is estimated not at seven thousand rubles, but only at one thousand.


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