"Nose": the meaning of phraseology. What situations make a person nod

Usually, when something not too inspiring happens around, people start nodding. The value of phraseology will be in the focus of our attention today.


nod the meaning of phraseology drawing

There are two meanings: in one case, the expression is mentioned when a person bends very low to the ground, almost bites his nose. The second meaning of this expression is revealed in that situation when a person slowly falls into sleep and at the same time makes a characteristic nodding (pecking) movement.


Of course, we will not discover America if we say that phraseologism arose due to the observation of a person over the behavior of a domestic or wild bird. Behind how it absorbs food.

nodding meaning

A person who has never been to a village or village can still imagine it well. Every citizen at least once in his life fed birds in the park and saw their pecking movements. Like the movements of a person falling asleep or leaning low to the ground and a bird eating, the expression “nod off” arose. The meaning of phraseology we try to analyze carefully.

Why you can nod

Of course, the first and most obvious answer is from fatigue. Indeed, when a person gets up early, works hard, he can nod when riding a bus home. And such examples can be found in mass, both in literature and in real, everyday life.

Usually, the expression “nod off” (the meaning of phraseological units we examined a little earlier) is used when it is necessary to convey the extreme dullness of what is happening.

nod off the meaning of phraseology

For example, there is some serious gathering of pundits - a conference. But, unfortunately the majority of those who attended this event, in addition to the traditional banquet, there is also an official part where everyone should sit with a smart look and listen, as a rule, to the speakers' rather boring reports.

Of course, we do not at all lead the reader to the idea that all scientific conferences are organized only with the aim of having fun at the expense of the state or any other organization, but there are also such ones. This was an explanatory digression so that the reader would not think badly of us. So, we continue to study the speech turnover of "nodding." The meaning of phraseology is left behind by us. Time for concrete examples.

So, when the plenary hearings came to an end. Many relaxed. Somewhere on the sidelines, one pundit says to another:
- You heard OV speaking Petrov?

- Of course, a very interesting report!

- Are you serious? And I almost pecked my nose.

Let us leave the scientists and move on to the first meaning of phraseology (when someone leans low and low to the ground).

Imagine summer, heat. The little boy Seryozha saw an interesting insect on the pavement, let it be colorful. He carefully, so as not to frighten him, knelt down and slowly crawled after him. When the animal suddenly stopped, our hero lowered his head very low so that he almost pecked the ground with his nose.

It’s hard to imagine an adult in such a situation, right? He has too much trouble. Meanwhile, boredom, as some attribute of human existence, comes precisely because children who have grown up to work and family are no longer surprised by bugs on a hot, summer day.

Finally, we would like to express the hope that our article did not force the reader to nod (the meaning of phraseological units, a drawing on the topic were presented a little earlier), and he found all the answers to his questions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33472/

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