Russia, Lipetsk region, Yelets district: history, photo, nature

The Yelets district can be called one of the oldest in the entire region, since the first settlements near modern Lipetsk appeared here. In sec. Nizhny Vorgol carried out archaeological excavations, during which researchers found settlements, which, according to their assumptions, are about 3 thousand years old.


The Yelets district was first mentioned in 1146 on the pages of the Nikon Chronicle. This date is considered the moment of the birth of the settlement, despite the fact that earlier there were settlements. It is believed that the organization of people's lives here was conducted by Prince Vladimir, who conquered the Vyatichi.

Yelets district

Yelivets and Talets were laid. Then Eletsky and Vorgolsky principalities were formed here, which did not have independence. They belonged to the Chernigov, Ryazan, Kursk and Moscow principalities.

The location on the outskirts obliged the people who lived in the Yelets district to protect the state from outside invaders. The social and economic heyday of these lands occurred in the 20th century.


When the tsarist government changed to the Soviet one in 1917, significant changes took place in the spiritual sphere, society and the economy. In March 1928, the Central Black Earth Region began to exist, which included the Oryol, Voronezh, as well as the Tambov and Kursk provinces.

The territory was divided into eleven districts, the largest of which was the Yelets district. Officially, the birthday of this settlement falls on 07/10/1928.

This is due to the fact that just then the meeting of the Council of delegates of volosts, which took place at the local tobacco club, ended. Then a decision was made, in accordance with which the Yelets district of the Lipetsk region was formed. Its total area is 1.2 thousand square meters. kilometers, the population is 90.6 thousand people. 37 village councils and 17.9 thousand households were established.

Yelets district, Lipetsk region

Card Disappearance

However, the reorganization occurred in the subsequent. In June 1930, a resolution of the authorities was issued, in accordance with which the district was to be liquidated. The history of the Yelets district turned in such a way that it remained part of the Central Black Earth Region.

In 1934, there was a division into the Kursk and Voronezh regions. In December of that year, there was another division into two districts: Cherkassky and Yeletsky, the second of which in 1935 became part of the Voronezh region, although it very quickly left it in 1937, moving to the Oryol region.

Second Life

Lipetsk region was formed only in 1954. In 1956, the Yelets district was merged with Chibisovsky. In the future, they decided to enlarge the territory, in 1963 adding a number of directly adjacent lands: Afanasyevsky, Zhilsky, Petrovsky, Prechistensky and other village councils.

New changes occurred in 1965, when the Moscow leadership decided to reduce the territory, leaving only fourteen districts in it. In 1984, the Bolshevik village council was disaggregated, after which they formed Sokolsky. Today, it is in this territorial and administrative order that this land exists.

history of the Yelets district

Cognitive and aesthetic value

Russia (Lipetsk region, Yelets district) is a territory extremely rich in natural resources. In addition, there are many monuments that make up a wonderful cultural heritage. The buildings of 17-20 centuries have been preserved here. Going to with. Talitsa, you can see the Kazan Church, which is an ancient work of architecture.

The village of Dernivka is notable for its water-powered mill, which was built in the 20th century. The village of Shatalovka attracts tourists who want to take a look at the estate that previously belonged to the Khvostov nobles.

There are a large number of places in which the amazing nature of the Eletsky region can capture everyone's attention and cause sincere admiration. One of them is the Vorgolsky rocks, which have a unique history and geology.

The Vorgol River has a canyon-like channel and emerges on the surface of the cliffs of limestone, having a vertical position. The beauty of upland oak forests is amazing. Swift springs flow here, making it seem like you are on a mountain landscape.

nature of the Yelets region

The attention of scholars and writers

Bunin and Prishvin wrote about these places, comparing them with Swiss open spaces. Cliffs called Ravens Stone, Ringer and Smoked Stone deserve attention.

There are also many other interesting details about which legends have been compiled. For example, there are stories about Raven, who was a hero of ancient Russia, the gold of Tamerlane, which was placed in one of the local caves. When the Principality of Worgol was here, underground passages were created to fight the Tatar and Polovtsian soldiers.

In the 19th century, a large number of beautiful estates were built, which you can take a look at now, following the picturesque bank of the river. Vorgol. Each literary historian will be interested in exploring this territory, since earlier in s. Dmitrievka lived Marco Vovchok, a famous writer from Ukraine.

Also famous is the Bibikovskaya estate, where I. Bunin lived for some time. Between Yelets and with. Sazykino runs a distance of 3 km. This is a rather old village, in which there is a church of the Mother of God and a cemetery of the 18th century. Archaeological excavations are actively conducted in the Alexander settlement.

Russia Lipetsk region Yelets district

The wealth and beauty of the region

Photos of the Yelets district of the Lipetsk region, depicting its wonderful flora, attract many interesting tourists here. One of the interesting places is Khodov Forest, a picturesque tract that has 35 hectares of area, in which there are quite beautiful reliefs. Local beams, rocky limestone, exits from karst are pleasing to the eye. Noteworthy is the β€œFailure Pit” - the largest cave of all that can be found exploring the area. Speleologists often come here. The rivers Palna, Vorgol and Bystry Pine are quite similar to bodies of water in the mountains. There is potential for the development of water tourism here in the future.

The Olszynska Dam, created artificially, is the largest on the Big Pine; it creates a threshold with a third category. She is in charge of a local rural settlement. When the waters of the river flow, routes are formed that have 1 category.

This region is a great corner for lovers of hunting and fishing. Athletes, gambling hunters, and dedicated to their hobby fishermen often come here for recreation. Group and family tourism in a tent is also popular. For this, a forest called Praseka is excellent. There are limestone outlets. Picturesque is the nearby river. Palenka. If you follow the current that runs along the edge of the forest, you can see the steep banks and canyon, rocks, at the foot of which there are springs.

Uniqueness of nature

The tract is extremely rich in species of flora and fauna. There are 550 species of flora, some of which are relict and quite rare. There are those that relate to pre-relict times. There really is something to see here.

photo of the Yelets district of the Lipetsk region

Getting here, a person can relax, forget about the noise of a big city and relax in the bosom of beautiful nature. The rich history and scale of the area make it exceptional and special in the background of the surrounding territories. It is interesting to visit here both for educational purposes and in order to get aesthetic and moral pleasure.


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