What to do and how to survive the death of a beloved husband?

Throughout his whole life, a person can gain someone, and, on the contrary, lose someone. Such is the law of life. In some countries of the East, birth and death are even considered a special tradition. But nevertheless, the death of a loved one is a great grief, and it is worth considering that each person transfers it in different ways. The wife’s reaction to her husband’s death primarily depends on how strong love and intimacy were.

How to survive the death of a beloved husband
How to survive the death of a beloved husband? This question from psychologists raises various answers, but they all agree that in the early days it is not worthwhile to deduce from the state of stupor, since in the human body one mechanism works during such hours - “protective inhibition”. In other words, if a person is in a stupor, then the body needs this in order not to get even more mental trauma. Many psychologists believe that the organization of a funeral can lead out of this state. During parting with a loved one, it is possible, due to our emotions, to partially get out of a depressed state.

One of the best remedies to survive grief is the adaptation of the wife in social communities. In other words, collecting information, organizing commemoration, ringing relatives and friends - all this, according to experts, helps to return to normal.

Survive the grief
It should be understood that the process will occur gradually, it will not work right away to immediately return a woman to normal life after the death of her husband. Therefore, answering the question of how to survive the death of a beloved husband, we can say that there is no need for haste. Otherwise, everything can only be complicated.

The main danger that lies in wait for people at such moments is alcoholic beverages and medications that can delay “protective inhibition”. Naturally, it is worth taking sedative pills in stressful conditions, but you do not need to delay them, because this can seriously ruin your life or become addictive.

death of a loved one
In addition, if the wife, in the process of deciding how to survive the death of her beloved husband, begins to drink alcohol or abuse pills, then she may remain in a state of constant depression and “protective inhibition”.

Listening to music, watching your favorite movie - this will also contribute to a return to life by raising the mood. If a person is a believer, then he can find solace in the church. In addition, it is in the temple that you can put a candle for the repose of the husband’s soul. Very often, in order to solve the question of how to survive the death of a beloved husband, a woman just needs to talk. In the church you can also find a spiritual father who can tell absolutely everything. But if a woman is not religious and has never visited a temple before, then she should not be forced.

No need to often remind a woman of her husband’s death. Naturally, there is no way without condolences, but you should not go too far. Yes, and in this case it is not recommended to release from work, since it is in her that a woman can be distracted.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33477/

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