Popular phraseologisms with the word "leg"

In the Russian language there are quite a lot of phraseological units with the names of body parts. Moreover, their importance often has no relation to the human body.

Leg: lexical meaning

In order to better understand all the subtleties of the formation and use of phraseological units with the word "leg", it will not be superfluous to study the lexical meaning of the noun itself.

razeologisms with the word leg

So, the foot is:

1. Part of the human body, one of the main organs of support:

  • After a physical education lesson, second-graders had severe pain in their legs.

2. One of the limbs of most species of animals and birds:

  • The ostrich has very strong, strong, muscular legs.

3. Support:

  • The legs of the chair turned out to be of different lengths - it will stagger, if at all.


Nothing in the tooth phraseologism

Synonyms of the noun "leg":

  • limb
  • stilt
  • paw,
  • crutch.

Phraseologisms with the word "leg"

Parts of the body occupy one of the first places in the number of phraseological units formed with their participation.

phraseologism live on a grand scale

Phraseologisms with the word "leg":

  1. Wolf *** is fed - if you are passive and lazy, you will not earn a living. Feet are fed to the wolf - as you drown, you rush.
  2. To get up with that *** is not to be in the mood. To get up on the wrong foot is the most popular phraseologism with the word β€œleg”.
  3. Stand on *** - become independent. Before you arrange a personal life, you need to get on your feet.
  4. To go to *** with time - to be modern, fashionable. To succeed, it is not enough just to keep up with the times.
  5. Go wild *** - run as hard as you can. Viktor Karlovich turned pale and set off after Nadia with all his might.
  6. In short *** - in friendly, close relations. Andrei was on a short foot with the management, so he behaved rudely with the rest of the staff.
  7. To wallow in *** - to beg, to beg. The prisoner was lying at the feet of his captors, begging to save his life.
  8. That *** was not - it is forbidden to come. I hate this bastard so that his legs are not in our village.
  9. On the broad *** - richly. Phraseologism "live in a big way" is often found in oral speech.
  10. *** in *** y - at the same time. The soldiers sang very well, harmoniously and walked strictly foot to foot.
  11. On barefoot *** - without wearing socks. Afanasy Petrovich was in such a hurry that he put slippers on his bare foot, and buttoned his buttons anyhow .
  12. Knock the soil out under *** - upset. This terrible news knocked the ground out from under my feet.
  13. In *** there is no truth - an offer to sit down. Do not stand at the door, come in, take a seat - there is no truth at the feet.
  14. Barely sticking to *** - being very drunk or tired. Why did you get so drunk: you barely stand on your feet.
  15. Raise to *** - grow, learn, educate. You will endure a lot, endure before you raise the child to his feet.
  16. *** - not to know, not to learn. Not a single foot - phraseological unit, which means "did not learn a lesson."
  17. Colossus on clay *** - something strong at first glance, but actually fragile and weak. Fascist Germany was actually a colossus with feet of clay.
  18. Wash your feet and drink water - love very much. Tolik loved Alyonushka very much: he was ready to wash her legs and drink water.
  19. One *** in the coffin - to be very elderly, to be terminally ill. Get ready to inherit - uncle with one foot in the coffin.
  20. From head to *** - completely. The girls got wet from head to toe.
  21. Turn around under *** - get in the way. The kids kept spinning at their mother’s feet.
  22. Need as a dog fifth *** - not needed. I need your praises like a fifth foot dog.
  23. To put from *** on the head - to distort, pervert, turn.
  24. Fend off with your hands and *** - actively refuse.
  25. Stretch *** - die.
  26. To take away *** - to run away.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33459/

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