We distribute WiFi from a Windows 10 laptop: settings, instructions

There are a lot of articles on the solution to the task of launching a virtual WiFi network on a laptop. This guide describes how to set up Internet distribution via WiFi in Windows 10. Frankly, distributing the Internet from a laptop when it is controlled by a system of the Windows 10 family should be the same as on devices with other families of operating systems. Almost nothing has changed there. Nevertheless, the guide on the β€œtop ten” will also be useful. So, we distribute WiFi from the laptop (Windows 10 should already be installed on it).

What is WiFi?

If readers of this article are not yet aware of what virtual WiFi is and what it is, and how you can move the Internet to any other devices from a laptop or an ordinary computer (equipped with a wireless one), then let's figure it out. So, we distribute WiFi from the laptop (Windows 10).

Most people probably have a laptop. The Internet is connected to it using a network cable. Also, many have phones, tablets or other gadgets that can connect to the Internet via WiFi. You can purchase a router and through it distribute the Internet to other devices.

give wifi from windows 10 laptop

It also makes sense not to buy it and make a router from a laptop. Moreover, this thing can be useful if you have Internet access through a 3G modem, and you need to distribute it to other devices. In all cases, this technology is useful, and it works completely. Next, consider how to make a laptop a WiFi point. First of all, configure hotspot on Windows 10.

Programs for building an Internet access point

First of all, it is worth mentioning that there are quite a lot of programs that can help launch an access point without much difficulty. On Windows 10, they are already released and work well. A fairly convenient WiFi distribution program called Connectify. It has a simple interface, and setting up the distribution of the Internet should not cause any problems. Moreover, it is promoted under a free license. You can download this software from the official site.

Another good WiFi distribution program called MyPublicWiFi. Its functionality includes not only the creation of a temporary access point to the Internet, but also the expansion of its coverage area. Distributed for free.

wifi module for laptop

Now consider the configuration of the distribution of the Internet through the command line. Do not forget that we distribute WiFi from the laptop (Windows 10). On other operating systems, the Internet setup process is similar to that described in this article.

Internet access point on a computer with a "ten"

The first thing you should have is the Internet, and it should work. It can be connected using a standard Ethernet network cable. Moreover, you need to have an installed driver for the WiFi adapter. Typically, Windows 10 installs it by default. In simple terms, WiFi needs to be working and needs to be turned on.

In the absence of the ability to enable WiFi (for example, due to the lack of a button to activate it), it is worth starting the command line as administrator. To do this, press the two keys Win + X on the keyboard and press the "Command line" item. There you need to drive the line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "moy-wifi.ru" key = "160110890" keyUsage = persistent.

You can specify your username and password: moy-wifi.ru is the name of the network, you can set your own, and 160110890 is the password that will be used when connecting to the created network.

With this command, we create a new network and give it a username and password. If the command is executed correctly, you can see the report, which will state that the network mode is enabled, and similar information. Now you need to start the network you just created using the line: netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

We distribute a wireless network from a laptop

So, the WiFi network is running, the laptop is already distributing the Internet. You can connect your devices to the newly created wireless network. But the WiFi setup on the laptop is not over yet, as the Internet is not working yet. You must share Internet access. In a system of the Windows 10 family, this is done as follows: click on the right mouse button on the Internet connection sign and open the "Network Control Center" item.

Then select the item as in the image below.

program for distributing wifi

Change adapter settings to start a virtual network

Next, you need to click on the right mouse button on the adapter through which you have an Internet connection. If you have a normal connection through a network cable, as it happens in most cases, then most likely your adapter is Ethernet. A high speed connection may also be present . In the pop-up context menu, select the "Properties" item.

Then you need to go to the special tab "Access", set a checkmark in it under the menu item "Allow all network users to use the Internet connection on this computer." Next, you should choose from the list the connection that should appear. Typically, such connections are called "Local Area Connection", but there may be another name.

We open connection sharing in Windows 10

After all that has been done, the correct solution is to stop the network that has just been started. This can be done using the line: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.

Next, you should again start the network line shown in the article above.
The whole network should work as it should. You should connect WiFi on your device and join the network you just started on your laptop.

laptop does not see wifi network

Manage WiFi distribution from a laptop

Each time a computer reboots and the user wants to start distributing the Internet, it will be necessary to turn on hotspot using the line that was given in the article earlier.

To change the name of the network or its password, it is worth writing the following in the command line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "vashlogin.ru" key = "160110890" keyUsage = persistent.

You can replace the username and password with your own if you wish.

Networking is done once. However, to change her name and password, it will be necessary to start distribution after each shutdown of the laptop, which is not very convenient. After all, for this you will need to run the command line each time and execute the command above. The correct solution would be to create two files - one to start the network, and the second to shut it down.

To do this, you need to create a plain text file on the desktop and rename it to start.bat. His name may be different. The main thing is to keep the extension .bat.

Create a .bat file to control WiFi distribution in Windows 10

Open the just created .bat file in any text editor and copy the network launch line to it, which was given in the article earlier.

Next, close the file and save the changes. Now we have a tool for automatically starting the distribution of WiFi. In a similar way, it is possible to obtain a file to control network shutdown. Only there is a line stopping the network.

As soon as it is launched, the entire virtual network will be suspended.
This completes the WiFi setup on the laptop, you just have to observe its correct operation and correctly diagnose the errors that arise with a subsequent solution.

Solving WiFi Distribution Issues

If when starting the network on your laptop under the system of the Windows 10 family there are problems with this process, the connection itself or access to the Internet, that is, very specific solutions that will now be considered.

In general, if any problem occurs, first of all you need to restart the laptop and check whether the command line has been started under the administrator name.

wifi setup on laptop

It is possible that the network itself is not being created by the very first command from this article. It is necessary to check if WiFi is turned on. If it is not possible to enable it, you must install the driver on the adapter. After these manipulations, you should try to start the network again.

If the adapter works with already updated drivers, you should update them for WiFi itself. They can be downloaded from a special section of the official website of the manufacturer of the available laptop or operating system.

It may be that the network on the laptop is working, but external devices cannot connect to it. In this case, you must first disable the firewall and antivirus. Such programs can block any attempts at external influences on the computer.

Verify that the password is correct. Alternatively, you can reboot the network with a new password.

A very common problem is when there is a network connection, all devices connect without interference, but the Internet still does not work and websites do not open.

As a solution, it is recommended that you first check whether the Internet is working on the computer from which the distribution is made. If everything is fine, you need to check the network sharing settings, which are mandatory when you start it. This is described at the beginning of this article. Alternatively, you can find software that blocks access to the Internet and turn it off.

A popular bug when starting WiFi and its solution

A common problem when setting up the Internet is the fact that often the laptop does not see the WiFi network.

Usually, an error message pops up with something like this: "The network failed to start."

The solution is to work in the "Task Manager". In it, select the "View" tab and the "Show hidden devices" subsection.

There you should find "Network Adapters" and find an adapter called Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. You should click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Enable" item.

After the done manipulations, we try to launch the network.

If for some reason there is no such adapter in the "Task Manager" or there are no signs of WiFi at all, then in most cases this means that you do not have a driver on the adapter. Or it needs to be updated.

It also happens that the driver does not support the virtual network. With successful launches of hotspot, as usual, there should be no problems. Thus, the situation when the laptop does not see the WiFi network is not fatal and can be easily solved.

Connect two laptops to each other via WiFi

Recently, many laptops and similar devices have a built-in WiFi module, which simplifies the way they connect to each other via a wireless network, and it does not require significant financial costs. Moreover, several devices can be combined into one structure, which is a very convenient option. So, consider connecting a laptop to a laptop via WiFi.

connecting laptop to laptop via wifi

First of all, you should choose the laptop that will be responsible for the distribution of the wireless network. You should run the command line on it through the administrator. It should dial special teams. We create a wireless network moyinet.ru with a password of 160110890. We launch a wireless network. Then, after the operations done, you need to register their IP addresses on the laptops. This is done using the "Control Panel" (change the adapter settings). You need to find the "Wireless Network" sign, right-click on it with a computer mouse and find the "Properties" context menu item. There you should open the "Internet Protocol" version four (TCP / IPv4) and check the boxes "Obtain an IP address automatically", "Obtain a DNS address automatically."

After creating and starting a WiFi connection, on another laptop you should go to "Wireless Networks", where a newly created network should appear. You need to click on it with the left mouse button and find the "Connect" item. A password will be requested, after which the laptop will be connected to the laptop via WiFi. The laptop on which the wireless network was created will have an IP starting at 192. Other devices connecting to it will have addresses from the same subnet. You can see them in the menu item "Network Connection Information".

It should be noted that the considered method creates a separate WiFi router from the laptop, to which it is possible to connect as many other devices as you like, either a TV or a tablet. As you can see, setting up WiFi on a laptop (Windows 10) is not difficult, and such an operation is available even to the most inexperienced computer users.

WiFi module test and wireless security

When checking the WiFi module, first of all, you need to make sure that it is turned on and working correctly. For example, if there is a built-in WiFi module for a laptop, it can be turned off inside the BIOS or using a special button. Newer laptops may use the Fn + Fx keyboard shortcut to control them. Among other things, in Windows 10 can be activated in flight mode. The easiest way to verify the correct operation of the WiFi module is to click on the network sign in the tray. A list of available connections should open, or the airplane icon should be displayed in a special flight mode. WiFi module for laptop is now released by many companies. They differ in price and quality, so choosing the right one for your needs is not difficult.

Since when using a wireless network all information is transmitted in space, the security issue of this process is of great importance. Signals during the transmission of information can be easily intercepted and use this not for the most noble purposes. It also means that capturing network traffic is becoming very easy and affordable. As the WiFi access point on a laptop (Windows 10) becomes more widespread in number, the number of people who want to break into a wireless network also increases. Therefore, use this type of connection with caution and observe special safety rules.

laptop router

No need to connect to open networks located in public places through a laptop on which important information is located - this is one of the main rules. If such a connection is necessary, protection programs should be used.

The second important rule is how we distribute WiFi from a laptop (Windows 10). When setting up a wireless network, it is always necessary to set a complex password for it and use the protection type WPA 2. The web interface of the router itself should have access only through a network cable.

That's all. This article shows how to connect WiFi on a laptop (Windows 10), and that this action is a simple process that does not require special knowledge.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33453/

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